Welcome to the Telegram channel titled 'ٱلٮﺣــق ٱلـﻤـﺧـتـو۾ ♡゙' managed by the owner ♕ esraa elwakeel ♕, also known as username @e_s_188. This channel is dedicated to spreading the teachings of the Quran and its impact on the hearts of individuals. The channel aims to purify the hearts of its followers by sharing verses and reflections from the Quran that help mend what has been corrupted by the world. The Quran is not just a book of guidance for Muslims, but a source of healing for everyone who seeks solace and clarity in their lives. Through the verses of the Quran, one can find peace, guidance, and solutions to the challenges they face. The owner of the channel, ♕ esraa elwakeel ♕, is passionate about sharing the beauty and wisdom of the Quran with others, and her dedication shines through in the content she posts. Whether you are looking for daily inspiration, guidance, or simply a moment of reflection, 'ٱلٮﺣــق ٱلـﻤـﺧـتـو۾ ♡゙' is the perfect channel for you. Join us on this spiritual journey as we delve into the profound teachings of the Quran and discover the transformative power it has on our hearts and souls. Let the Quran mend what the world has broken and bring light into your life. Subscribe to our channel today and experience the beauty of the Quran like never before.
13 Jan, 20:19
13 Jan, 14:55
12 Jan, 16:41
12 Jan, 14:37
11 Jan, 08:45
10 Jan, 20:27
10 Jan, 20:04
09 Jan, 19:16
09 Jan, 13:28
08 Jan, 14:25
07 Jan, 18:55
05 Jan, 07:27
04 Jan, 23:57
04 Jan, 19:50
04 Jan, 09:57
03 Jan, 11:53
03 Jan, 11:35
01 Jan, 11:12
31 Dec, 16:39
27 Dec, 08:59
21 Nov, 13:52
20 Nov, 19:21
19 Nov, 17:05
19 Nov, 09:53
18 Nov, 11:50
18 Nov, 11:35
14 Nov, 18:08
13 Nov, 22:37
12 Nov, 20:24
12 Nov, 20:24
12 Nov, 20:24
12 Nov, 20:24
12 Nov, 19:03
12 Nov, 19:03
12 Nov, 19:03
07 Nov, 19:49
07 Nov, 16:50
05 Nov, 18:58
03 Nov, 20:11
02 Nov, 19:22
01 Nov, 08:25
30 Oct, 15:10
30 Oct, 15:10
30 Oct, 14:37
29 Oct, 20:05
29 Oct, 17:05
29 Oct, 17:05
29 Oct, 08:25
29 Oct, 08:22
27 Oct, 20:58