Последние посты تجميعات للدكتور وليد الذاهبي (@drwaleed2020) в Telegram

Посты канала تجميعات للدكتور وليد الذاهبي

تجميعات للدكتور وليد الذاهبي
#للمزيد_قًــناة تهتم بعلم الأمراض
♦صـوتيـات المحـاضـرة
♦نمـــاذج للـدكتــور
- وَقـَـِف عـلــَى نــاصَـــَية الــحُلـَـم وقـٌـاتــل˼𓆪
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Последнее обновление 01.03.2025 06:31

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Последний контент, опубликованный в تجميعات للدكتور وليد الذاهبي на Telegram

✨️Calcitonin is a marker of thyroid:

A.   Papillary carcinoma
B. Medullary carcinoma
C. Adenocarcinoma
D. Anaplastic carcinoma

✨️ Mutations RET oncogene in:
B. MEN II.✅️
D. All above.

✨️genetic abnormalities associated with pituitary adenomas
a) G-protein mutations is the most common genetic alteration
b) some mutation lead to aggressive behaviors
c)  all the above are true ✅️
d) all the above are false

✨️-Hypopituitarism postpartum necrosis:
A. Acromegaly.
B. Sheehan syndrome. ✅️
C. Diabetes mellitus.
D. Non the above.

✨️Addison disease is :
A. Progressive destruction about 50% of medulla
B. Progressive destruction about 80% of adrenal cortex ✅️
C. Progressive destruction about 80% of cortex
D. All of above was true

✨️Regarding diabetes mellitus
A. Obesity results in the β cells of the islets of Langerhan becoming more responsive to decreased blood glucose
B. Obesity increases the number of insulin receptors in the insulin target organs of the body
C. Decreased sodium concentration is more important in the development of acidosis than the direct increase in ketoacids✅️😕
D. Development of diabetes mellitus is unrelated to viral infection
E. Type II diabetes mellitus occurs in 60% cases

✨️ microadenoma of pitiutary gland is:
a. Less than 1cm✅️
b. less than 2 cm
c. less than 3 cm
d. less than 4 cm
e. less than 5 cm

✨️in fine needle aspiration you find psammoa bodies, what's the most common suspected cancer is :
A. follicular carcinoma 
B. papillary carcinoma
C. anaplastic carcinoma 
D. follicular adenoma

✨️most common  causes of hyperpituitarism is

A. Pituitary adenoma

✨️type of pituitary adenomas that demonstration of hormone production at the tissue level only without clinical manifestations

A. Functional pituitary adenoma
B. Non functional adenoma
C. Silent pituitary adenoma
D. Non of the above

✨️ Hypoglycemia with elevated insulin and low C-peptide levels suggests:

A. Exogenous insulin administration✅️

B. Insulin secreting tumor

C. Glucagonoma

D. Somatostatinoma

E. Chronic pancreatitis

✨️ Decreased luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulat- ing hormone (FSH), and estradiol are found in which of the medical condition?

A. Celiac disease (Sprue)

B. Anorexia nervosa✅️

C. Hypothyroidism

D. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

E. Hyperthyroidism
✨️.  60-year-old female has a serum calcium of 12 mg/ dL. Neck exploration demonstrates three enlarged glands. What is the diagnosis?

A. Parathyroid adenoma

B. Parathyroid hyperplasia✅️

C. Parathyroid carcinoma

D. Wermer's syndrome

E. Sipple's syndrome

✨️-year-old female comes to the office with the pain in the front of the neck. Physical examination shows ten- der, firm, enlarged thyroid gland. These symptoms are preceded by a viral illness. What is the diagnosis?

A. Riedel thyroiditis

B. Subacute thyroiditis✅️

C. Hashimoto's thyroiditis

D. Graves disease

✨️ The most common cause of Addison's disease is:

A. Autoimmune adrenalitis

B. Meningococcal septicemia

C. Malignancy

D. Tuberculosis

E. Adrenal cortical adenoma

✨️ Spontaneous regression of tumor is seen is:

A. Follicular adenoma of thyroid

B. Neuroblastoma

C. Acute monocytic leukemia

D. Hepatoblastoma

E. Pheochromocytoma

✨️Impaired glucose tolerance (prediabetes) is defined as

A.  fasting plasma glucose between 100 and 125 mg/dl. glucose"),

B. ("impaired fasting glucose between 140 and 199 mg/dl during an oral glucose tolerance test )

C. HbA1C level between 5.7% and 6.4%

D. All of the above  are true ✅️

✨️Sure evidence of malignancy in adrenal tumour:

A. Huge  in size

B. Marker polymorphism

C. Metastatic.✅️

D. All above.


A. The most common site is mediastinum.

B. Most common in children.

C. All types are benign.

D. All of above wasn't true.

✨️Ganglioneuroma :

A. Common tumour.

B. Malignancy behavior.

C. Arise from schwan cell.✅️

D. All above are true.

#د. وليد الذاهبي
#اختبار الباثو
#بلك الغدد
#الجامعة اليمنيه

Highly vascularis  part is
Pars tubular 👍
Pars intermediate
Pars nervous

2..target cell of parathyroid hormone
Osteoclast 👍

3.. gonadotrophic hormone all correct

It is acidophelic  👍

4 ..all the following is part of colloid Except

Calcitonen 👍

5 ..fliure to lactation   حالة

Pituitary gland 👍

6 all this is part of follicular cell Except


#د. وليد الذاهبي
#اختبار الهستو
#بلك الغدد
#الجامعة اليمنيه

Active in chronic gastritis mean :
- excessive lymphocytes 
-excessive neutrophils😭
- all above
- prolifration of fibroblasts

Transcolemic gastric carcinoma goes mainly to
- ovary 😭
- Uterus

The most important risk factors of adenocarcinoma of esophagus
- reflux esophagitis
- smoking
- barret esophagus 😭
- all

Gall stones:
- cholesterol stones consist of 50% to 100% of cholesterol 😭

Acute pancreatitis:
- Intraductal activation of proteolytic enzymes😭

commonest cause of peptic ulcer:
- H. Pylori 😭

Fatty change is found in all except one fales :
-  unmasked of normal fat content 😭
- decrease  protein [ Malnutrition]
- in heart in severe anemia
- alcohol

Regarding cirrhosis all true except :
- has reversible fibrosis

#د. وليد الذاهبي
#اختبار الباثو
#بلك الهضمي
#جامعة السعيدة

نموذج أختبارنا اليوم pathology
د.وليد الذاهبي
جامعه جينيس كليه طب الأسنان نهائي ترم أول
مستوئ ثالث 🦋

#امتحان جامعة الحضاره
#وليد الذاهبي

#امتحان باثو بلك القلب
#جامعة ٢١ سبتمبر
#وليد الذاهبي
#دفعة ثامنة ليوم 3 / نوفمبر
#مشاركه 🤍

1Mansion histological types of
atheroma ?

2Mansion the causes of congenital heart diseases?

3 Mansion the types of hypertension ?
4 Definition the arteriosclerosis and its types and causes ?

5 Mansion the types of vasculitis and their causes ?

6 Mansion the types of cardiac tumor ?


لو سمحتو ي دكاتره تعبو لنا الاستبيان
بحث طبي لمجموعه من الطلاب
ما ياخذ منكم دقائق
ونكون بالعون لهم ويد واحده إن شاء الله
ويتمكنو من اكمال بحثهم

أن الله في عون العبد ما دام العبد في عون أخيه

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
عزيزي الطالب/ة تحية طيبة وبعد:
نحن مجموعة من طلاب الطب البشري نقوم بعمل بحث علمي حول:
"Knowledge, attitudes, practices and barriers of medical research among undergraduate medical students in yemen: a multicentre cross-sectional study"
الإستبيان لن يأخذ من وقتكم سوى دقائق معدودة، لذا فضلاً -لو تكرمتم- الدخول إلى الرابط أدناه وتعبئة الإستبيان لكي نتمكن من الحصول على العينة اللازمة لعمل البحث شاكرين تعاونكم معنا.



قف على ناصية الحلم وإسحبه
من شعره، ماتنفع مع الاحلام سوى
العين الحمراء..🦦🔪🤓

#written_blood system