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Dr VanDeWater PharmD
Dr Jen VanDeWater PharmD
The People's Pharmacist 🙏🏼❤️🇺🇲
I answer to the people never big pharma!

Empowering and equipping individualized optimal health and wellness through mind, body, spirit alignment!
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最終更新日 06.03.2025 23:15


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Dr VanDeWater PharmD によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

Dr VanDeWater PharmD

01 Nov, 13:05


Happy & Blessed Friday Friends!

Last November I posted a daily gratitude because I was going through a really difficult time. The Lord revealed recently how important it is to share now for my continued healing, letting go and hopefully encourage others on their journey.

Summer of 2023 started out with a prayer from Ray. A prayer I was unaware he said. That prayer lead to us conceiving. I had no idea until about 8 weeks. I was beyond overjoyed and I saw this excitement in Ray too. Complete bliss!

Then, in August 2023, things in other areas of our life started to go in a not so good direction. I was stressed, anxious, worried about the outcome of that situation. I knew I had to remain calm and did all I could to not allow outside influences affect me. Sadly, they did. The added stress didn't help and on August 15th 2023, at almost 10 weeks pregnant, we lost our baby.

Ray decided to take me away and up to Maine we went. He planned lots of outings for us during the deep grief to help refocus and recover from a broken heart. Also, I was still dealing with the other stressful situation. A very heavy and intense period for sure.

Trying to process everything took a toll. By the time November came around, I knew I had to pull myself up from the place I was stuck and a thankful, grateful heart was the only way possible.

Counting the blessings in my life helped me rise a little each day. It was difficult at first, but I kept with it and by the end of the month I could feel myself return.

I shared my story with someone who advised us to name the baby. So, we did. Summer! Our "Summer" miracle. (I just know it was a girl) Another friend shared with me how once conceived, some of the baby's cells always stay with the Mama. It's like we're always connected. Such a comfort for me during that time and something I think about almost daily.

God has not opened a door yet for another baby but either way, I'm choosing to let go and continue to count my blessings.

Healing is a journey. I've learned sometimes you end up going back in the wrong direction and only with gratitude and thankfulness do we truly get back on track to see the beauty this life truly has.

My hope and prayer with sharing my story is that wherever you are today, counting your blessings, gratitude and thankfulness will help raise you up and reconnect with the Lord.

Let's make November a month of daily gratitude again.
Challenge my friends...each day this month, write something on your calendar that you are grateful for and watch the Lord do amazing things!

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted"
Matthew 5:4

-The People's Pharmacist 🙏🏼❤️🇺🇲
Dr VanDeWater PharmD

31 Oct, 12:22


Dr VanDeWater PharmD

31 Oct, 12:21


Dr VanDeWater PharmD

24 Oct, 14:32


Happy & Blessed Thursday Friends!

I had the great honor and privilege to join my dear friend, Isaac Gibbs, on his podcast "Truth Revealed".

I met Isaac at an event a few years ago and immediately connected with him and his wife Nikki.

Such wonderful people who love and live for the Lord, share helpful and truthful information and inspire others.

Below is the link to our discussion. Please listen and follow Isaac, as I know you will enjoy seeing the great information he shares on his platform.

Have a fantastic day! 💕


"Blessed be the name of the Lord From this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun to its going down the Lord's name is to be praised."
Psalm 113:2-3

-The People's Pharmacist 🙏🏼❤️🇺🇲
Dr VanDeWater PharmD

22 Oct, 12:23


Happy & Blessed Tuesday Friends!

Hope everyone is having a fantastic week. We are experiencing some warm weather, a beautiful remembrance of summer. Just lovely!

Below is the link from the podcast "Deprescribing". I had a wonderful time with Dr. Leyla Ali and her attendees. Great people and fun discussions. I'll be back again soon!

Enjoy! ☺️


-The People's Pharmacist 🙏🏼❤️🇺🇲
Dr VanDeWater PharmD

20 Oct, 12:54


Happy & Blessed Sunday Friends!

We decided to take a scenic drive up through the Adirondacks. Such colorful beauty!

We could not have planned a better day. Blue skies, comfortable temps with sights to behold in every direction and around every turn.

We explored a few trails, enjoyed a picnic at Whiteface Mountain, stood beneath a waterfall and soaked up what remains of our fall season.

This year has been one of the most colorful seasons of fall. Every day, as I look around, I'm in awe at the vibrant yellows, reds and golden leaves on display. So majestic and wonderous!

I hope y'all enjoy these pictures and for a moment you find yourself there too! 🥰

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
Ecclesiastes 3:11

-The People's Pharmacist 🙏🏼🇺🇸❤️
Dr VanDeWater PharmD

19 Oct, 14:16


Happy & Blessed Saturday Friends!

Save the date

I'm so excited to be joining my friend and colleague, Dr. Leyla Ali, on her show, Deprescribing.

We're going to discuss my journey from PHARMacist to FARMacist, the importance of proper nutrition, how to manage deprescribing and so much more. 😃

I enjoy talking truth with others and nothing more satisfying than chatting with another like minded pharmacist.

If you are available on Monday 10/21 @ 2pm EST, please stop by.


"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them"
Matthew 18:20

-The People's Pharmacist 🙏🏼❤️🇺🇲
Dr VanDeWater PharmD

17 Oct, 17:00


PS...we turn the electric fence off during the day.

Enjoy the video ☺️🐓

-The People's Pharmacist 🙏🏼❤️🇺🇸
Dr VanDeWater PharmD

17 Oct, 16:53


Happy & Blessed Thursday Friends!

Chicken Update 😁

The girls are enjoying what's left of bugs and grass. We use the chicken tractor and do give them free ranging time before and after. This way we are with them to keep predators at bay. That's when I took these pictures.

The girls love being out and let us know when ready to leave the coop run and head out to explore and then into the tractor. They actually will go on their own. Especially when they see Ray inside cutting up apples for them.

Some of our sweet corn didn't turn out the best. I shared with the girls and they really enjoyed it. Barely even a cob left.

The egg laying is still minimal. Bella and Goldie are our best layers. The others are sporadic. With some advice from a friend, I stopped adding ACV to the water. Hopefully we see results.

Overall, happy hens, happy Jen (and Ray too just didn't rhyme 😁)

"Happy is the one who takes refuge in the Lord"
Psalm 34:9

-The People's Pharmacist 🙏🏼❤️🇺🇸