Dr Mohamed Elgendy Veterinary channel @drmohamedelgendy Channel on Telegram

Dr Mohamed Elgendy Veterinary channel


A channel for veterinary medical science

Dr Mohamed Elgendy Veterinary channel (English)

Are you a pet owner looking for reliable information and advice on how to take care of your furry friends? Look no further than the Dr Mohamed Elgendy Veterinary channel on Telegram! With a passion for animals and years of experience in the field, Dr Mohamed Elgendy provides valuable insights and tips on pet health, behavior, and nutrition. Who is Dr Mohamed Elgendy? Dr Elgendy is a renowned veterinary doctor with a deep understanding of animal welfare and a commitment to providing the best possible care for pets. His dedication to helping animals and their owners shines through in every post and message shared on the channel. What is the Dr Mohamed Elgendy Veterinary channel? It is a reliable source of information for pet owners seeking guidance on a wide range of topics related to pet health and wellness. From common illnesses to behavioral issues, Dr Elgendy covers it all with professionalism and compassion. Join the Dr Mohamed Elgendy Veterinary channel today to gain access to exclusive content, live Q&A sessions, and personalized advice for your beloved pets. Stay informed, stay connected, and give your pets the care they deserve with Dr Elgendy by your side. Your furry friends will thank you for it!

Dr Mohamed Elgendy Veterinary channel

06 Jan, 15:13

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome in Cats

- Symptoms:
- Fragile Skin: Cats with EDS exhibit skin that is excessively stretchy and prone to tearing, often resulting in large wounds from minor trauma.
- Delayed Wound Healing: Wounds may heal poorly, leading to extensive scarring.
- Skin Folds: Affected cats may have redundant skin folds, particularly around joints.
- Joint Hypermobility: Some cats may demonstrate increased joint flexibility, although this is less common[2][3].
- Genetic Basis: EDS is inherited and can be caused by mutations in specific genes responsible for collagen synthesis. The condition has been observed in various breeds, including Himalayans and Domestic Shorthairs[1][4].
- Diagnosis: Diagnosis typically involves a combination of clinical evaluation and tests to assess skin elasticity. The Skin Extensibility Index is often used, where a measurement greater than 19% in cats suggests EDS. Histopathological examination of skin samples can also reveal abnormalities in collagen structure[2][4].
- Management: There is no cure for EDS in cats. Management focuses on minimizing injury risk and providing supportive care. Recommendations include:
- Keeping affected cats indoors to reduce the risk of injury.
- Using protective measures around the home to prevent trauma.
- Prompt treatment of any wounds with careful suturing techniques[2][5].
- Prognosis: While EDS is not typically fatal in cats, it can lead to a significantly reduced quality of life due to frequent injuries and the need for repeated veterinary care. In severe cases, owners may consider euthanasia if the cat's quality of life deteriorates[4][5].

In summary, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome in cats is a serious condition that requires careful management and understanding of its implications for affected animals.

[1] Independent COL5A1 Variants in Cats with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome - PMC https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9140822/
[2] Ehler-Danlos Syndrome (Cutaneous asthenia, dermatosparaxis) https://www.veterinary-practice.com/article/ehler-danlos-syndrome-cutaneous-asthenia-dermatosparaxis
[3] Defects of Structural Integrity in Animals - Integumentary System https://www.msdvetmanual.com/integumentary-system/congenital-and-inherited-anomalies-of-the-integumentary-system/defects-of-structural-integrity-in-animals
[4] Congenital and Inherited Skin Disorders of Cats - Cat Owners https://www.msdvetmanual.com/cat-owners/skin-disorders-of-cats/congenital-and-inherited-skin-disorders-of-cats
[5] Bleeding Disorders of Cats - Cat Owners - Merck Veterinary Manual https://www.merckvetmanual.com/cat-owners/blood-disorders-of-cats/bleeding-disorders-of-cats
[6] Approach to the pruritic cat (Proceedings) - DVM360 https://www.dvm360.com/view/approach-pruritic-cat-proceedings-0

Dr Mohamed Elgendy Veterinary channel

18 Dec, 14:47

Mini books in different branches
Today Veterinary Practice
2020 Editions

Dr Mohamed Elgendy Veterinary channel

24 Nov, 17:26

لو أنت طبيب بيطري و متخصص في Small Animal Practice دي فرصتك عشان تقوي نفسك علميا ً من خلال الإنضمام إلينا في كورس الأمراض الباطنة و المعدية الجزء الأول Basic Medicine في شهر ديسمبر ٢٠٢٤
Module 1 : Basic Small Animal Internal medicine & Infectious Diseases
1- Gastroenterology ( 4 sessions )
A - Oral Cavity affections , Stomatitis ,
vomition, Regurgitation
B - Gastroenteritis
C - Liver Affections
D - Endoesophegeal intubation
2 - Respiratory system ( 2 sessions )
A - Upper Respiratory Tract Affections
B - Lower Respiratory Tract Affections
3 - Dermatology ( 2 sessions )
Common Skin disorders / infectious skin
( Alopecia , Mange , Dermatophytosis , Ear
affections , anal sac affection….etc)Module 1 : Basic Small Animal Internal medicine & Infectious Diseases
4 - Urinary System ( 2 sessions )
A - Renal Affections
B - Urinary Bladder Affections
C - Urolithiasis
5 - Infectious Diseases ( 4 sessions )
A - Common Canine Viral & Bacterial Diseases .
B - Common Feline Viral & Bacterial Diseases .
C - Parasitic Infestations.
Total : 14 Sessions
الكورس يتضمن التطبيق العملي و هيكون علي مدي شهريين يوميين أسبوعياً و هيكون متاح الحضور أونلايين و أوفلايين
كورس يؤهلك لإمتحان البورد الأمريكي و الكندي
الحجز عن طريق فودافون كاش أو إنستا باي أو بمقر المركز
طنطا : 13 ش عبد الحليم محمود تقاطع ممتاز غرابة بجانب مدرسة سعد زغلول الإبتدائية
للتواصل موبايل و واتس 01204597820 و الأرضي0403303148

Dr Mohamed Elgendy Veterinary channel

09 Nov, 16:02

Don't forget to join our new what's app channel


Dr Mohamed Elgendy Veterinary channel

09 Nov, 15:52

دي بعض الأراء في الكورس Small Animals Professional Ultrasound Program
متفوتش فرصتك في إنك تتعلم سونار بطريقة Professional و تزود مهاراتك و تحسن قدراتك التشخيصية دلوقتي
من الحاجات الأساسية في الشغل بتاعنا في مجال الحيوانات الأليفة الإعتماد علي ال ultrasound وسيلة مهمة جدا في التشخيص و عشان تعرف تعمل Interpretation كويس لحالة لازم تبقي فاهم Anatomy كويس و كمان normal and abnormal في كل جزء في السونار و تعرف تستخدم الجهاز كويس
عشان تعرف تحدد المشكلة فين كويس و توصل للتشخيص المناسب
عشان كدة إحنا في Zootopia Animal Center وفرنالكم كورس متخصص في Small Animal Ultrasonography
و المحتوي كالآتي
Level 4 : Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasonography
1- Principles of Ultrasound
2- Types of ultrasound Machines
3- Principles of Ultrasound examination
4- Gastrointestinal tract examination
5- Gastrointestinal tract Pathologies
6- Liver and Biliary system examination
7- Liver and Biliary system Pathologies
8- Spleen examination
9- Spleen Pathologies
10- Kidney and ureters examination
11- Kidney and ureters Pathologies
12- Urinary Bladder ,Urethra, and prostate gland examination
13- Urinary Bladder ,Urethra, and prostate gland Pathologies
14- Ovaries & Uterus examination
15 -Ovaries & Uterus Pathologies
16 - Pregnancy Stages
Each Segment with normal and abnormal
موعد بداية الكورس يوم 20-11-2024
هيكون الكورس علي 30 session
علي مدي 3 شهور و هيكون يومين في الأسبوع و المواعيد صباحية إن شاء الله بتكون الساعة ال 9 صباحا
و هيكون كمان في تطبيق عملي علي حيوانات و إزاي نعملهم سونار و كمان Daily assingment and presenation و تجربة ممتعة جدا
في عالم الUltrasonography كما لما تراه من قبل
كورس يؤهلك لإمتحان البورد الأمريكي و الكندي
الحجز عن طريق فودافون كاش أو إنستا باي أو بمقر المركز
13 ش عبد الحليم محمود تقاطع ممتاز غرابة بجانب مدرسة سعد زغلول الإبتدائية
للتواصل موبايل و واتس 01204597820 و الأرضي0403303148