សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS) @dpssangkoredukh Channel on Telegram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)


Where you bring your education to another level

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS) (Khmer)

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS) គឺជាសាលាមួយដែលបង្កើតដល់យើងប្រភេទនិងនិស្សិតសរុបដែលចូលរៀនទៅវិទ្យាសាស្រ្តបន្តបន្ទាប់មក រួមទាំងរបួយការវិភាគនិងជំនាញរបស់យើង។ យើងផើមបង្កើតសាលានេះដើម្បីជួយប្រភេទប្រិយមិត្តជាតិឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩។ សាលានេះជាសាលាមួយដែលយើងផ្ទុយមកអន្តរជាតិរបស់សិស្សនាំចូលរៀនដោយមូលដ្ឋាននិងការរៀនសន្ឍសូម និងជាមួយនិងអ្នករបស់យើង។ នៅទីនេះ យើងរួមទាំងបង្កើតអភិរក្សសំខាន់របស់សិស្សរបស់យើង ដូចជា ជំនាញ វិភាគ និងសេវាសំខាន់ដ៏ចាប់ពីខាងបរិវិសក រួមទាំងនាងជានិស្សិតសរុប បង្កើតវិស័យដោយគ្រប់គ្រងរបស់ខ្លួន។ ទោះបីយើងចុចឯកភ្លើង សាលានេះគឺជាទីឌិរបាយបន្ថែមដ៏ល្បីល្បាលរបស់អ្នករៀន ដ៏អស្ចារ្យនិងស្របនឹងជំនាញពិតបុណ្យពុទ្ធ្្្ត។

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

01 Feb, 10:17

Punishment vocabulary test Pre A - FA https://testmoz.com/14122644

Punishment vocabulary test FB - Level 1 https://testmoz.com/14122648

Punishment vocabulary test Level 2 - Level 8 https://testmoz.com/14122640

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

31 Jan, 05:08

School's Task from Pre-A to FA (31 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

School’s Task from FB to Level 8 (31 January 2025):

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

31 Jan, 01:42

3) DPSS - កម្រិត PM2.50ខ្ពស់ណាស់ព្រឹកនេះ។ សូមពាក់ម៉ាស់ N95

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

27 Jan, 05:08

School's Task from Pre-A to FA (27 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

School’s Task from FB to Level 8 (27 January 2025):

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

26 Jan, 11:23

DPSS - កម្រិតខ្យល់

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

24 Jan, 07:31

DPSS - ខ្យល់

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

24 Jan, 05:08

School's Task from Pre-A to FA (24 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

School’s Task from FB to Level 8 (24 January 2025):

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

23 Jan, 05:10

School's Task from Pre A to FA (23 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

School’s Task from FB to Level 8 (23 January 2025):

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

22 Jan, 05:08

School’s Task from Pre-A to Level 8 (22 January 2025):

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

21 Jan, 05:08

School’s Task from Pre-A to Level 8 (21 January 2025):

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

20 Jan, 05:08

School’s Task from Pre-A to Level 8 (20 January 2025):

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

18 Jan, 10:18

Punishment vocabulary test Pre A - FA https://testmoz.com/14122644

Punishment vocabulary test FB - Level 1 https://testmoz.com/14122648

Punishment vocabulary test Level 2 - Level 8 https://testmoz.com/14122640

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

17 Jan, 14:40

សូមជម្រាបសួរ! កម្មវិធីសមាធិយើង ដំណើរការធម្មតាសប្តាហ៍នេះទាំងថ្ងៃសៅរ៍ និងថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ។ ព្រឹកម៉ោង ៨:០០ - ១០:៣០ និងរសៀល ២:០០ - ៥:០០។ សូមអរគុណ!

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

17 Jan, 05:08

School’s Task from Pre-A to Level 8 (17 January 2025):

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

16 Jan, 05:08

School’s Task from Pre-A to Level 8 (16 January 2025):

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

15 Jan, 08:25

Dear all Part-Time Students! Pre A- Level 8: From today, you do school's tasks via another link. It focuses on vocabulary and grammar. What's really new is that every time you write your name, you need to put 'number' with your name to so that we know how many times you have done it. For example, today, your write "Ly Chomroeurn 1", tomorrow, you write " Ly Chomroeurn 2",.... . https://testmoz.com/q/DPSS-VocabularyandGrammarPractice-2025

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

14 Jan, 05:08

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (14 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

14 Jan, 05:08

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (14 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

13 Jan, 05:08

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (13 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

13 Jan, 05:08

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (13 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

11 Jan, 10:17

Punishment vocabulary test Pre A - FA https://testmoz.com/14122644

Punishment vocabulary test FB - Level 1 https://testmoz.com/14122648

Punishment vocabulary test Level 2 - Level 8 https://testmoz.com/14122640

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

10 Jan, 05:08

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (10 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

10 Jan, 05:08

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (10 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

09 Jan, 05:08

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (09 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

09 Jan, 05:08

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (09 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

08 Jan, 05:08

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (08 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

08 Jan, 05:08

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (08 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

06 Jan, 05:08

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (06 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

06 Jan, 05:08

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (06 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

04 Jan, 10:18

Punishment vocabulary test Pre A - FA https://testmoz.com/14122644

Punishment vocabulary test FB - Level 1 https://testmoz.com/14122648

Punishment vocabulary test Level 2 - Level 8 https://testmoz.com/14122640

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

03 Jan, 13:28

សូមជម្រាបសួរ! កម្មវិធីសមាធិយើង ដំណើរការធម្មតាសប្តាហ៍នេះទាំងថ្ងៃសៅរ៍ និងថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ។ ព្រឹកម៉ោង ៨:០០ - ១០:៣០ និងរសៀល ២:០០ - ៥:០០។ សូមអរគុណ!

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

03 Jan, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (03 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

03 Jan, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (03 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

02 Jan, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (02 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

02 Jan, 05:09

.School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (02 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

01 Jan, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (01 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

01 Jan, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (01 January 2025): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

31 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (31 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

31 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (31 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

30 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (30 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

30 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (30 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

28 Dec, 10:19

Punishment vocabulary test Pre A - FA https://testmoz.com/14122644

Punishment vocabulary test FB - Level 1 https://testmoz.com/14122648

Punishment vocabulary test Level 2 - Level 8 https://testmoz.com/14122640

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

27 Dec, 12:59

សូមជម្រាបសួរ! សប្តាហ៍នេះយើងអត់ធ្វើសមាធិទេ ដោយសារលោកយាយធម្មាចារិនីហេង វីរវល់...។ សូមអរគុណ!

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

27 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (27 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

27 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (27 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

26 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (26 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

26 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (26 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

25 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (25 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

25 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (25 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

24 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (24 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

24 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (24 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

23 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (23 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

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23 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (23 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

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23 Dec, 05:07

Here are some key phrases and idioms related to the New Year that you might find interesting:

Ring in the New Year: To celebrate the arrival of the New Year, often with festivities and parties.

A fresh start: The New Year is often seen as an opportunity to begin anew or start over.

New Year's resolution: A personal goal or commitment made at the beginning of the New Year.

Out with the old, in with the new: Embracing new opportunities and leaving the past behind.

Turn over a new leaf: Make a positive change in one's behavior or life.

Start the year off on the right foot: Begin the New Year in a positive and successful manner.

New year, new me
: A phrase often used to express a desire for self-improvement in the New Year.

Celebrate in style: To have a grand and enjoyable celebration for the New Year.

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

23 Dec, 04:12

Absolutely! New Year's celebrations are all about welcoming the arrival of the next calendar year with joy and optimism. Different cultures have their own unique traditions, but a few common elements include:

New Year's Eve (December 31):
- Parties and Gatherings: People often celebrate with friends and family at parties or social gatherings.
- Fireworks: In many places, fireworks light up the night sky at midnight to mark the new year.
- Countdown: As midnight approaches, people count down the last seconds of the old year.

New Year's Day (January 1):
- Resolutions: Many people make New Year's resolutions—commitments to improve themselves or achieve certain goals.
- Parades: Some places have parades, like the famous Rose Parade in Pasadena, California.
- Traditional Foods: Various cultures have traditional New Year's foods believed to bring good luck, such as black-eyed peas in the Southern U.S. or soba noodles in Japan.

No matter where you are in the world, New Year's is a time for fresh beginnings and hope for a positive future. How do you plan to celebrate?

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21 Dec, 10:19

Punishment vocabulary test Pre A - FA https://testmoz.com/14122644

Punishment vocabulary test FB - Level 1 https://testmoz.com/14122648

Punishment vocabulary test Level 2 - Level 8 https://testmoz.com/14122640

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20 Dec, 14:58

សូមជម្រាបសួរ! កម្មវិធីសមាធិយើង ដំណើរការធម្មតាសម្រាប់សប្តាហ៍នេះគឺយើងធ្វើតែថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ។ ព្រឹកម៉ោង ៨:០០ - ១០:៣០ និងរសៀល ២:០០ - ៥:០០។ សូមអរគុណ

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

20 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (20 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

20 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (20 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

05 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (05 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

05 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (05 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

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05 Dec, 01:27

វគ្គគណិតសិស្សពូកែអន្តរជាតិ SMC និង Olympiad

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

04 Dec, 07:31

IQ Question: There are three houses in a row: a red house, a blue house, and a green house. The red house is to the left of the green house, and the blue house is not next to the green house. What is the order of the houses from left to right?

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

04 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (04 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

04 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (04 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

03 Dec, 12:29

IQ Question: What number should replace the question mark?
2, 6, 12, 20, ____?

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

03 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (03 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

03 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (03 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

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02 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (02 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

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02 Dec, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (02 December 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

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30 Nov, 10:18

Punishment vocabulary test Pre A - FA https://testmoz.com/14122644

Punishment vocabulary test FB - Level 1 https://testmoz.com/14122648

Punishment vocabulary test Level 2 - Level 8 https://testmoz.com/14122640

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30 Nov, 05:06

Its audio: https://storage.googleapis.com/voiser-app-tts/2226486399_1732942982.mp3

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30 Nov, 00:36

Links to Punishment Vocabulary Tests (Pre A - FA) https://testmoz.com/q/PreA-FAPunishmentVocabularyPractice /// (FB - Level 1) https://testmoz.com/q/FB-Level1PunishmentVocabularyPractice /// (Levels 2-8) https://testmoz.com/q/Levels2-8PunishmentVocabularyPractice

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29 Nov, 05:15

Pre A - Level 8: Read and listen to the audio about Learning English below and voice- read this text.

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

29 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (29 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

29 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (29 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

28 Nov, 13:50

Summary of the above essay: The essay discusses the debate between animal rights and human necessities. ​ Proponents of animal rights argue that animals, as sentient beings, should not be exploited and that alternatives like plant-based diets and in vitro testing can reduce the need for using animals. ​ Opponents believe that animals are essential for human survival and advancement, citing medical research and nutrition as key areas where animals play a crucial role. ​ The author suggests a balanced approach, advocating for stricter regulations and investment in cruelty-free alternatives while ensuring industries that use animals adhere to ethical practices. ​ The conclusion emphasizes minimizing exploitation through innovative solutions and oversight to respect animal welfare while meeting human needs.

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

28 Nov, 08:04

Write your answers in the comment.

Last summer, we planned an (1) --------------- to a beautiful village far from the city. To (2) ---------------, we packed our bags with everything we needed. The (3)---------------was long but exciting, as we were eager to (4) ---------------new places. When we arrived, the locals gave us a warm (5) --------------- and invited us to a (6)---------------festival. They had organized the event to (7) ---------------their culture. The food and music were amazing, and it was a wonderful (8)---------------. After the festival, we took time to (9) --------------- by the river, enjoying the peaceful scenery. It was a trip full of (10) ---------------!

Word Box:
A. Relax
B. Discover
C. Adventure
D. Traditional
E. Experience
F. Welcome
G. Celebrate
H. Journey
I. Prepare
J. Surprises

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

28 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (28 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

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28 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (28 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

27 Nov, 06:52

Pre A - Level 8: Describe this picture in 50 words.

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

27 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (27 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

27 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (27 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

27 Nov, 03:52

Links to Punishment Vocabulary Tests (Pre A - FA) https://testmoz.com/q/PreA-FAPunishmentVocabularyPractice /// (FB - Level 1) https://testmoz.com/q/FB-Level1PunishmentVocabularyPractice /// (Levels 2-8) https://testmoz.com/q/Levels2-8PunishmentVocabularyPractice

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26 Nov, 11:00

Reading Comprehension
Emma was excited about her new job at the tech company. On her first day, she arrived early and was introduced to her team. Everyone seemed friendly, and the manager assigned her a mentor to help her get settled. During lunch, Emma noticed that her mentor seemed distant and preoccupied. She wondered if something was wrong but decided not to ask. Instead, she focused on learning the tasks given to her and hoped the situation would improve.

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

26 Nov, 08:47

Pre A - Level 8: Do this basic grammar quiz and drop your score in the comment. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DQSIkWdsW0yxEjajBLZtrQAAAAAAAAAAAAO__ou7VdNURDlLTFZZWFlCMlNBNVI4TlozWTBFQ1cwMy4u

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26 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (26 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

26 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (26 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

21 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (21 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

21 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (21 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

20 Nov, 08:16

Here’s a list of idioms with their meanings and example sentences:

1. Bite the bullet
Meaning: To do something difficult or unpleasant that you’ve been avoiding.
Example: "I don’t want to go to the dentist, but I guess I’ll just have to bite the bullet."

2. Break the ice
Meaning: To initiate conversation in a social setting, easing tension or awkwardness.
Example: "At the party, Jane told a funny story to break the ice with the new guests."

3. Burn the midnight oil
Meaning: To work late into the night, especially to meet a deadline.
Example: "She had to burn the midnight oil to finish the report on time."

4. A blessing in disguise
Meaning: Something that seems bad or unlucky at first but results in something positive.
Example: "Losing that job was a blessing in disguise — it pushed me to start my own business."

5. The ball is in your court
Meaning: It’s up to you to take action or make the next decision.
Example: "I’ve done my part; now the ball is in your court to decide how to proceed."

6. Cry over spilled milk
Meaning: To be upset about something that cannot be undone or fixed.
Example: "It’s no use crying over spilled milk. You missed the train, but there will be another one."

7. Hit the nail on the head
Meaning: To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem.
Example: "When John said the issue was communication, he really hit the nail on the head."

8. Let the cat out of the bag
Meaning: To reveal a secret or disclose something unintentionally.
Example: "Sarah let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party."

9. Once in a blue moon
Meaning: Something that happens very rarely.
Example: "We only get to see each other once in a blue moon since we live in different cities."

10. Under the weather
Meaning: To feel ill or unwell.
Example: "I’m feeling a bit under the weather today, so I’m going to stay home."

11. A penny for your thoughts
Meaning: A way of asking someone what they are thinking.
Example: "You’ve been so quiet — a penny for your thoughts?"

12. Spill the beans
Meaning: To reveal a secret or disclose information.
Example: "We were trying to keep the wedding a secret, but Janet spilled the beans."

13. Cost an arm and a leg
Meaning: Something that is very expensive.
Example: "The new smartphone costs an arm and a leg, but I had to have it."

14. Through thick and thin
Meaning: To support someone in good times and bad times.
Example: "She’s been my friend through thick and thin, and I can always count on her."

15. The early bird catches the worm
Meaning: The person who starts early or acts first has an advantage.
Example: "I always wake up at 5 AM to get a head start on my work. The early bird catches the worm!"

These idioms are widely used in everyday conversations and can make speech more colorful and expressive.

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20 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (20 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

20 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (20 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

19 Nov, 12:53

សាលា DPSS នឹងបើកវគ្គនេះឆាប់ៗ សម្រាប់កម្រិតបឋម

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

19 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (19 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

19 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (19 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

18 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (18 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

18 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (18 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

13 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (13 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

13 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (13 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

04 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (04 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

04 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (04 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

02 Nov, 10:09

Punishment vocabulary test FB -8 https://testmoz.com/q/dpssPVTfb-l82024

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

02 Nov, 10:09

Punishment vocabulary test Pre A - FA https://testmoz.com/q/dpssPVTPreA-FA2024

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

02 Nov, 02:47

សមាធិព្រឹកនេះ! សូមអនុមោទនា!

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

01 Nov, 10:53

សូមជម្រាបសួរ! កម្មវិធីសមាធិយើង ដំណើរការធម្មតាសប្តាហ៍នេះទាំងថ្ងៃសៅរ៍ និងថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ។ ព្រឹកម៉ោង ៨:០០ - ១០:៣០ និងរសៀល ២:០០ - ៥:០០។ សូមអរគុណ!

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

01 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (01 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

01 Nov, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (01 November 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

31 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (31 October 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

31 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (31 October 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

30 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (30 October 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

30 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (30 October 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

28 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (28 October 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

28 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (28 October 2024): https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

26 Oct, 10:19

Punishment vocabulary test FB -8 https://testmoz.com/q/dpssPVTfb-l82024

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

26 Oct, 10:19

Punishment vocabulary test Pre A - FA https://testmoz.com/q/dpssPVTPreA-FA2024

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

25 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (25 October 2024) :https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

25 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (25 October 2024) : https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

24 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (24 October 2024) :https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

24 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (24 October 2024) : https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

23 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (23 October 2024) : https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

23 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (23 October 2024) :https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

23 Oct, 03:20

សូមអបអរកូនៗដែលប្រឡងទទួលបានលទ្ធផលល្អក្នុងការប្រឡងតេស្ត #SingaporeMathChallenge 2024 (SMC) ដែលប្រព្រឹត្តិទៅថ្ងៃទី ២០ កញ្ញា ២០២៤។
#HengMingshu ថ្នាក់ទី៣ក ទទួលបាន មេដាយមាស
#MengMonyreach ថ្នាក់ទី២ក ទទួលបាន មេដាយសំរិទ្ធ
#KhornSopheakphaboth ថ្នាក់ទី២ក ទទួលបាន មេដាយកិត្តិយស

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

22 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (22 October 2024) :https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

22 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (22​​ October 2024) : https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

21 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (21 October 2024) :https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

21 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 Pre A - FA (21 October 2024) : https://testmoz.com/q/dpsspre2024aptd

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

19 Oct, 10:19

Punishment vocabulary test FB-8 - testmoz.com/q/dpssPVTfb-l82024

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

19 Oct, 10:19

Punishment vocabulary test Pre A-FA - testmoz.com/q/dpssPVTPreA-FA2024

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

18 Oct, 10:57

ជម្រាបសួរ! សប្តាហ៍នេះ និងសប្តាហ៍ក្រោយ យើងអត់សមាធិទេ ដោយសំខាន់ជាប់បុណ្យកឋិន! សូមអរគុណ!

សាលាអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សក្តានុពលដើម្បីជោគជ័យ Developing Potential for Success School (DPSS)

18 Oct, 05:09

School's Task 2 FB - Level 8 (18 October 2024) :https://testmoz.com/q/DPSSparttimeEnglishprogram