جا میمونی * اینـجا * مخصوص توئـه ♡
اگه موقع امتـحانات حست نسبـت به دیدن
فیلم و سریـال و انیمشـین بیشتر میـشه
* اینـجا * کلی برات مـعرفی کرده
Welcome to the ꞗ⍺ᥣᥣꪫꪫᥒ Telegram channel, also known as 'douxea'! This channel is a space for individuals who are interested in exploring their creativity, sharing their thoughts, and connecting with like-minded individuals. With a focus on self-expression and inspiration, douxea provides a platform for members to engage in meaningful conversations, share ideas, and discover new perspectives. Whether you are an artist, writer, thinker, or simply someone who enjoys engaging in thought-provoking discussions, douxea offers a welcoming and supportive community for you to be a part of. Join us at t.me/xtllze and unlock a world of creativity and connection today! 💭✨
09 Jan, 20:52
09 Jan, 20:04
09 Jan, 20:04
09 Jan, 20:04
09 Jan, 20:04
01 Dec, 18:44
01 Dec, 18:44
01 Dec, 18:26
11 Nov, 09:51
10 Nov, 14:45
10 Nov, 14:45
09 Nov, 08:40
02 Nov, 20:04
02 Nov, 20:04
02 Nov, 20:04
02 Nov, 20:04
01 Nov, 14:20
31 Oct, 19:17
31 Oct, 19:17
31 Oct, 19:16
31 Oct, 19:16
30 Oct, 21:04
30 Oct, 21:04