𝟳 𝟮𝟴 @dlnx1 Channel on Telegram

𝟳 𝟮𝟴


بين حزن و حبّ ..

بين حزن و حبّ .. (Arabic)

Welcome to 'بين حزن و حبّ ..' Telegram channel, managed by the username @dlnx1. This channel is a space where you can explore a range of emotions, from sadness to love, and everything in between. Whether you're looking for heartfelt poetry, touching quotes, or simply a supportive community to share your feelings with, this channel has something for everyone. Who is it? 'بين حزن و حبّ ..' is a platform created for individuals who appreciate the beauty of emotions, both the highs and the lows. It is for those who seek solace in words, understanding in shared experiences, and a sense of connection with others who are navigating the complexities of love and loss. What is it? This channel acts as a virtual sanctuary for those who want to delve into the depths of their emotions, find comfort in the shared experiences of others, and discover the power of words to heal and uplift. From thought-provoking reflections on love and heartbreak to soul-stirring poetry that speaks to the essence of human emotion, 'بين حزن و حبّ ..' offers a diverse range of content that aims to touch the hearts of its audience. Whether you're seeking solace in times of sorrow, inspiration in moments of joy, or simply a community of like-minded individuals to share your thoughts and feelings with, 'بين حزن و حبّ ..' is the perfect destination for you. Join us today and embark on a journey of self-discovery, empathy, and emotional growth. We look forward to welcoming you into our community of emotions and insights.

𝟳 𝟮𝟴

20 Nov, 22:53

الاهمال بالاهمال
وسلاماً على شخص اختار البعد
بنفسهِ .

𝟳 𝟮𝟴

20 Nov, 15:13

أودُ تَقْبيلُ كُلَّ رِمْشٍ فِيّ عَينْاهُ

𝟳 𝟮𝟴

19 Nov, 12:58


𝟳 𝟮𝟴

18 Nov, 15:26

انَ تمنحيني
لأرى الأشياء
كلما تُريدني أن ارها
بشكلها الحِقيقي
لا مثلما يُريدها قلبي .

𝟳 𝟮𝟴

14 Nov, 10:53

يُغريكَ هذا النورُ بِي ؟
لا تَقترب ، نارٌ أنَا

𝟳 𝟮𝟴

12 Nov, 19:50

مِش مُهم تعيش حَياتك مع حَد شبهك
المُهم تعيش حَياتك مع حَد مطّمن مَعاه .

𝟳 𝟮𝟴

10 Nov, 21:09

وأنا أغسلُ وجهي من البُكاء
كُنت أسمع قلبي
يتأسّفُ لي دائمًا .

𝟳 𝟮𝟴

04 Nov, 16:40

لَبيّكَ إنّا مُتعبون اجبُرنا كأنّنا لم نَرَ حُزناً

𝟳 𝟮𝟴

04 Nov, 09:45


𝟳 𝟮𝟴

02 Nov, 10:43

حينما يعود الشِتاء
وتبدأ رائحة المَطر
بإقتحام الأجواء
حينما يُصبح الليل أطول
والمساء أكثر برودة
أنا التي أحبتك أكثر من المطر
ودعت لأجلكَ كثيرًا .