Mark my words, until the end of this year, the list will grow so large that you will end up being shocked to see such numbers. Among them there will be some 7,5s and 8,0s but most importantly there will be at least one 8,5 (I don't know which one of you guys will be this person, but I promise that I will do my best to extract that result)
7,0 - 30 students
7,5 - 20 students
8,0 - 10 students
8,5 - 1+ student(s)
I always tell myself "Put your limits high" "Make impossible things happen" "Never lose hope on anything valuable to you" and of course "Stay genuine, no matter how hard it is"
If the prophecy above is fulfilled, I will be done with teaching IELTS for good and draw all my attention on teaching General English (a sphere that needs a big rockstar indeed)