Welcome to Diary of Apes, a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing insights into purchases made by the creator. The channel, with the username @diaryofapes, emphasizes that the content shared is not financial advice but rather a personal reflection on various items bought. The Diary of Apes channel provides followers with a unique glimpse into the shopping habits and consumer choices of the creator. From tech gadgets to fashion finds, the channel offers a diverse range of products that have caught the creator's eye. Whether it's a new piece of furniture for their home or the latest trending accessory, followers can expect to see a variety of purchases showcased on the channel. With a disclaimer that the content is not intended as financial advice, Diary of Apes serves as an entertaining and informative platform for those interested in seeing what others are buying. This candid look into the creator's purchases allows followers to gain inspiration for their own shopping decisions or simply enjoy browsing through the latest finds. So, if you're curious about the shopping habits of others and enjoy discovering new products, be sure to join Diary of Apes on Telegram. Remember, the content shared is for entertainment purposes only, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the virtual shopping experience!
25 Jan, 15:07
19 Jan, 11:17
18 Jan, 14:36
17 Jan, 19:58
17 Jan, 19:35
11 Jan, 15:25
10 Jan, 09:35
09 Jan, 20:16
09 Jan, 19:24
07 Jan, 19:46
06 Jan, 22:16
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smart2024-10-26 07:13:43
(2mo ago)06 Jan, 22:15
06 Jan, 20:58
06 Jan, 19:30
04 Jan, 20:48
04 Jan, 20:40
🕰️ Age: 4d0.75%
⋅ 🅑 58
Ⓢ 22
04 Jan, 20:40
04 Jan, 13:23
22 Dec, 19:38
20 Dec, 07:10
12 Dec, 16:29
10 Dec, 19:41
28 Nov, 19:54
28 Nov, 19:52
25 Nov, 19:51
25 Nov, 19:49
25 Nov, 12:52
24 Nov, 19:42
24 Nov, 19:01
24 Nov, 19:01
22 Nov, 06:18
21 Nov, 20:32
21 Nov, 19:17
19 Nov, 18:35
18 Nov, 21:58
18 Nov, 21:43
18 Nov, 21:23
18 Nov, 21:17
18 Nov, 20:01
18 Nov, 19:34
18 Nov, 12:49
30 Oct, 22:59
30 Oct, 22:45