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Last Updated 09.03.2025 05:22
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Dieses kurze Büchlein ist eine kurze Einführung in die alte religiöse Tradition, die als Sanātana Dharma oder „Der ewige natürliche Weg“ bekannt ist. Sanātana Dharma ist auch als vedische Tradition oder alternativ als „Hinduismus“ bekannt. Sanātana Dharma ist der Ursprung von Yoga, Meditation, Naturheilkunde, Kampfkunst und spiritueller Kultur. „Willkommen auf dem Weg von Sanātana Dharma“ ist als äußerst erschwingliches und sehr leicht verständliches Büchlein konzipiert, das leicht an aufrichtige Personen verteilt werden kann, die mehr über unsere religiöse Tradition erfahren möchten. Es behandelt die Geschichte, Philosophie, Theologie und Praktiken von Sanātana Dharma auf eine leicht verständliche Weise. Wenn Sie jemanden kennen, den Sie in die Religion von Sanātana Dharma einführen möchten, dann ist für ihn dieses Büchlein der einfachste Einstieg.
Understanding the Kali Yuga Part Two
Sunday, March 9th, 2pm Central Time
Sunday, March 9th, 2pm Central Time
"This King is the master of the three worlds, and he is directly empowered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is without change, and he is a manifestation of the Supreme known as a śaktyāveśa-avatāra. Being a liberated soul and completely learned, he sees all material varieties as being in vain because their basic principle is nescience." (Srimad Bhagavatam, 4.16.19)
"The Kali Yuga is the most degraded and challenging of ages. It is also an age that demands tremendous sacrifices from devotees who are called upon to help, to heal and to teach others who are in suffering. It is an age of extremes; but it is also an era in which we can make extremely rapid progress in our spiritual life by giving ourselves selflessly to the upliftment of our people." - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (9/2/18)
"Das Kali Yuga ist das entwürdigendste und herausforderndste aller Zeitalter. Es ist auch ein Zeitalter, das den Gottgeweihten, die aufgerufen sind, anderen, die leiden, zu helfen, sie zu heilen und zu lehren, enorme Opfer abverlangt. Es ist ein Zeitalter der Extreme; aber es ist auch ein Zeitalter, in dem wir in unserem spirituellen Leben extrem schnelle Fortschritte machen können, indem wir uns selbstlos für die Erhebung unseres Volkes einsetzen." - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (9/2/18)
"The Kali Yuga is the most degraded and challenging of ages. It is also an age that demands tremendous sacrifices from devotees who are called upon to help, to heal and to teach others who are in suffering. It is an age of extremes; but it is also an era in which we can make extremely rapid progress in our spiritual life by giving ourselves selflessly to the upliftment of our people." - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (9/2/18)
"Das Kali Yuga ist das entwürdigendste und herausforderndste aller Zeitalter. Es ist auch ein Zeitalter, das den Gottgeweihten, die aufgerufen sind, anderen, die leiden, zu helfen, sie zu heilen und zu lehren, enorme Opfer abverlangt. Es ist ein Zeitalter der Extreme; aber es ist auch ein Zeitalter, in dem wir in unserem spirituellen Leben extrem schnelle Fortschritte machen können, indem wir uns selbstlos für die Erhebung unseres Volkes einsetzen." - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (9/2/18)
“Sanatana Dharma is the Eternal Natural Way. Thus its ultimate triumph is inevitable.” - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya
"All that is perceivable and conceivable has its existence secured due to the presence of Lord Vishnu. If you could point to anything in which God were not immediately present, you would be pointing to nothing. Without God, there is nothing." - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya
"Too many people mistake arrogance for intelligence. The two are, in actuality, mirror opposites of one another. Arrogance is born from the illusion of ego. Transcending the illusion of ego is born from cultivating true intelligence (jnana). Arrogance is a clear sign of the lack of true intelligence." - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya
“Any inner problem that we have we can be overcome spiritually. If you fully embrace spirituality in practice, I guarantee you that if you do so sincerely and with patience, you will overcome any internal problem that you have.”
- Śrī Dharma Pravārtaka Āchārya
- Śrī Dharma Pravārtaka Āchārya
"The supreme cause of all causes, Nārāyaṇa, is situated in His own abode in the spiritual world, but nevertheless He controls the entire cosmic manifestation according to the three modes of material nature — sattva-guṇa, rajo-guṇa and tamo-guṇa. In this way all living entities are awarded different qualities, different names [such as brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya and vaiśya], different duties according to the varṇāśrama institution, and different forms. Thus Nārāyaṇa is the cause of the entire cosmic manifestation." (Srimad Bhagavatam, 6.1.41)
In this invaluable book, Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya provides the spiritual seeker with the conclusive criteria necessary to recognize a legitimate guru. It also reveals insightful guidelines that those taking refuge in the path of Sanatana Dharma and taking initiation from an authentic guru must know. This is the official introductory manual for aspiring practitioners on the path of Vedic spirituality.
In this invaluable book, Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya provides the spiritual seeker with the conclusive criteria necessary to recognize a legitimate guru. It also reveals insightful guidelines that those taking refuge in the path of Sanatana Dharma and taking initiation from an authentic guru must know. This is the official introductory manual for aspiring practitioners on the path of Vedic spirituality.