Density Group (德密团队) @densitygroup Channel on Telegram

Density Group (德密团队)


Density Group (德密团队) (Chinese)

密集团队(Density Group)是一个提供各种数字营销和品牌推广服务的Telegram频道。如果你想要为你的业务或个人品牌建立更强大的在线存在感,那么密集团队就是你的理想选择。无论你是刚刚开始探索数字营销领域,还是希望提升已有品牌的曝光度,密集团队都能够为你量身定制解决方案。nn通过关注我们的Telegram频道@densitygroup,你将获得最新的数字营销趋势、行业洞察、以及专家意见。我们的团队由经验丰富的专业人士组成,他们致力于帮助客户实现在线增长和成功。无论你是需要社交媒体管理、内容创作、SEO优化还是广告投放,密集团队都能够提供全方位的服务。nn密集团队的使命是帮助客户实现他们的数字营销目标,让他们在激烈竞争的市场中脱颖而出。我们相信每个品牌和企业都有独特的故事和价值,我们致力于帮助他们将这些传达给目标受众。无论你是想提高销售额、增加网站流量还是提升品牌知名度,密集团队都能够为你提供全面而专业的支持。nn如果你对数字营销领域感兴趣,或者想要获得关于如何提升品牌曝光度的建议,那么不要犹豫,立即关注密集团队的Telegram频道@densitygroup。我们期待与你一起共同探索数字营销的奇妙世界,实现你的在线目标。

Density Group (德密团队)

29 Dec, 15:23

Introduction of FlamosFX

A new brokerage firm established by former Cloud7 MIB - Wei
LP : LMAX, FINALDO, FX EDGE, THUNDER and more to come
Licenses : Labuan, Saint Lucia, ASIC (in progress)
Target gross profit : 7% ~ 15% monthly
Deposit & payout in USDT
MAM system with limited fund size
Started trading on 11 November using Ctrader
Biweekly (2 weeks) profit sharing.
Available funds : Yi Fund 1 & Yi Fund 2

👉 Yi Fund 1
60% net profit sharing
Fund size capped at 5 mil
Min investment 1k USDT. No limit
Comes with a marketing plan 

👉 Yi Fund 2 
80% net profit sharing
Fund size capped at 3 mil
Min investment 1K. Max 35K
Does not come with marketing plan
Requirement : Must invest min 5k in Yi Fund 1 

👉 FlamosFX Registration Link :

👉 Telegram Channel :

👉 PM me for any inquiries :

Density Group (德密团队)

29 Dec, 15:23

FlamosFX (凤凰外汇) 简介

由前 Cloud7 MIB - 阿维成立的新经纪/券商公司
目标毛利润:每月 7% ~ 15% 
以 USDT 入金和支付
资金规模有上限的 MAM 系统
11 月 11 日开始使用 CTrader 进行交易
目前拥有两个基金 : Yi Fund 1 和 Yi Fund 2

👉 Yi Fund 1 (易基金 1)
60% 净利润分享
基金规模上限为 500 万
最低投资额为 1k USDT。无上限

👉 Yi Fund 2 (易基金 2) 
80% 净利润分享
基金规模上限为 300 万
最低投资额 1K。最高 35K
参与条件 : 必须在 Yi Fund 1 投资最低 5k 

👉  FlamosFX 注册链接 :

👉 Telegram 资讯群 :

👉 如有任何疑问,请与我联系:

Density Group (德密团队)

11 Nov, 12:27

FlamosFX (易家族) 简介

由前 Cloud7 MIB - 阿维成立的新经纪/券商公司
LP : Lmax、Finalto、Match-Prime. 未来将会对接更多的 LP
目标毛利润:每月 7% ~ 15% 
以 USDT 入金和支付
资金规模有上限的 MAM 系统
11 月 11 日开始使用 CTrader 进行交易
目前拥有两个基金 : Yi Fund 1 和 Yi Fund 2

👉 Yi Fund 1 (易基金 1)
60% 净利润分享
基金规模上限为 500 万
最低投资额为 1k USDT。无上限

👉 Yi Fund 2 (易基金 2) 
80% 净利润分享
交易和毛利润与 Yi Fund 1 相同
基金规模上限为 300 万
最低投资额 1K。最高 35K
参与条件 : 必须在 Yi Fund 1 投资最低 5k 

👉  FlamosFX 注册链接 :

👉 Telegram 资讯群 :

👉 如有任何疑问,请与我联系:

Density Group (德密团队)

11 Nov, 12:26

Introduction of FlamosFX

A new brokerage firm established by former Cloud7 MIB - Wei
LP : Lmax, Finalto, Match-Prime and more to come
Licenses : Labuan, Saint Lucia, ASIC (in progress)
Target gross profit : 7% ~ 15% monthly
Deposit & payout in USDT
MAM system with limited fund size
Started trading on 11 November using Ctrader
Biweekly (2 weeks) profit sharing.
Available funds : Yi Fund 1 & Yi Fund 2

👉 Yi Fund 1
60% net profit sharing
Fund size capped at 5 mil
Min investment 1k USDT. No limit
Comes with a marketing plan 

👉 Yi Fund 2 
80% net profit sharing
Same trades & gross profit as Yi Fund 1
Fund size capped at 3 mil
Min investment 1K. Max 35K
Does not come with marketing plan
Requirement : Must invest min 5k in Yi Fund 1 

👉 FlamosFX Registration Link :

👉 Telegram Channel :

👉 PM me for any inquiries :

Density Group (德密团队)

16 Sep, 00:57

After the completion of the maintenance, all the USDT in RWT has been converted to ZCD and locked for 1.5 year.

Density Group (德密团队)

15 Sep, 12:13

ZFinances Scheduled Maintenance

Date : 15/9/24
Time : 2400 (MY/SG Time)
(Sunday Midnight)
Duration : 12 hours


Density Group (德密团队)

12 Sep, 14:23

ZFinances Scheduled Maintenance

Date : 13/9/24
Time : 2400 (MY/SG Time)
(Friday Midnight)
Duration : 12 hours


Density Group (德密团队)

09 Sep, 16:37

<Red Wolf Team> Profit Distributed


Density Group (德密团队)

09 Sep, 14:51

Due to the current circumstances, the <Red Wolf> webinar on 10/9/24 has been canceled. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Density Group (德密团队)

09 Sep, 10:06

This is where you can check the transaction history and conversion ratio

Density Group (德密团队)

09 Sep, 10:06

This is where you can check your converted ZCD token

Density Group (德密团队)

09 Sep, 07:34


1. 目前我们了解到,所有 TFX 正按 3 TFX 兑换 1 ZCD 的比例被转换为 ZCD。

2. 所有 CCT 和 CCT 账户中的 USDT 正按 1 CCT/USDT 兑换 4 ZCD 的比例被转换为 ZCD。

3. 所有在此次维护期间转换的 ZCD 将被锁定质押 18 个月。请检查您的质押记录。

4. 目前 ZCD 的价格为 0.25。

5. 似乎 Red Wolf 团队基金的附属和层级结构仍然保持不变,尚未被转换,但我们正在确认相关细节。

6. CCT 基金和层级结构似乎已经解散。

Density Group (德密团队)

09 Sep, 07:33

According to upline, they have been contacting each other and were unaware of the conversion beforehand.

1. As of now, we know that all TFX is being converted to ZCD at a ratio of 3 TFX Coins to 1 ZCD.

2. All CCT and USDT in CCT accounts are being converted to ZCD at a rate of 1 CCT/USDT = 4 ZCD.

3. All converted ZCD during this maintenance are being locked into staking up to 18 months. Please check your staking record.

4. Currently, the ZCD priced at 0.25.

5. It appears that the Red Wolf Team Fund attachment and hierarchy are still intact and haven’t been converted, but we are currently confirming the details.

6. The CCT Funds and hierarchy seem to have been dissolved.

Density Group (德密团队)

09 Sep, 06:17


欢迎加入 ZFinances!我们很高兴地通知您,您的帐户已转换为 ZFinances。这意味着您的所有 TFX/TFXC,无论是质押、附属或是保留在账户余额中都已成功转换为 ZCD。

转换以 3 TFX : 1 ZCD 比率进行。例如,999 TFX 转换为 333 ZCD。

激活您的 ZFinances Exchange 账户

要继续交易超过 50 种加密币,只需按照屏幕上的步骤激活您的交易账户即可。激活后,您可以交易、存款、取款和转移您的加密币。

了解更多关于 ZFinances

截至最近,ZCD 的价格已上涨超过 50%,我们认为这是市场对于 FractionZ 的推出以及未来其他计划的期盼。在此我们很高兴地通知您,FractionZ 即将推出!为了平衡买卖压力,我们制定了机制暂时防止最近转换为 ZFinances 的客户立即抛售 ZCD。客户们可以在稍后的日期出售 ZCD。这有助于确保 ZFinances 和 ZChains 生态系统的健康。

备受关注的是,ZCD 现在价位为 0.25 左右并拥有强劲支撑。这是一个表明 ZCD 目前处于上升趋势的信号。ZFinances 致力于通过 ZFinances Exchange、ZChains 和 ZCD 继续投资和发展其生态系统。



Density Group (德密团队)

09 Sep, 06:16


我们想通知您,所有 CCT 已成功转换为 ZCD。所有 CCT(MAQ、NKL、WEE、WEG、AUH、AUHC、CLOUD、SMM、YLC、MII、AMGC、GNS)无论是质押、附属或仅保留在账户余额中都已成功转换。

转换以 1 CCT : 4 ZCD 比率进行。例如,1000 CCT 转换为 4000 ZCD。

该决定是为了巩固和加强 ZCD 经济。截至最近,ZCD 的价格已上涨超过 50%,我们认为这是市场对于 FractionZ 的推出以及未来其他计划的期盼。在此我们很高兴地通知您,FractionZ 即将推出!为了平衡买卖压力,我们制定了机制暂时防止最近转换为 ZFinances 的客户立即抛售 ZCD。客户们可以在稍后的日期出售 ZCD。这有助于确保 ZFinances 和 ZChains 生态系统的健康。

备受关注的是,ZCD 现在价位为 0.25 左右并拥有强劲支撑。这是一个表明 ZCD 目前处于上升趋势的信号。ZFinances 致力于通过 ZFinances Exchange、ZChains 和 ZCD 继续投资和发展其生态系统。



Density Group (德密团队)

09 Sep, 06:10

Dear clients,

Welcome onboard ZFinances! We are glad to inform you that your account is converted to ZFinances. This means all your TFX/TFXC have been converted to ZCD successfully. All TFX/TFXC regardless whether they are staked, attached or simply held in the account balance are converted.

The conversion is made on 3 TFX : 1 ZCD ratio. As an example, 999 TFX are converted to 333 ZCD.

Activate Your ZFinances Exchange Account

To continue trading more than 50 crypto assets, simply follow the on screen steps to activate your Exchange account. Once activated, you may trade, deposit, withdraw and transfer your crypto.

Learn more about ZFinances

As of recently, ZCD has seen its price raised more than 50% which we reckon was due to the anticipation of the launching of our launchpad, FractionZ, along with other planned developments. We are excited to inform you that FractionZ is now close to launching! To balance the buy sell pressure, we have put in place mechanisms in which clients who have recently been converted to ZFinances are held back from selling ZCD immediately. Clients who wish to sell ZCD will be allowed to do so at a later date. This helps improve the health of the overall ZFinances and ZChains ecosystems.

In the spotlight, ZCD now has a strong support at around 0.25. This is a positive signal that ZCD is currently in the uptrend. ZFinances is committed to continue to invest and develop in the ecosystem through ZFinances Exchange, ZChains and ZCD.

Check out the past and current developments

We wholeheartedly welcome you to join us. Thank you.

Density Group (德密团队)

09 Sep, 05:10

Dear clients,

We wish to inform you that all CCT have been converted to ZCD successfully. All CCT (MAQ, NKL, WEE, WEG, AUH, AUHC, CLOUD, SMM, YLC, MII, AMGC, GNS) regardless whether they are staked, attached or simply held in the account balance are converted.

The conversion is made on 1 CCT : 4 ZCD ratio. As an example, 1000 CCT are converted to 4000 ZCD.

The decision is to consolidate and strengthen the economy of ZCD. As of recently, ZCD has seen its price raised more than 50% which we reckon was due to the anticipation of the launching of our launchpad, FractionZ, along with other planned developments. We are excited to inform you that FractionZ is now close to launching! To balance the buy sell pressure, we have put in place mechanisms in which ZCD which are recently converted may not be sold immediately. Clients who wish to sell ZCD will be allowed to do so at a later date. This helps improve the health of the overall ZFinances and ZChains ecosystems.

In the spotlight, ZCD now has a strong support at around 0.25. This is a positive signal that ZCD is currently in the uptrend. ZFinances is committed to continue to invest and develop in the ecosystem through ZFinances Exchange, ZChains and ZCD.

Check out the past and current developments

Thank you.