As the holiday season unfolds around us, it's a fitting time for all of us at the DeepMine team to pause and reflect on the journey we've shared this past year that has been both challenging and rewarding.
Throughout this year, your feedback, including words of encouragement and criticism, has been invaluable. We acknowledge there have been moments of challenge, and your honest critiques have often been justified. These insights not only drive us to improve but also remind us how much you care about the world of DeepMine. That in itself is a source of great motivation and encouragement for our team. We're reminded every day that DeepMine is still a work in progress, but our goal remains the same - to shape DeepMine into the game we all envision and to make Eleazar great again!
This year saw us tackling and overcoming obstacles, but amidst these, we made substantial progress with the core of DeepMine. We introduced the Engineer role, enabling you to upgrade equipment and mines, and delve deeper into the captivating levels of Eleazar. The rental system was rolled out, transforming the way resources are utilized in the game. We didn't stop there; the Service Market received a major overhaul, and we implemented detailed statistics for all roles. Beyond these significant updates, we've also been busy with hundreds of smaller improvements and tweaks.
Perhaps the most pivotal achievement has been moving all the main core mechanics to the backend. This strategic shift is laying down a solid foundation, opening doors to build and expand DeepMine in ways that were not possible before.
As we approach the end of this year and look forward to the next, we want to thank every member of our community for being with us on this journey.
May the New Year usher in more adventures in Eleazar, and may it bring joy and fulfillment to your life.
See you all in Eleazar,
With much love and gratitude,
The DeepMine Team โค๏ธ