Daily Uses Vocablury @dailyusesvocablury Channel on Telegram

Daily Uses Vocablury


Daily Uses Vocablury

We provide you daily uses vocab like vocablury, phrase, one word substitution, antonyms, synonyms and other exam based vocab..

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Daily Uses Vocablury (English)

Are you looking to improve your vocabulary and language skills on a daily basis? Look no further, as the Daily Uses Vocablury Telegram channel is here to help you out! This channel offers a wide range of daily use vocabulary words, phrases, one-word substitutions, antonyms, synonyms, and exam-based vocabulary to help you expand your language knowledge.

Whether you are a student preparing for exams, a language enthusiast, or simply someone looking to enhance their language skills, Daily Uses Vocablury has something for everyone. With regular updates and engaging content, you can learn new words and improve your vocabulary every day.

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Daily Uses Vocablury

31 Aug, 09:22

1) Covenant ( अनुबंध, प्रतिज्ञापत्र )
Syno - Contract, Accord, Pact, Agreement, Treaty,

Its meaning in the field of Finance & Economics:-"to
make a formal agreement to pay a fixed amount of money
regularly, especially to a charity."

A) An international covenant was signed in the summit.
B) Ten percent of my income is covenanted to charity.

2) Gruff ( ककक श, रूखेआचरण वाला)
Syno – Rough, Harsh, Throaty, Rasping

(of a person's voice) rough and low in pitch, hoarse,
(of a person's behaviour) unfriendly or showing no

A) Dads can be gruff and impatient at times but they love
us the most.
B) "Can I get some water?" asked the wounded soldier in
his gruff voice.

3) Ravage ( तवनाश, बबाकद कर देना)
Syno - Demolish, Destroy, Ruin, Devastate

Example : The area has been ravaged by drought/
floods/ war.

4) Vindicate ( न्यायसंगि तसद्ध करना)
Meaning- Clear (someone) of blame or suspicion; to
prove that someone is not guilty.

Synonyms- acquit, clear, exonerate, expulcate, free ,

Example :Raman has evidence that will vindicate him.

5) Propitiate ( शांि करना, रूठे हुए को मना लेना )

Syno - Appease, allay, alleviate, assuage, placate,

Example: The goats or sheep were often sacrificed to
propitiate an angry God in the ancient times.

6) Premonition ( पूवाकभास )

Meaning- A feeling that something, especially something
unpleasant, is going to happen.

Syno - Foreboding, presage, forewarning,
prognostication, intuition, hunch, augury.

Example: He had a premonition that his plane would
crash, so he took the train.

Daily Uses Vocablury

13 Jun, 04:49


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Daily Uses Vocablury

13 May, 01:53

💠 Congratulations बोले अब और भी Smart तरीके से ;)

𒊹︎︎︎Hats Off !!
बहुत बढिया !!

𒊹︎︎︎You did it !!
आपने कर दिखाया !!

𒊹︎︎︎Well done !!
शाबाश !!

𒊹︎︎︎Keep up the good work !!
अच्छा काम करते रहो !!

𒊹︎︎︎Sensational !!
शानदार !!

𒊹︎︎︎You have got it !!
तुमने यह पा लिया !!


Daily Uses Vocablury

25 Mar, 03:26

Wishing you a Holi filled with sweet moments and colorful memories to cherish forever. 😊

Daily Uses Vocablury

31 Jan, 12:35

Daily Uses Vocablury pinned «🔴Monsoon related words: 1. Drizzling - बूंदा-बांदी वर्षा 2. Pouring - मूसलधार वर्षा 3. Raining incessantly - लगातार बारिश होना 4. Deluge - बाढ़ आना 5. Downpour - मूसलधार वर्षा 6. Hail - ओले पड़ना 7. Mist - धुंध 8. Rainfall - वर्षा 9. Precipitation…»

Daily Uses Vocablury

27 Jan, 09:45

बहुत कम ही लोग यह जानते हैं

Fever - बुखार

Sunstroke - लू लगना


Hernia- आंत उतरना


Leprosy - कोड़

Obesity - चर्बी बढना

Toothache - दांत दर्द

Mole- तिल

Itches- खुजली

Vomiting - उल्टी

Constipation - कब्ज

Blotch-scar धब्बा

Headache - सिरदर्द

Hoarseness - गला बैठना

Gout- गठिया

Sneezing - छींक

Giddiness- चक्कर

Diarrhea - दस्त

Urine- पेशाब

Cholera - हैजा

Dwarf- बौना

Pimple- मुहांसा

Epilepsy - मिर्गी

Swelling - सूजन

Dysentery - पेचिश

Hiccup - हिचकी

Wound - ज़ख्म

Lean - दुबला

Asthma - दमा

Thirst - प्यास

Bald - टकला

Sweat- पसीना


Daily Uses Vocablury

23 Sep, 02:39

Direct Exam Related Words

1. Flouting – उल्लंघन - give offense,
pique, disregard

2. Toddler – बच्चा

3. Expedite – शीघ्र - fast, immediate, spanking

4. Disbursement – वितरण -Distribution, Dispersal

5. Assaulting – आक्रमण करना - strike, fall on

6. Bound – सीमा - limit, range,

7. Backdrop –पिछे का

8. Straddle–occupy a certain area

9. Opportunity - अवसर - occasion, chance, time, juncture, eventuality

10. Scrambling – संघर्ष करना - jar, conflict

11. Marshals – उच्च अधिकारी

12. Culvert – पुलिया

13. Bludgeoned – मारना

14. Benign- अच्छा(adj)

15. Delegates – प्रतिनिधि -
representative, attorney

16. Spooks – पिशाच - demon, fiend, devil

17. Drastic – कठोर harsh,
rigid ,stringent,

Daily Uses Vocablury

09 Nov, 10:19

Daily Uses Vocablury pinned «🔴Daily English words 🗽Lisp - (लिस्प) - तुतलाना 🗽Stammer - (स्तम्मर) - हकलाना 🗽 Whisper - (व्हिस्पर) - फुसफुसाना 🗽Shivering - (शिवरिंग) - कपकपाना 🗽 Limp - (लिम्प) - लंगड़ाना । 🗽 Giggle - (गिग्गल) - खिसियाना 🗽 Murmur - (मर्मर) - बड़बड़ाना 🗽 Tottering…»

Daily Uses Vocablury

26 Oct, 02:51

Uproar - हंगामा

Humdrum - नीरस

Impair - कम करना

Vandalize - तोड़ फोड़ करना

Renowned - प्रसिद्ध

Dumbfounded - आश्चर्यचकित

Extinction - लुप्त होना

Accomplished - कुशल

Talismanic - करिश्माई

Vendetta - प्रतिशोध

Tremendous - जबरदस्त

𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 :- https://telegram.me/dailyusesvocablury

Daily Uses Vocablury

29 Sep, 08:50

Daily Uses Vocablury pinned «मशहूर / प्रसिद्ध = Famous/ Well-known अप्रसिद्ध = Unknown बेसहारा = Destitude घमंडी = Haughty जिंदादिल = Lively / Vivocious बेपरवाह = Happy - go - lucky संस्कारी = Cultured / Civilised असंस्कारी = Uncivilised Ꭻᴏɪɴ : - https://telegr…»

Daily Uses Vocablury

29 Sep, 05:42

मशहूर / प्रसिद्ध = Famous/ Well-known

अप्रसिद्ध = Unknown

बेसहारा = Destitude

घमंडी = Haughty

जिंदादिल = Lively / Vivocious

बेपरवाह = Happy - go - lucky

संस्कारी = Cultured / Civilised

असंस्कारी = Uncivilised

Ꭻᴏɪɴ : - https://telegram.me/dailyusesvocablury

Daily Uses Vocablury

13 Sep, 15:11

Slugfest - संघर्ष

Adapt - अनुकूल बनना

Ascend - चढ़ना

Innocuous - नुकसान न पहुँचाने वाला

Claimant - दावेदार / उम्मीदवार

Lousy - खराब

Immersion - विसर्जन

Anguished - दुख

Eerie - डरावना

Daily Uses Vocablury

04 Sep, 13:52

Firecracker - पटाखा

Topple - गिराना

Confidente - विश्वासपात्र

Sabotage - नुकसान पहुँचाना

Adversely - प्रतिकूल रूप से

Ensign - ध्वज

Daily Uses Vocablury

22 Aug, 07:11

उलझे हुए तार = Tangled wire
सुलझाना = Untangle

पार्टी देना = Throw a party
बिन बुलाये किसी पार्टी मे जाना = Crash a

गहरा पानी = Deep water
छिछला पानी = Shallow water

पक्की सड़क = Metalled Road
कच्ची सड़क = Unmetalled

छोटे पत्थर = Pebble
बड़े पत्थर = Stone

जूठा (खाना) = Ort
जूठा (बर्तन) = Used

Ꭻᴏɪɴ : - https://telegram.me/dailyusesvocablury

Daily Uses Vocablury

19 Aug, 05:58

साबूदाना. = sago

सेंधा नमक. = rock salt

कुट्टू का आटा = Buck wheat flour

सिंघाड़े का आटा = Water chestnut
शकरकंद. = Sweet Potato

अरबी. = Colocasia

परवल. = Pointed Gourd

रतालू. = Yam

सूरन. = Elephant Yam

शिकंजी. = Lemonade

छाछ. = Butter milk

दही. = Yogurt

पनीर. = Cottage cheese

घी. = Clarified Butter

सौंठ. = Dried Ginger

लौंग. = Clove

जीरा. = Cumin

मिश्री. = Rock Sugar

JOIN :- https://telegram.me/dailyusesvocablury

Daily Uses Vocablury

09 Jul, 11:40

🤖Words of the Day

• Embarrassed - शर्मिंदा

• Insanity - पागलपन

• Stubborn - जिद्दी

• Austerity - तपस्या

• Tantrum - नखरे

• Imitation - नकल

• Rapturous - मनमौजी

• Trepidation - घबराहट

• Greedy - लालची

• Nuptial night - सुहाग रात

• Hooligans - बदमाश

• Shirker - कामचोर

• Evil Eye - बुरी नज़र

• Morsel - निवाला

• Sacrament संस्कार

• Jinxed - मनहूस

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