Hindi To English @daily_use_english_sentences Channel on Telegram

Hindi To English


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Daily use sentences

Hindi To English (English)

Are you looking to enhance your English language skills? Look no further than the 'Hindi To English' Telegram channel! This channel, with the username @daily_use_english_sentences, is the best place to improve your English proficiency. Every day, you will be introduced to new words and daily use sentences that will help you become more fluent in English. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone who loves learning new languages, this channel is perfect for you. Join us today and start your journey towards mastering the English language!

Hindi To English

18 Jan, 06:20


Hindi To English

12 Jan, 07:19

English Acronyms - Texting 📲

1. LOL 😂 - Laugh Out Loud
2. BRB 🏃‍♂️ - Be Right Back
3. OMG 😱 - Oh My God
4. BTW 🤔 - By The Way
5. FYI ℹ️ - For Your Information
6. ASAP - As Soon As Possible
7. TTYL 👋 - Talk To You Later
8. IDK 🤷‍♂️ - I Don’t Know
9. IMHO 🤷‍♂️ - In My Humble Opinion
10. GTG 👋 - Got To Go
11. TMI 🙈 - Too Much Information
12. SMH 🤦‍♂️ - Shaking My Head
13. JK 😜 - Just Kidding
14. TYT ⌛️ - Take Your Time

15. OMG 😲 - ???????

Hindi To English

11 Jan, 13:03

Basic vs Advanced expressions:

1. I’m hungry. - I’m starving.
2. I’m tired. - I’m exhausted.
3. I’m surprised. - I’m stunned.
4. I’m angry. - I’m furious.
5. I’m confused. - I’m baffled.
6. It’s expensive. - It costs a fortune.
7. It’s cold. - It’s freezing.
8. It’s hot. - It’s scorching.
9. I’m sad. - I’m devastated.
10. It’s easy. - It’s a piece of cake.
11. It’s difficult. - It’s challenging.
12. I’m busy. - I’m swamped.
13. It’s funny. - It’s hilarious.

Hindi To English

10 Jan, 15:30


Hindi To English

09 Jan, 13:27

Common English words with silent letters:

1. Debt - The “b” is silent.
2. Subtle - The “b” is silent.
3. Doubt - The “b” is silent.
4. Knight - The “k” is silent.
5. Honor - The “h” is silent.
6. Hour - The “h” is silent.
7. Wrath - The “w” is silent.
8. Calm - The “l” is silent.
9. Half - The “l” is silent.
10. Island - The “s” is silent.
11. Listen - The “t” is silent.
12. Castle - The “t” is silent.

Hindi To English

05 Jan, 16:37

Instead of “VERY” in IELTS
very small = tiny
very good = excellent
very bad = awful
very happy = joyful
very sad = miserable
very funny = hilarious
very serious = grave
very brave = courageous
very cowardly = timid
very fast = swift
very slow = sluggish
very bright = radiant
very dark = gloomy
very noisy = boisterous
very quiet = silent
very strong = powerful
very weak = feeble
very cold = chilly
very young = youthful
very old = elderly
very rich = wealthy

very hot = ????

Hindi To English

05 Jan, 09:27

1. चल कुछ खाते है 
    Let’s eat something.

2. वो शायद सो रहा होगा 
    He may be sleeping.

3. मै उससे पहले कभी नहीं मिला हु 
    I have never met him before.

4. मेहनत का फल मीठा होता है 
    Hard work pays

5. तुम्हें उससे ऐसा बर्ताव नहीं करना चाहिए था 
    You should not have behaved like this with him.

6. काश मै तुमसे मिल सकता 
    I wish I could meet you.

7. काश मेरे पास एक कार होती 
    I wish I had a car.

8. तूने पहले क्यों नहीं बताया?
    Why didn’t you tell me earlier?

9. उसकी तबियत कैसी है अब?
    How is his health now?

10. अभी मिल सकते हो क्या?
       Can you meet me right now?

Hindi To English

04 Jan, 16:15


Hindi To English

04 Jan, 16:04

Here are 20 antonyms:
Active: Lazy
Afraid: Brave
After: Before
Big: Small
Beautiful: Ugly
Bitter: Sweet
Close: Open
Cold: Hot
Clean: Dirty
Day: Night
Daughter: Son
Deep: Shallow
Enter: Exit
End: Beginning
Enemy: Friend
Fast: Slow
Female: Male
Far: Near
Sad: Happy
Salt: Sugar

Hindi To English

04 Jan, 16:03

1. वाद-विवाद करना मेरे बस की बात नहीं है।
Vaad-vivaad karana mere bas kee baat nahin hai.

Debating is not my cup of tea.

2. लेख लिखना मेरे बस की बात नहीं है।
Lekh likhana mere bas kee baat nahin hai.

Writing articles is not my cup of tea.

3. शायरी करना मेरे बस की बात नहीं है।
Shayari karana mere bas kee baat nahin hai.

Writing poetry is not my cup of tea.

4. कहानी लिखना मेरे बस की बात नहीं है।
Kahaani likhana mere bas kee baat nahin hai.

Writing stories is not my cup of tea.

5. निबंध लिखना मेरे बस की बात नहीं है।
Nibandh likhana mere bas kee baat nahin hai.

Writing essays is not my cup of tea.

6. सम्पादक बनना मेरे बस की बात नहीं है।
Sampadak banana mere bas kee baat nahin hai.

Becoming an editor is not my cup of tea.

7. पत्रकार बनना मेरे बस की बात नहीं है।
Patrakar banana mere bas kee baat nahin hai.

Becoming a journalist is not my cup of tea.

8. राजनीति करना मेरे बस की बात नहीं है।
Rajneeti karana mere bas kee baat nahin hai.

Politics is not my cup of tea.

9. व्यवसाय करना मेरे बस की बात नहीं है।
Vyavasaay karana mere bas kee baat nahin hai.

Business is not my cup of tea.

10. शिक्षण करना मेरे बस की बात नहीं है।
Shikshan karana mere bas kee baat nahin hai.


Hindi To English

03 Nov, 06:23

Basic 🆚 Business English Vocabulary
1. Communicate 📢 - Convey
2. Change 🔄 - Modify
3. Start 🚦 - Commence
4. End 🛑 - Terminate
5. Use - Utilize
6. Buy 💳 - Procure
7. Sell 📈 - Market
8. Ask 🙋‍♂️ - Inquire
9. Help 🤲 - Assist
10. Talk 🗨 - Dialogue
11. Idea 💭 - Concept
12. Problem - Challenge
13. Give 🎁 - Provide
14. Get 📥 - Obtain
15. Plan 📆 - Strategize
16. Show 🎬 - Demonstrate
17. Understand 🧠 - Comprehend
18. Tell 📣 - Inform
19. Finish 🏁 - Complete
20. Enhance 🌐 - Improve

Like 👍 करके जाइएगा

Hindi To English

03 Nov, 06:21

1. मैं परीक्षा पास करने के लिए जी जान लगा दूंगा।
Main pariksha pass karne ke liye ji jan laga dunga

I will do my level best to pass the exam.

2. भारत मैच जितने के लिए जी जान लगा देगा।
Bharat match jitane ke liye ji jan laga dega

India will do its level best to win the match.

3. तुम्हें हराने के लिए मैं कोई कसर नहीं छोडूंगा।
Tumhen harane ke liye main koi kasar nahi chhodunga .

I will do my level best to defeat you.

4. मैं अपने सपने पूरे करने के लिए जी जान लगा दूंगा।
Main apane sapane pure karne ke liye ji jan laga dunga .

I will do my level best to fulfill my dreams.

5. मैं आपको इंग्लिश सिखाने के लिए कोई कसर नहीं छोडूंगी।
Main aapako English sikhane ke liye koi kasar nahi chhodungi .

I will do my level best to teach you English.

6. मैं इंग्लिश सीखने के लिए जी जान लगा दूंगा।
man inglish sikhane ke liye ji jan laga dunga .

Like 👍 करके जाइएगा

Hindi To English

17 Oct, 09:51

📌 Very capable – accomplished
📌 Very clean – spotless
📌 Very clever – brilliant
📌 Very cold – freezing
📌 Very dirty – squalid
📌 Very dry – parched
📌 Very fast – swift
📌 Very good – superb
📌 Very happy – jubilant
📌 Very hot – scalding
📌 Very hungry – ravenous
📌 Very large – colossal
📌 Very light – imponderable
📌 Very high – sky-high
📌 Very neat – immaculate
📌 Very old – ancient
📌 Very poor – destitute
📌 Very quiet – silent
📌 Very serious – solemn
📌 Very small – tiny
📌 Very strong – unyielding
📌 Very tasty – delicious
📌 Very tired – exhausted
📌 Very valuable – precious
📌 Very weak – feeble
📌 Very wet – soaked
📌 Very wicked – villainous
📌 Very wise – sagacious
📌 Very worried – anxious
📌 Very dangerous – malignant
📌 Very complex – overspecified
📌 Very frequent – continual
📌 Very rude – ??????

*बस 1 LIKE 👍🏼 चाहिए*

Hindi To English

07 Oct, 11:04

🌷🚀Some random words and their synonyms:

1. Fast: >>Quick, Speedy, Rapid
2. Brave: >>Courageous, Fearless, Valiant
3. Smart:>> Intelligent, Clever, Bright
4. Small: >>Tiny, Little, Petite
5. Happy:>> Joyful, Content, Cheerful
6. Angry:>> Furious, Irritated, Annoyed
7. Beautiful:>> Attractive, Lovely, Gorgeous
8. Tired: >>Exhausted, Fatigued, Weary
9. Big: >>Large, Huge, Massive
10. Funny:>> Hilarious, Amusing, Comical

Hindi To English

07 Oct, 05:25

Basic vs Advanced

1. I’m busy. - I’m swamped.
2. I don’t care. - I’m indifferent.
3. I’m happy. - I’m elated.
4. It’s not important. - It’s trivial.
5. I understand. - I comprehend.
6. I’m worried. - I’m anxious.
7. It’s bad. - It’s atrocious.
8. I’m tired of this. - I’m exasperated.
9. That’s interesting. - That’s captivating.
10. I’m scared. - I’m terrified.

Hindi To English

05 Oct, 05:24

15 Abbreviations
1. DIY 👋 = Do it yourself
2. JK 😜 = Just kidding
3. IDK 🤷‍♂️ = I don’t know
4. OMG 😱 = Oh my god
5. BTW 🤔 = By the way
6. BRB 🏃‍♂️ = Be right back
7. TYT ⌛️ = Take your time
8. LOL 😂 = Laugh out loud
9. OMG 😲 = Oh my goodness
10. SMH 🤦‍♂️ = Shaking my head
11. TTYL 👋 = Talk to you later
12. FYI ℹ️ = For your information
13. TMI 🙈 = Too much information
14. ASAP = As soon as possible
15. IMHO 🤷‍♂️ = In my humble opinion

Hindi To English

02 Oct, 06:10

Here are 5 sentences using the phrase "on behalf of".

1. मैं अपनी बहन की ओर से शिकायत दर्ज कर रही हूँ।
main apanee bahan kee or se shikaayat darj kar rahee hoon.

👉I am filing a complaint on behalf of my sister.

2. हम अपने देश के नागरिकों की ओर से बोल रहे हैं।
ham apane desh ke naagarikon kee or se bol rahe hain

👉We are speaking on behalf of the citizens of our country.

3. मैं अपने स्कूल के विद्यार्थियों की ओर से बोल रही हूँ।
main apane skool ke vidyaarthiyon kee or se bol rahee hoon.

👉I am speaking on behalf of the students of my school.

4. मैं अपने परिवार की ओर से आपको धन्यवाद देता हूँ।
main apane parivaar kee or se aapako dhanyavaad deta hoon.

👉I thank you on behalf of my family.

5. मैं अपने मित्र की ओर से क्षमा मांगता हूँ।
main apane mitr kee or se kshama maangata hoon


Hindi To English

28 Sep, 07:18

# Vocabulary

♦️Inhabit- Live in or occupy (निवास करना)

♦️Significant- Noteworthy, remarkable (महत्वपूर्ण)

♦️Milestone- A significant stage in the development (मील का पत्थर)

♦️Remote- Situated far from the main centres of population, faraway (एकांत)

♦️Disparity- A great difference (असमानता)

♦️Anomaly- Oddity, irregularity      (नियमहीनता)

♦️Hurdle- Obstacle, problem (अड़चन)

♦️Stand-alone- Able to operate independently of other hardware or software (स्वचलित)

♦️Augment- Increase, expand (बढ़ती करना)

♦️Wreak- Inflict, cause damage or harm (उतारना)

♦️Whip up- Affect, provoke (तैयार करना)

♦️Frenzy- A period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behaviour (आवेश)

♦️Sabotage- Deliberately destroy, damage (नुक़सान पहुंचाना)

♦️Outrage- Fury, indignation (उल्लंघन)

♦️Morph- Change smoothly from one image to another (बदलना)

♦️Malign- Harmful, hostile (नुक़सानदेह)

♦️Acquaint- Make someone familiar with (परिचित)

♦️Bilious- Bad-tempered, irritable (चिड़चिड़ा)

♦️Coercive- Using force or threats (बलपूर्वक)

♦️Diktat- an order or decree imposed by someone (फरमान)

♦️Laying down- Bestow (नीचे रख देना)

♦️Statutory- Legal (वैधानिक)

♦️Patrons- Promoter, protector (संरक्षक)

♦️Apparel- Clothing (परिधान, वस्त्र)

♦️Vigilantism- Law enforcement undertaken without legal authority (अतिसतर्कता)

♦️Harangued- Lecture (someone) at length in an aggressive and critical manner (भाषण देना)

♦️Unethical- Not morally correct (अनैतिक)

♦️Conscientious- Honest, sincere (ईमानदार)

♦️Provinces- Territory, region (प्रांतों)

♦️Quacks- A person who dishonestly claims to have special knowledge and skill in some field, typically medicine (नीम हकीम)

♦️Conceive- Form or devise in mind (विचार करना)

♦️Jurisprudence- The theory of law (न्यायशास्त्र)

♦️Petition- A formal written request (याचिका)

♦️Inherent- Existing in something as a permanent attribute (निहित)

♦️Touchstone- A criterion by which something is judged (कसौटी)

♦️Bias- Partiality (पक्षपात)

♦️Denial- Refusal, contradiction (इनकार)

♦️Absurdity- Being ridiculous (मूर्खता)

♦️Rhetoric- The art of effective writing or speaking (आलंकारिक)

♦️Procurement- The occupation of acquiring goods(खरीद)

♦️Reluctance- Unwillingness (अनिच्छा)

♦️Pose- to present, create (बना हुआ)

♦️Unleash- become unrestrained (उजागर करें)

♦️Futility- pointlessness, uselessness (निरर्थकता)

♦️Flaw- defect, blemish (त्रुटि)

♦️Ledger- a book of financial accounts (खाता बही)

♦️Timestamp- a digital record of time of occurrence of a particular event (मापन)

♦️Decentralise- transfer from central to local government (विकेन्द्रीकृत)

♦️Immutable- unchangeable (अडिग)

♦️Disdain- disrespect, contempt (तिरस्कार)

♦️Speculative- imaginary or involving a high risk of loss (काल्पनिक, विचार योग्य)

♦️Untether- untie (बंधे हुए को खोल देना)

♦️Irresistible- too powerful to be resisted (जो रुक न सके)

♦️Frenzy- madness, Hysteria, uncontrolled wild behaviour (सनक)

♦️Analogous- comparable (अनुरूप)

♦️Inconceivable- unbelievable, incomprehensible (समझ से बाहर)

♦️Render- provide or give (प्रतिपादन)

♦️Disparity- a great difference (असमानताऐ)

Hindi To English

26 Sep, 18:10

*English Spoken Practice*

आपको कोई नहीं बता सकता।
*Nobody can tell you.*

ये लगभग असंभव है।
*It’s almost impossible.*

इससे भी आपका काम नहीं चलेगा।
*It will not serve your purpose either.*

तो फिर मैं क्या करुँ?
*Then, what do I do?*

आप एक काम करिए।
*You do one thing.*

ऐसा भी नहीं है।
*Not really.*

बिल्कुल नहीं।
*Not at all.*

*बस 1 LIKE 👍🏼 चाहिए*

Hindi To English

26 Sep, 09:44

Hindi To English pinned Deleted message

Hindi To English

13 Sep, 04:10

Here are some alternatives to “You’re welcome”:

1. My pleasure
2. No problem
3. Anytime
4. Don’t mention it
5. Glad to help
6. No worries
7. Happy to help
8. It was nothing
9. Sure thing
10. Of course

These can add variety and sound more natural in different contexts!

Hindi To English

12 Sep, 04:21

01. वह कुँए में फिसल कर गिर गया।
He slipped and fell into the well.

02. वो भी क्या दिन थे! कसम से!
How beautiful the days were! Really!

03. आप भी क्या इन्सान हो! सच में!
How great a person you are! Really!

04. क्या हो अगर वो तुम्हारा दिल तोड़ दे तो ?
What if he breaks your heart?

05. अगर वो आपकी बात न माने तो ?
What if he doesn’t obey you?

Hindi To English

11 Sep, 06:39

1. मैं आपको दिल से पढाना चाहता हूँ।
I want to teach you wholeheartedly.

2. आज मैं किसी तरह बच गया ।
I somehow escaped today.

3. हमारे बीच कुछ नहीं है।
There is nothing between us.

4. मैंने तुम्हारा क्या बिगाड़ा है?
What wrong have I done to you?


5. मुझे ये 10 रू. का पडा ।

Translate it and Comment

Hindi To English

11 Sep, 06:35

01. काश तुम मेरे होते।
I wish you were mine.

02. जहाँ तक मेरी ज़िंदगी का सवाल है, मैंने इसे मानव कल्याण पर लगा दिया है।
As far as my life is concerned, I have devoted it to human welfare.

03. वो तो तुम्हारा साथ देगा ही ।
He will obviously support you.

04. मैं जानता हूँ कि ये समस्या किस तरह हल की जा सकती है |
I know how this problem can be solved.

05. तुम मेरेआगे नहीं टिक सकते।
You can’t stand against me.

Hindi To English

08 Sep, 14:11

Keep (कीप) – रखना (Rakhna)

Know (नो) – जानना (Janna)

Kind (काइंड) – दयालु (Dayalu)

Kitchen (किचन) – रसोई (Rasoi)

Key (की) – चाबी (Chaabi)

Kick (किक) – लात (Laat)

Kid (किड) – बच्चा (Baccha)

King (किंग) – राजा (Raja)

Kite (काइट) – पतंग (Patang)

Knock (नॉक) – खटखटाना (Khatkhatana)

Hindi To English

08 Sep, 14:11

Job (जॉब) – काम (Kaam)

Join (जॉइन) – जुड़ना (Judna)

Jump (जम्प) – कूदना (Kudna)

Just (जस्ट) – बस (Bas)

Joke (जोक) – मज़ाक (Mazak)

Joy (जॉय) – आनंद (Anand)

Judge (जज) – न्यायाधीश (Nyayadheesh)

Juice (जूस) – रस (Ras)

Journey (जर्नी) – यात्रा (Yatra)

Journal (जर्नल) – डायरी (Diary)

Hindi To English

07 Sep, 04:46

01. आपने चप्पलें उल्टी पहन रखी हैं।
You have put on your slippers on the wrong sides.

02. उसने ही तो ये कहा था।
It was he, who had said it.

03. जो हो रहा है, होने दो।
Let happen, whatever is going on.

04. वह फिसल कर गिर गया।
He slipped and fell down.

05. जब वह खाना खाते हुए टी.वी.देखता है।
He watches TV while having food.

Hindi To English

06 Sep, 03:09

Instead of “VERY” in IELTS
very small = tiny
very good = excellent
very bad = awful
very happy = joyful
very sad = miserable
very funny = hilarious
very serious = grave
very brave = courageous
very cowardly = timid
very fast = swift
very slow = sluggish
very bright = radiant
very dark = gloomy
very noisy = boisterous
very quiet = silent
very strong = powerful
very weak = feeble
very hot = sizzling
very cold = chilly
very young = youthful
very old = elderly
very rich = wealthy

Hindi To English

05 Sep, 08:19

Sonu Hello brother. What are you doing?
Ashok Nothing special bro. You tell?
Sonu Well, I’m planning to go for a movie today, what about you?
Ashok Not really possible today. I’ve got some work at home.
Sonu Oh! Let’s plan it tomorrow then.

Hindi To English

05 Sep, 08:19

Sonu Hello, Aman. Do you have some milk, please ?
Ashok No, I don’t have.
Sonu Can you arrange it for me ?
Ashok Sure. It might take time though.
Sonu No issues! Thank you very much.

Hindi To English

05 Sep, 08:19

Sonu Hello, Ashok – May I borrow your Pen, please ?
Ashok I’m sorry but I have got only one.
Sonu Oh, its all right.
Ashok But wait. I think Ramesh can help You. He always has two pens.
Sonu Thank you, Ashok.

Hindi To English

05 Sep, 08:18

Sonu Hello, Ashok Do you have an extra Pen, please ?
Ashok Yes, I have.
Sonu Will you please lend it to me ?
Ashok Oh, sure. Please take it.
Sonu Thank you very much, Ashok.