Are you constantly seeing the number 12:12 everywhere you look? Do you feel like it's trying to tell you something, but you're not sure what? Then look no further, because the 12:12 channel on Telegram is here to help you decipher the meaning behind this mystical number sequence. Whether you believe in the power of numerology or just curious about the significance of repeating numbers, this channel is perfect for you
@d3cii, the creator of 12:12, is a numerology enthusiast who has dedicated their time to researching and sharing their insights on the hidden messages behind numbers. Through daily posts, videos, and interactive discussions, d3cii will guide you on a journey to uncover the secrets of 12:12 and how it relates to your life
Join the 12:12 channel today and start unlocking the mysteries of this magical number sequence. Let d3cii be your mystical guide and discover the power of 12:12 in your life.
01 Aug, 09:12
24 Jul, 02:57
22 Mar, 20:58