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Last Updated 01.03.2025 02:16

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BTC ከ80k በታች ወርዷል።📉

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Good night familiyans🙌🙌
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🗓 There will be a PAWS listing on March 15
Guessing new guys😁ye enaten guess askmtut😁

As evidenced by the inscription on the door 🚪

Also next to it we see 3 open doors that signal the 3rd month - March

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Live ላይ ነኝ

ድጋሚ ???😳

ከባይቢት ዋሌት ወደማይታወቅ ዋሌት 650 ሚሊዮን ዶላር ተዘዋውሯል።😳

ይህ ሌላ ሀክ ከሆነ አጠቃላይ ከ2ቢሊዮን ዶላር በላይ ዝርፊያ መሆኖ ነው።🙆‍♂

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Find the secret ?
Eski yetredachutn mela belugn😁😁
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Paws በባይቢት ሊስት እንደሚደረግ የPaws ቲም በዲስኮርድ ገፃቸው ይፋ አድርገዋል !
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PAWS ዛሬ ትልቅ ዜና ይኖራል ብለዋል 👀

ስለምን ይመስላችኋል ?
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