Welcome to House of Fisher, a Telegram channel created by cryptokingfish. This channel is dedicated to the world of trading, specifically focusing on Tom DeMark, Fibonacci, Harmonics, and Fisher Transform techniques. The channel also delves into Renko charts, Price Action, and Chart Patterns. It is important to note that the content shared on this channel is not financial advice, and users are encouraged to conduct their own research before making any trading decisions. Cryptokingfish uses this channel as a public record of their trades, providing insights into their strategies and thought process. By following House of Fisher, traders can learn from the experiences of cryptokingfish and gain valuable knowledge that can help them improve their own trading skills. Whether you are an experienced trader looking to refine your techniques or a newcomer seeking to learn the basics of trading, House of Fisher has something to offer for everyone. Join this channel today to become a part of a community that is passionate about trading and dedicated to continuous learning and improvement. Remember, in the words of cryptokingfish, "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful."
04 Mar, 08:56
24 Dec, 12:51
10 Dec, 02:38
06 Dec, 22:43
24 Nov, 15:50
24 Nov, 15:42
24 Nov, 12:34
24 Nov, 11:46