Crypto Dance Club @cryptodanceclub Channel on Telegram

Crypto Dance Club


Owner & Marketing :

Let's Dance With Us!

Crypto Dance Club (English)

Welcome to the Crypto Dance Club, where we combine the exciting world of cryptocurrency with the art of dance! This unique Telegram channel is perfect for all crypto enthusiasts who also have a passion for dancing. Our channel is managed by marketing experts Keychake and CatherineDance, who are dedicated to providing you with the latest news, trends, and insights in the crypto industry, all while grooving to the best beats

Who are we? We are a community of like-minded individuals who believe that dancing and cryptocurrency can go hand in hand. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn more about the crypto market or an experienced trader wanting to stay updated with the latest developments, Crypto Dance Club is the place for you. Join us as we dance our way through the world of digital currencies and blockchain technology

What can you expect from our channel? Daily updates on market trends, in-depth analysis of various cryptocurrencies, expert opinions from industry professionals, trading tips, and much more. We also host exclusive events, such as live dance parties where members can show off their moves and engage with fellow crypto enthusiasts

Whether you're a hodler, a day trader, or just someone curious about the world of cryptocurrency, Crypto Dance Club has something for everyone. So put on your dancing shoes, grab your favorite crypto mug, and join us for a dance-filled journey through the exciting world of digital assets. Let's dance our way to financial freedom together!

Crypto Dance Club

12 Feb, 02:40

Pembaruan Insentif Airdrop Story!**
5% total supply akan didistribusikan di Hari-1, sementara 5% sisanya dialokasikan untuk pengembangan ekosistem.

Syarat Kelayakan:
✓ Pemegang Odyssey Badge
✓ Pemilik Chronicles NFT (wajib punya Odyssey Badge)
✓ Komunitas aktif: OG Roles, Genesis IP Creators, peran komunitas lain
✓ Kontributor sosial: Holder Kaito Genesis NFT, konten kreator berkualitas, pemimpin komunitas regional
✓ Program dompet: Binance, OKX, Bybit
✓ Validator dari kompetisi testnet Odyssey
✓ Insentif ekosistem: IPFi, PiperX, Verio, Aria

Detail lengkap: [Blog Story Foundation](

Crypto Dance Club

11 Feb, 20:09

The Lock-In Period of vePUFF

💎All different lock-in periods will present as non-transferable orders that record your
💰 vePUFF amount
Lock-in period
👋 Power

💡 LONGER lock-in period = GREATER Power = HIGHER $PUFF rewards
🚨 Early unlocking will incur penalty fees

Follow us: Website | Twitter | Telegram Channel | Telegram Global

Crypto Dance Club

10 Feb, 13:45

Let’s start the hunt for the MemHustle AirDrop (aka Catizen Killers)!

MemHustle is the latest TMA phenomenon in the meme universe. The app is crazy addictive, I've spent hours playing.


- Catizen-style but meme af
- Level up your meme characters and kill scammers (he he he)
- Exclusive HPs that unlock token drops

Why they look good:

- Already 30K users (with no marketing!)
- Very active, genuine community
- Team with years in game dev and advisors from leading projects on BNB, ETH and Tabi
- TON bonuses for referrals

‼️ I have insider info that they are launching a tournament with a $30,000 prize pool shortly. Those who start early get extra bonuses! We've got 1-3 days to pump.

How to get Airdrop:

1. Open the game
2. Reach level 5 to snag bonus gems and your first unique character
3.. Invite 2 friends (and earn your TON bonus)
4. Grind HP to secure your token drop

I seriously like the project. No cap. Already deep into it — might even start some multi-accounting. Don't tell anyone.

Crypto Dance Club

10 Feb, 13:02



Nggak pake lama, @Analogtimer akhirnya resmi meluncurkan $ANLOG! 🚀 Hari ini. Sekarang. Ini bukan sekadar listing biasa, ini langkah baru dalam evolusi blockchain.

🌟Bagaimana cara mempertaruhkannya?
Kami telah menyusun panduan lengkap untuk membantu Anda memulai hanya dalam beberapa langkah. Baik Anda seorang staker pemula atau pengguna berpengalaman, kami siap membantu Anda!

💡 Apa yang bikin $ANLOG beda?
🟡 Timechain-powered cross-chain messaging – nggak ada lagi bridge yang lemot & rawan hack!
🤑 Proof-of-Time consensus – validasi bukan dari kekayaan, tapi dari reputasi.
🤑 Unified liquidity – DeFi jadi lebih efisien, nggak kepisah-pisah antar jaringan!

🌟Mengapa harus mempertaruhkan?
➡️Memperkuat desentralisasi Analog
➡️Dapatkan hadiah staking karena berkontribusi dalam keamanan Timechain
➡️Jadilah salah satu orang pertama yang berkontribusi sebelum pencatatan bursa dan TGE mendatang

📊 Trading sudah dibuka di:

Dan katanya, exchange besar lain di USA, Korea, & APAC juga bakal segera listing! 👀

🪙 Mau lebih maksimal? Staking $ANLOG sudah LIVE!
📈 Up to 45% APY kalau 40% token unlocked lo distake
💵 Reward bisa di-claim setiap 12 jam
Unbonding cuma 21 hari buat jaga kestabilan jaringan

Web3 baru aja naik level dengan $ANLOG. Lo udah jadi bagian dari revolusinya?

📎 Cek infonya langsung di sini:

Bergabunglah dalam diskusi dan dapatkan dukungan di salah satu saluran sosial kami.
✖️ | 🔍Website |
🐸Discord | 🖥Medium

Crypto Dance Club

06 Feb, 07:46

😱 Analog Ganti Tanggal Listing ke 10 Februari—Kenapa

❤️ Buat yang nungguin listing tentang @analogtimer, ada update penting nih!
Tanggal listing yang awalnya 6 Februari, sekarang resmi pindah ke 10 Februari. 🎯

🤣 Mungkin ada yang mikir, "Lho, kok diundur?" Nah, ini bukan soal mundur atau ragu, tapi strategi biar impact-nya lebih maksimal.

❤️ Di tanggal 6, ada launching besar dari Berachain, dan Analog nggak mau momen penting ini ketutup hype proyek lain. Makanya, mereka ambil keputusan buat geser tanggal supaya bisa dapet sorotan penuh dari market! 📈

➡️ Ini adalah kesempatan Anda untuk mengambil peran aktif sejak dini dalam mengamankan Timechain sambil memperoleh hadiah pada saat yang sama.

➡️ Analog udah 3,5 tahun ngejalanin proyek ini—bukan proyek instan yang asal jalan. Mereka udah ngelewatin berbagai tantangan, ngembangin teknologi yang solid, dan sekarang waktunya buat benar-benar tampil. Listing ini bukan cuma sekadar listing, tapi pembuktian dari perjalanan panjang yang udah mereka tempuh. 🚀

💓 Bakal ada banyak hal menarik yang datang jadi pantau terus update-nya biar nggak ketinggalan! 😀

🌀 Listing Tanggal 10 Februari sudah ditetapkan dan tidak akan ada penundaan lagi dari mereka karena mereka sudah banyak lewatin tantangan ngembangin teknologi yang solid jadi tanggal 10 februari sudah benar-benar fix listing.

🔗 Cek update terbaru di sini:
➡️ Tweet 1
➡️ Tweet 2 | 🌐 Website |
🤖 Discord | 📔 Medium

Crypto Dance Club

30 Jan, 17:45

🍓Hopefully this year you will always be healthy and continue to enjoy interesting events from #Pufttown

🎉 Happy #ChineseNewYear 2025 to Puffs 🎉

Use perseverance & inner skills
🎭 Puff Crew War
🆕 New Puff Incentive Collection & New Puff Exclusives
🤝Invitation activity
🦄 Pre-TGE Event #8
💰 IGO Points

💡 1 IGO Point = 1 $PUFF in TGE


Follow us: Website | Twitter | Telegram Channel | Telegram Global

Crypto Dance Club

30 Jan, 07:39

🚀Come on, join quickly and complete the daily sign everyday to get attractive prizes from #Pufftown

😀 Pre-TGE Event #8 is ON
12 PM UTC, Feb 5

⚡️ MUST sign in EVERYDAY via #PuffTown Daily Sign

During the event
🏆 20 lucky winners DAILY to win 5 IGO Points each
After the event
🎁 100 lucky winners to get extra 20 IGO Points each

Accumulate NOW

😬 Follow us: Website | Twitter | Telegram Channel | Telegram Global

Crypto Dance Club

30 Jan, 06:16

attention please..
#Puffverse is ON 📳

Dive into the fun & make the most of it all
😘Horoscope: Aquarius suit repeat
🐍 A series of useful events to celebrate #ChineseNewYear:
👤 Puff Crew War V launch & share tips

🪶Embrace the joy & rewards NOW

🚨 Follow us: Website | Twitter | Telegram Channel | Telegram Global

Crypto Dance Club

29 Jan, 11:19

📢 Blockchain Itu Suka Jalan Sendiri-sendiri?

🔀 Analog Punya Solusinya!
Setiap blockchain itu biasanya berdiri sendiri, punya aturan, sistem, dan likuiditasnya sendiri. Akibatnya, mereka sering susah berkomunikasi satu sama lain. Bayangin kayak aplikasi di HP kamu: ada WhatsApp, Telegram, tapi nggak bisa langsung ngobrol tanpa pindah-pindah platform.

Ggk Ribet banget, kan

▶️ Nah, Analog datang untuk mengatasi masalah ini! Dengan pendanaan sebesar $21 juta, tim @analogtimer siap meluncurkan $ANLOG, platform pertama di dunia yang jadi jembatan (interoperability hub) omnichain.

Apa sih yang bikin Analog beda dan keren

✉️ Pesan antar-blockchain yang lancar – Sekarang blockchain yang tadinya terisolasi bisa “ngobrol” tanpa hambatan.

🛸 Timechain Protocol – Teknologi ini bantu developer bikin aplikasi terdesentralisasi (dApps), otomatisasi, dan jalankan di banyak blockchain sekaligus.

🌡 Likuiditas yang terhubung – Masalah DeFi (keuangan terdesentralisasi) yang suka nggak efisien karena likuiditasnya tersebar, sekarang bisa diatasi.

🔥 Infrastruktur tanpa kepercayaan (trustless) – Semua tetap didesain desentralisasi, jadi aman dan transparan.

🔥 Yang bikin lebih menarik, Analog punya mekanisme unik bernama Proof-of-Time. Di sini, validasi jaringan nggak cuma bergantung pada seberapa banyak aset di dompetmu, tapi lebih ke reputasi.
Jadi lebih adil untuk semua pengguna.

🌐 Tim Analog juga nggak main-main, loh! Ada veteran dari Polkadot dan Chainlink yang memimpin, ditambah dukungan dari Y Combinator alumni dan Tribe Capital.

⚡️ Mereka lagi bangun fondasi yang bakal bikin blockchain lebih terhubung dan efisien di era Web3.

📝 Catat tanggalnya! Peluncuran $ANLOG (TGE) akan berlangsung pada 6 Februari. Kalau kamu pengen jadi bagian dari masa depan blockchain yang lebih terhubung, ini saatnya!

🧠 Tapi ingat ya, selalu DYOR (do your own research) sebelum mengambil keputusan.

Follow Media Social:
⚫️ | 🔴 Website |
🔉 Discord | 💠 Medium

Crypto Dance Club

29 Jan, 08:06

📢Come on, join for those who haven't had the chance, newcomers will get lots of prizes, don't miss it.💡

◀️The New Puff Incentive Set is intended for
🐸 Crews are formed by NEW USERS ONLY
To complete the requirements
🎮 Collectively join in over 100 #PuffGo games
🏆 Rank as Top 10 Crew
To share
💰 40,000 IGO Points

Show fresh spirit!!

➡️ Follow us: Website | Twitter | Telegram Channel | Telegram Global

Crypto Dance Club

23 Jan, 12:14

🪰 try your luck and play this #PuffGo hopefully you will be one of the lucky ones 🤯

🚀Play more often to maximize your Coins to spin the Regular Wheel,. have fun buddy 🥰
🆓 1 free chance/day
💵 Use 199 Coins to get another chance & 995 Coins for 5 times together
🛸 Rare costume parts & other special prizes  can be drawn


📌 Follow us: Website | Twitter | Telegram Channel | Telegram Global

Crypto Dance Club

21 Jan, 09:10

🐈 Color the world with smiles and enjoy the challenges #PuffGo gameplay - Trapstorm & master it strategically 🎮

Enjoyed the gameplayed and demo on
💣 #Puffverse YouTube:
🐳 #PuffTown Mini Tool - Maps

#SkilltoEarn to skill up & be ready for the upcoming event

🛫Let's test this puffverse game now and see for yourself the gameplay in the Puff game

🔔 Follow us: Website | Twitter | Telegram Channel | Telegram Global

Crypto Dance Club

21 Jan, 07:30

all good things start from beautiful dreams, charming bright colors start a fun Januari 2025 featuring the character Puff 🌞🌑

get ready and enjoy all the good things 🥰
🎊Upcoming activities
👑The last big event before TGE
📢 More TGE details

keep the spirit and keep fighting!!

🔔 Follow us: Website | Twitter | Telegram Channel | Telegram Global

Crypto Dance Club

20 Jan, 07:02

💥 Klondike - The best crypto earning channel of 2025.
3-5 signals per day, with a win rate of 90%.
- Join now and start earning with our expert insights.
- Take advantage of high-quality signals to boost your crypto profits!

👉 Join Now:
Memecoin rading Bot with multichain support: low fees and lightning-fast speed.
👉 BullBot

Crypto Dance Club

19 Jan, 13:13

My experienced the new #PuffGo gameplay - Trapstorm? 🤩

Good condition PuffVerse update GamePlay 🤜
Did you survive the overwhelming traps while maintaining your speed? 😤

Are you sure, don't want to know Puff ☺️
Sharpening your skills is the KEY in all games
🗺️ Know each map
😘 Strategize your moves
💪 ...

Gather frds to master NOW 🏆

Telegram : @PuffVerse
Twitter =

Crypto Dance Club

19 Jan, 05:16

💎 Muscles Crypto Journal is Hosting a Big Giveaway! 💎

Here’s how to participate and win exciting prizes:
1️⃣ Join Our Channel: Muscles Crypto Journal
2️⃣Join Our Group Chat: The Muscle Show Lounge
3️⃣Follow the Instructions in the channel to complete your entry.
4️⃣ Comment "Done" once all tasks are completed.

🎉 Special Bonus Giveaway!
2 SOL worth of Official Baby Trump to my community!

Here’s how you can win:
Show proof of purchase of Baby Trump.
Post something supportive, like: Bullish! Let's go Baby Trump! on your social media.
I’ll verify your purchase and select the winners.

🎁 Prizes:
🌟 1 grand prize winner will receive a big reward!
💯Several additional winners will receive smaller prizes, possibly some SOL – who knows? I just want to give back to my amazing community.

‼️We will verify all entries, so make sure you complete all tasks correctly!

📌 Don’t miss out! Join now and be one of the lucky winners!

Crypto Dance Club

17 Jan, 23:28







1️⃣ Follow Agent Rizz Twitter
2️⃣ Join the Agent Rizz Telegram Group

Crypto Dance Club

17 Jan, 11:37

🔥 My Post-TGE Nodepay Journey

I’m thrilled to share my Nodepay experience! After participating in the TGE, I received my airdrop of Nodecoins ($NC) and immediately staked them to help secure the network. Staking not only strengthens Nodepay’s ecosystem but also earns me ongoing rewards.

But I didn’t stop there. I’ve been accumulating more $NC because I believe in Nodepay’s massive potential in AI and decentralized infrastructure. With the booming AI market and the DePIN trend, Nodepay is perfectly positioned for long-term success.

🌟 Why I’m bullish on Nodepay:
✔️ Powered by real-world bandwidth and AI
✔️ Backed by top names like Animoca & OKX
✔️ Over 2M devices integrated globally
✔️ Passive rewards with ease—“Set it and forget it!”

Join me in staking $NC and sharing bandwidth to earn rewards while contributing to the future of AI-powered innovation.

👉 Get started: Website | Stake Now

● Docs:
● Discord:
● X (Twitter):
● Telegram:
● Chrome Extension: Nodepay Extension on Chrome Web Store
● iOS Mobile App: Nodepay on iOS
● Android Mobile App: Nodepay on Android

#Nodepay #AI #DePIN #PassiveIncome

Crypto Dance Club

16 Jan, 16:55

🌟 $HAROLD: The Undisputed King of Meme Coins Has Arrived! 🌟

🚀 JUST LAUNCHED on MEXC– The Real Run Starts Here 🚀

🔥 The Legendary Meme OG – Everyone knows and loves Harold – Hide the Pain. Now, he’s leading the biggest crypto movement of the year.

💥 Community Takeover in Full Effect – This isn’t just another memecoin. It’s a revolution, powered by degens, fueled by culture.

🔑 Dev Jeeted – Now It’s in the Hands of the People – No central control. No limits. Just pure community-driven dominance.

🚀 Why $HAROLD is Set to Explode:
🔥 Viral Growth – The Community is EXPLODING Worldwide
💎 Elite CTO & Proven Mods Securing the Vision
🐳 Whales Are Stacking Heavy – They See What’s Coming
💰 Crowdsourced Marketing War Chest – Ready to Dominate
📣 Global Hype Machine Activated – MASSIVE Campaigns Incoming

💎 This is More Than a Meme – It’s a Movement, a Cultural Shift, a Moment in Crypto History. Be part of something that can’t be stopped.

👉 Join the Takeover:

🪙 Contract Address (CA): 3vgopg7xm3EWkXfxmWPUpcf7g939hecfqg18sLuXDzVt

📈 Track Us on DEX Screener

📢 Follow & Amplify the Hype:
🐦 Twitter
🌐 Website
🎥 TikTok
📸 Instagram

🚀 The Next 100x Meme Coin is Here. The Only Question is: Are You In? LFG!

Crypto Dance Club

15 Jan, 13:48

TGE DuckChain $DUCK 🚀

World's First Telegram AI Chain!
DuckChain revolutionizes blockchain access for Telegram’s 1 billion+ users through the integration of AI, EVM, and cutting-edge innovations. With a successful $DUCK TGE and listings on top exchanges like OKEx, KuCoin, Bitget, Hashkey, and , the future of Web3 is now in your hands.

🕙 Trading starts: January 16, 2025, at 10:00 UTC
📲 More details: Click here

🔗 Why DuckChain is So Special
-🌐 Largest AI + EVM Chain on Telegram: Driving Web3 adoption for 1B+ users.
- Innovative Ecosystem: AI tools, StarFi (Telegram Star tokenization), and easy blockchain access.
-📈 Proof of Success: 20 million+ active users, 52 million+ transactions, and 8 million+ connected wallets.

🔗 Reasons Why You Should Own $DUCK
-💡 Multipurpose Utility: Supports governance, staking, gas payments, and AI-based DeFi utilities.
-🔗 Interoperability: Seamlessly integrated with TON, Ethereum, and Bitcoin ecosystems.
-🔥 Future Innovation: AI is the biggest trend in 2025, and $DUCK is leading the way with smart AI tools that simplify blockchain.

🚨 Backed by Blockchain Giants:
DuckChain is backed by Offchain Labs, Arbitrum Foundation, Kenetic Capital, and DWF Labs. With its huge potential, DuckChain is poised to match the success of big projects like Movement (FDV $8.35B) and Sonic SVM (FDV $1.7B).

🤖 Bots |📱 Twitter |📱 Youtube |🌐 Website |🌈 Bridges | Mainnet Guide

Crypto Dance Club

13 Jan, 10:48

Kalp Network Incentivized Testnet
Rewards $GINI Tokens

📱 Download Kalp Wallet Extension
Create Wallet
Go To >
Connect The Wallet
Back To Kalp Wallet and Add CA Token
> DigRi6lUv8kZRT6sI5hi8BnvVYke9wmD1733577426274
> Complete Zealy Quest

📱 Source > Kalp_Official

Crypto Dance Club

09 Jan, 02:50

$DUCK akan terdaftar di OKX pukul 10:00 tanggal 16 Januari (UTC)!

Rincian airdrop akan segera hadir.


🤖 Bot |📱 Bahasa Indonesia |📱 Youtube | Bahasa Indonesia: Situs web |🌈 Jembatan | Panduan Mainnet

Crypto Dance Club

31 Dec, 08:35

📢 Penggabungan Bitget Wallet Token (BWB) dan Bitget Token (BGB) 🤪

🧳 Pengumuman: Penggabungan Bitget Wallet Token (BWB) dengan Bitget Token (BGB)

🕵️Selama setahun terakhir, Bitget Token (BGB) telah mencatat pertumbuhan signifikan dalam jumlah pemegang dan kapitalisasi pasar. Hal ini didorong oleh dukungan kuat dari fitur Launchpool serta pengembangan kasus penggunaan baru. Sebagai langkah strategis untuk mengintegrasikan kasus penggunaan on-chain dan off-chain, kami dengan bangga mengumumkan penggabungan Bitget Wallet Token (BWB) dengan Bitget Token (BGB), berdasarkan rekomendasi kuat dari komunitas. 

➡️ BGB sebagai Token Ekosistem Terpadu.
Setelah penggabungan ini, BGB akan menjadi token terpadu bagi ekosistem Bitget dan Bitget Wallet.
Berikut adalah manfaat dan pengembangan yang akan dilakukan: 
🥇 Penggunaan On-Chain yang Lebih Luas.
   - BGB akan berfungsi sebagai fuel dasar Bitget dalam aplikasi on-chain. 
   - Terintegrasi dengan rantai publik terkemuka dan ekosistem DeFi top. 
   - Menjadi aset staking utama untuk protokol peminjaman dan staking. 
🥈 Integrasi dengan Bitget Wallet
   - Mendukung fitur seperti Fair Launchpool. 
   - Memfasilitasi pembayaran biaya gas lintas rantai di berbagai skenario on-chain.
🥉 Ekspansi ke Aplikasi PayFi Offline pada 2025.
   - Mendukung pembayaran untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti makan, perjalanan, pengisian bahan bakar, dan belanja. 
   - Memberikan solusi lengkap berbasis Web3, keuangan, dan konsumsi. 

😎 BGB: Token yang Tahan Terhadap Dinamika Pasar** 
Di tengah pasar aset kripto yang semakin kompetitif, hanya aset dengan fundamental kuat yang mampu bertahan. Dengan posisi BGB sebagai salah satu dari 30 mata uang kripto global teratas berdasarkan kapitalisasi pasar, likuiditas yang tinggi, dan dukungan komunitas yang solid, token ini telah memperkokoh posisinya sebagai pemimpin dalam kategori token platform. 

Penggabungan ini merupakan tonggak penting dalam perluasan ekosistem Bitget, menciptakan nilai tambah bagi komunitas BGB dan BWB. 

📌 Catatan Penting
🔀 Penggabungan ini tidak akan memengaruhi total pasokan BGB. 
🔀 Tidak ada BGB tambahan yang akan diterbitkan. 

📊 Untuk informasi lebih lanjut terkait penggabungan dan pertukaran token, silakan kunjungi: Detail Penggabungan Token.
Bitget mendukung penggabungan dan pertukaran token Bitget Wallet Token (BWB) dan Bitget Token (BGB)

Terima kasih atas dukungan Anda kepada Bitget.

Crypto Dance Club

30 Dec, 10:55

Crypto Dance Club pinned «There is a WL Giveaway (Definitely Get it) from Duckhain DAO for 30 FCFS People, Mint NFT Price 199$ The benefits are really tempting for NFT holders. What do you want or not? Benefits for Duckchain DAO Genesis AI Holders: - 50% On-Chain Transaction Fee Revenue…»

Crypto Dance Club

30 Dec, 10:54

There is a WL Giveaway (Definitely Get it) from Duckhain DAO for 30 FCFS People, Mint NFT Price 199$ The benefits are really tempting for NFT holders. What do you want or not?

Benefits for Duckchain DAO Genesis AI Holders:
- 50% On-Chain Transaction Fee Revenue
- Exclusive Token Airdrop during TGE
- Earning $DUCK Token through governance participation

If you want, please share your EVM dm @CatherineDance


Crypto Dance Club

22 Dec, 15:08

MUSSEL is truly making waves as the meme king in the ocean! 🌊 With its huge potential and a defiant attitude, this is the early time to join a revolution that could change the game. Be brave and decisive—this is a chance to be a pioneer in something big! Let's rally the community and showcase the strength of MUSSEL! 🚀🔥

CA: 0x8A50629BdC110526d8693613bc4100742eDE7C32
#MUSSEL #CryptoMagic

Crypto Dance Club

22 Dec, 13:15

DuckChain has successfully raised $5 million, backed by dao5, Tandem by Offchain Labs, Kenetic Capital, DWF Ventures, Oak Grove Ventures, Skyland Ventures, Geekcartel, Gate Labs, Presto and others.

Angel investors from leading industry projects such as Camelot and Quantstamp also participated in this funding round.

This funding will help DuckChain realize its vision of unlocking the on-chain potential of over 30 million Telegram Star users through its TON-based EVM solution!

At this monumental moment, we are launching the Yellow Duck Mission hackathon with a total prize pool of $1M.

🔗 Create your team now and start a new chapter with DuckChain

🤖Bot |📱Twitter |📱Youtube |🌐Website |🌈Bridge|🧐Mainnet Guide

Crypto Dance Club

21 Dec, 15:27

🩵 Peluncuran Bitget
Tomarket (TOMA)

Dapatkan total 40 miliar TOMA di Airdrop Launchpool!

✏️Rincian Airdrop

👨‍🚀Jumlah Airdrop: TOMA
👨‍🚀Kumpulan BGB: 33.333.000.000 TOMA
👨‍🚀Kumpulan TOMA: 16.667.000.000 TOMA

💙Cara Berpartisipasi

👨‍🚀Pastikan Anda memiliki aset TOMA atau BGB.
👨‍🚀Buka halaman Bitget Launchpool dan pilih TOMA.
👨‍🚀Pilihlah kumpulan BGB atau TOMA.
👨‍🚀Klik tombol "Kunci" untuk berpartisipasi.

🔥Periode Penguncian: 20 Desember 2024, 20:00 – 25 Desember 2024, 20:00 (UTC+8)

📢Jangan sampai ketinggalan—ikuti dan kunci aset Anda sekarang! Klik di sini:

Crypto Dance Club

20 Dec, 15:21

🚀 Exciting News! FakersAI is LIVE! 🎉

🌟 Introducing Faker: Revolutionizing Content Creation with AI! 🌟

FakersAI is a groundbreaking platform where content creators partner with AI-driven multi-agent systems to create authentic, data-driven content. Whether you’re into crypto predictions or meme-generation, Faker’s collaborative approach is reshaping how content is created and consumed.

🔑 What Sets Faker Apart?
• AI-Driven Collaboration: Creators team up with virtual agents to produce unique, impactful content.
• Revolutionizing Content Consumption: Consumers get real-time, data-driven insights, transforming the content experience.
• Crypto Predictions: Our Crypto Ticker Battle showcases AI agents predicting crypto trends, giving the community valuable market insights!

FakersAI is just getting started, and the future is bright! 🚀

Join the movement and experience how AI-powered collaboration is changing the future of content creation and consumption.! 🌍

👉 Join the Movement:
• Follow on 𝕏 (Twitter): @FakersAI_
• Join Discord: FakersAI Discord for an early OG role.
• Visit the Website:

Crypto Dance Club

18 Dec, 10:16

🔔 Tanggal Snapshot Bonus $PEN 23 Desember 2PM UTC

Yang mau dapat gratis token $PEN kalian cuma perlu hold $PEN token sampe snapshot, no stake or lock

🚨 Details penting:

- Snapshot tanggal 23 Dec, 2pm UTC
- Reward maksimal 4x dari jumlah token yang di hold

- Kalian yang mau dapat lebih banyak perlu stake (APY 600% Bonus 1,5x)

Hold token $PEN yang dibeli baik dari IDO, DEX atau CEX. Hold di wallet pribadi no CEX wallet.

Hold NFT ARB HERO atau ETH Hero NFT untuk bonus hadiah lebih besar

💡 More Info on Heroes:
ARB Heroes: 🛡️
ETH Heroes: ⚔️

Crypto Dance Club

17 Dec, 15:01


💎 We're giving away 50,000 USDT worth of $STAY tokens to celebrate the launch of our ICO! Plus, enjoy exclusive cashback rewards for referrals and exciting bonuses for your participation.

🎁 How to Participate:
1️⃣ Sign up via the official airdrop link.
2️⃣ Follow us on Twitter, Telegram, and Instagram.
3️⃣ Share the campaign post and tag 3 friends.
4️⃣ Invest $100+ to unlock bonus rewards!
5️⃣ Guess the football legend ambassador for extra surprises.

🔥 Rewards You Can Earn:

Base Reward: $5 USDT in $STAY tokens for completing all tasks (5,000 random winners).
Investment Bonus: Up to $100 USDT in additional rewards for top investors.
Referral Perks:
Earn $5 for each successful referral.
Get 10% cashback on referrals' ICO investments!
⚽️ Bonus: Guess the football legend ambassador and win $10 USDT worth of $STAY tokens!

Let's enjoy participating in the Airdrop and earn more rewards! 💼

🔗 Sign up now and start earning:

🔽 Read More

Risk Disclaimer: Investing in cryptocurrencies involves significant risks. Please understand that your funds are your responsibility. Always Do Your Own Research (DYOR) before making investment decisions.

#Staynex #Crypto #Blockchain #Travel #StaynexICO #CryptoAirdrop #TravelReimagined #Web3

Crypto Dance Club

17 Dec, 08:42

Peluncuran BitgetX
Jaringan Bahan Bakar (FUEL)

Kami gembira meluncurkan LaunchX, platform baru Bitget untuk memberdayakan proyek-proyek blockchain yang inovatif.

⭐️Proyek pertama telah hadir: Fuel Network (FUEL), blockchain berkinerja tinggi yang mendefinisikan ulang skalabilitas dan kecepatan.

Mari sebarkan berita ini ke semua platform!

Bitget Memperkenalkan LaunchX:

Platform Peluncuran Token Baru yang Menampilkan Fuel Network sebagai Proyek Pertamanya

Informasi Penting yang Perlu Disoroti:
Apa itu Fuel Network (FUEL)?
Fuel menggabungkan beberapa fitur inovatif untuk menghadirkan kemampuan baru ke ekosistem Ethereum, tanpa kompromi. Penggabungan Fuel telah memparalelkan eksekusi transaksi, abstraksi akun asli, dan dukungan untuk dompet dari semua jaringan.
Ini adalah jajaran LaunchX pertama Bitget, yang menawarkan pengguna peluang menarik untuk berinvestasi dan memperoleh hadiah.
Mengapa Audiens Anda Harus Bergabung?
Dapatkan Hadiah: Komit USDT untuk mendapatkan alokasi BAHAN BAKAR.
Akses Eksklusif: Berpartisipasilah lebih awal dalam perjalanan FUEL melalui LaunchX Bitget.
Investasi Tanpa Risiko: Pengalaman investasi yang sederhana dan aman di Bitget.
Detail Kampanye:
Tahap Berlangganan: 17 Desember 2024, 09:00 – 19 Desember 2024, 09:00 (UTC+7)

➡️Cara Berpartisipasi:

➡️Tautan ke FUEL LaunchX:


Crypto Dance Club

16 Dec, 00:52

$PEPEGOGH was once an ordinary frog hopping through the meadows of the metaverse, until one fateful night he gazed at a digital rendition of Van Gogh’s The Starry Night.
Check out this low market cap gem. It's giving early pepe vibes + chart looks undervalued for a token with over $200k volume and good marketing.
$PEPEGOGH are signing their listing contacts on 16th DECEMBER 2024 10:00 AM UTC with BITMART and MEXC. Tradability will start by 20th DECEMBER 2024 time is yet to be announce.

🔒 | Liquidity is burned
💸 | Tax 0% buy & sell
💰 | Top Holders: 3% | 2% | 2%
📈 | MC: $ 200 K(while writing)
🔄 | 24h Volume: $243K
📄| Contract: Hep4ZQ3MSSXFuLnT4baBFVBrC3677ntjrfaqE9zEt4rX

| Low market cap
| Good entry
| 0% tax
| LP burned

➡️ | Website (
➡️ | Telegram (
➡️ | Twitter (
➡️ | Chart (
➡️ | LiqBurn (

Crypto Dance Club

14 Dec, 06:07

DuckChain*OKX Wallet Bridge Odyssey is on fire🔥🔥

3 days left until we open the weekly bridge bonus for the first week — a whopping 2,000 $TON (worth over 12,000 USD).

Will your name be on it? Keep bridging and see!

There are also Instant Incentives:
Earn up to 180 Stars with each bridge.
🥚 Win 30 Eggs by daily bridge check in.

🌈 Open MiniApp > "Earn" > "Event" > Start Bridging!

24hr Bonus Sent to 100 Lucky Bridgers!
▶️ Check if your OKX wallet is on the list: 24hr Bonus Winners List

🤖Bot |📱Twitter |📱Youtube |🌐 Website |🌈Bridge|Mainnet Guide

Crypto Dance Club

13 Dec, 12:26

🚀 Why I’m Bullish on Nodepay: A Game-Changer for AI and Crypto 

🌍 The world of AI and crypto is evolving, and Nodepay stands out as a leader in this revolution. Here's why I believe Nodepay is set to outperform other projects in the coming years: 

1️⃣ The AI Opportunity 
- The global AI industry is growing exponentially, currently valued at 30 billion and expected to reach 200 billion by 2030
- AI is emerging as the most promising sector for the next crypto bull run, and Nodepay is perfectly positioned to capitalize on this momentum. 
- Nodepay addresses a critical need for real-time data solutions, enabling AI labs to scale their models efficiently. 

2️⃣ What Makes Nodepay Unique? 
- Decentralized Data Retrieval: Nodepay delivers high-quality, real-time data access through its advanced and innovative infrastructure. 
- Catch the growth of DePIN: Nodepay taps into this trend by using real-world bandwidth as a resource for AI training
- Revenue Potential: Even with a modest market share in the multi-billion-dollar data industry, Nodepay has the capacity to generate significant annual revenue streams. 
- Passive Income for Users: By sharing unused internet bandwidth, individuals can effortlessly earn rewards, whether on their mobile devices or personal computers.

3️⃣ Solving AI’s Biggest Challenges 
- Traditional scaling methods (e.g., adding GPUs) are no longer sufficient for AI's growing demands. 
- Nodepay decentralizes AI training, making data more accessible, scalable, and cost-effective for AI labs. 

4️⃣ Backed by Industry Giants & Ready for the Future 
- Nodepay is supported by top-tier crypto investors like Animoca Brands, OKX, MEXC Global, and JUMP Crypto
- With over 1.5 million devices in 190+ countries, Nodepay is already a global force. 
- Launching on the Solana Network in December 2024 and being listed on Tier 1 CEXs, Nodepay is primed for mass adoption. 

5️⃣ AI Benefits with Nodepay
- Earn Passive Income by sharing unused internet bandwidth.
- Scalable AI Infrastructure with 1.5M+ global nodes.
- Cost-Effective Solutions for real-time AI data training.
- Boost AI Innovation through decentralized data access.
- Fast, Reliable, and Transparent performance.

💡 Why I’m Buying and Staking Nodepay 
Nodepay isn’t just a token—it’s a vision for the future: 
Solves AI's most significant bottleneck: access to real-time, high-quality data. 
Positioned in a massive data industry. 
Enables passive income for users while driving AI innovation. 

This isn’t just an investment—it’s a way to be part of the AI revolution. 🚀 

🌐 Learn More and Join the Nodepay Movement 
- 🌍 Website:
- ✈️ Telegram: Join Nodepay Community
- 🐦 Twitter (X): @nodepay_ai
- 📱 Download Nodepay Now
   - Chrome Extension
   - iOS App
   - Android App

Let’s stake, earn, and lead the AI revolution with Nodepay! 🌟 

#Nodepay #AICoins #AIRevolution #Crypto

Crypto Dance Club

23 Nov, 19:51

📢Puff Go League Launching, TGE will come
The official #PuffGo League will undergo a full upgrade after TGE!!

Which will offer you w/ MORE
🌐 Immersive gaming experience
🎮 Diverse gameplay
🎊 Thrilling activities
🎁 Rewards as valuable vePUFF & others

Stay tuned & gear up to have your effort & skill be awarded

🔥 Follow us: Website | Twitter | Telegram Channel | Telegram Global

Crypto Dance Club

23 Nov, 14:13

Crypto Dance Club pinned «Daftar $MEMEFI sudah tayang — KLAIM & PERDAGANGKAN! Perdagangan aktif untuk $MEMEFI di OKX , ByBit , BitGet , KuCoin , MEXC , , BingX , BitMart , CoinEx , LBank dan bursa lainnya. ➡️ Klaim alokasi Anda di bot: @memefi_coin_bot Kami akan menambahkan…»

Crypto Dance Club

23 Nov, 13:59

Daftar $MEMEFI sudah tayang — KLAIM & PERDAGANGKAN!

Perdagangan aktif untuk $MEMEFI di OKX , ByBit , BitGet , KuCoin , MEXC , , BingX , BitMart , CoinEx , LBank dan bursa lainnya.

➡️ Klaim alokasi Anda di bot: @memefi_coin_bot

Kami akan menambahkan kumpulan likuiditas untuk $MEMEFI pada Cetus segera, jadi Anda dapat berdagang langsung di rantai melalui dApp ini, agregator, atau dompet OKX.

🔔 Periksa panduan klaim kami!


Crypto Dance Club

23 Nov, 13:25

🎉 Join PumpMeme’s $500 USDT Prize Event on Gleam! 🚀

Calling all meme lovers! PumpMeme is giving away $500 USDT in our Gleam Campaign. Take part today and earn rewards for your participation!

🔗 Gleam Event Link: Join Now

What You Need to Do:

Complete simple tasks on Gleam.
Earn points and increase your chances of winning.
Winners will share the $500 USDT prize pool!

🔥 Follow PumpMeme for Updates:

Follow PumpMeme on X
Join PumpMeme Telegram group
PumpMeme Telegram News

👉 Don’t wait—participate now:

Crypto Dance Club

23 Nov, 06:36

Crypto Dance Club pinned «🎉 Join PumpMeme’s $500 USDT Prize Event on Gleam! 🚀 Calling all meme lovers! PumpMeme is giving away $500 USDT in our Gleam Campaign. Take part today and earn rewards for your participation! 🔗 Gleam Event Link: Join Now What You Need to Do: Complete…»

Crypto Dance Club

23 Nov, 06:36

🎉 Join PumpMeme’s $500 USDT Prize Event on Gleam! 🚀

Calling all meme lovers! PumpMeme is giving away $500 USDT in our Gleam Campaign. Take part today and earn rewards for your participation!

🔗 Gleam Event Link: Join Now

What You Need to Do:

Complete simple tasks on Gleam.
Earn points and increase your chances of winning.
Winners will share the $500 USDT prize pool!

🔥 Follow PumpMeme for Updates:

Follow PumpMeme on X
Join PumpMeme Telegram group
PumpMeme Telegram News

👉 Don’t wait—participate now:

Crypto Dance Club

20 Nov, 17:53

New Coming Big News PuffVerse
Pre-TGE Event 3️⃣ - Drop the Mic to Unleash Your Might STARTS 🦅

✔️ Fulfill corresponding reqs as stated below
🎁 Share ample IGO Points & #PuffGo in-game rewards
👬 New users can win DOUBLE prizes
Nov 26

You have experiences?
Share experiences in the PuffGo match & #UGC feature for BIG RETURNS 💰

🔔 Follow us: Website | Twitter | Telegram Channel | Telegram Global

Crypto Dance Club

19 Nov, 04:21

🔈DuckChain Mainnet is LIVE!

Welcome to Duck World! 🦆 A $1 Million Prize Pool is up for grabs. Join Mainnet event to win Eggs, USDT, $TON, $NOT, $DOGS, and more!

Eggs are the vital key. Earn more Eggs on Mainnet to unlock more airdrops during the TGE. The TGE date will be announced in the coming days!

🥚 Explore Mainnet Event:

DuckChain is the first EVM compatible consumer layer on TON to launch Mainnet. We are so ready to bring billions of users from off-chain to on-chain. Why? ⬇️

1. Initial Star Offering (ISO): Unlock everything on-chain with Stars!
DuckChain tokenizes the Telegram Star, allowing users to easily convert Telegram Stars into on-chain Stars and engage with all on-chain activities. Deposit Stars to engage with our ecosystem and get rewards from 50+ projects.

2. Testnet Achievements
During the Testnet phase, we’ve reached incredible milestones:
• Wallet Addresses: 2.5M+
• Duck NFTs Minted: 12M+
• Apple Pay Users: 1M+
• Total Users: 13M+
We couldn’t have done it without all the duckies, your support keeps us soaring!

3. Mainnet: One step forward
In the Mainnet phase, we will focus on bringing more good projects to users and growing the DuckChain ecosystem. On DuckChain Mainnet, users can use multiple assets, including TON, Jetton, BTC, ETH, USDT and even telegram star for onchain activities. We will also support account abstraction features and even chain abstraction in the near future. Additionally, nearly 50 projects are going to join the DuckChain ecosystem! DuckChain users can access these applications effortlessly, unlocking a seamless and diverse on-chain experience.


• Missed rewards from the Testnet(NFTs, Mint Chances, etc.) are on their way! While they haven’t reached your account yet, rest assured—they’ve been accounted for in the Snapshot criteria!

• Stars deposited during the Testnet will be mapped to your Mainnet wallet a few days after launch. Since DuckChain Mainnet supports three different wallets, we will give users time to choose which wallet to map their Stars to.

• The 12M Star Airdrop Campaign rewards will be distributed in a few days after Mainnet launch.

🤖 Bot |📱Twitter |📱Youtube |🌐 Website |🌈Bridge|Mainnet Guide

Crypto Dance Club

18 Nov, 02:10

🦆 DuckChain is now featured in Binance Web3 Wallet!

Complete DuckChain tasks on Binance Web3 Wallet and claim your share of 30M DUCK Points! 🎁

Ready to start? 🔗

You won’t want to miss it. Start earning now! 🔥🔥

🤖 Bot |🐣Twitter |📱Youtube |🌐 Website |✍️Testnet Guide

Crypto Dance Club

17 Nov, 16:39

Recent Searches  🔍
The √PuffGo √UGC Map Showcase of the Week: AFTZ 3rd Map by AFTZ

Eager to explore creative maps? Don't worry this one is for you 🎁

Navigate through Vanishing Blocks hidden in the cloud & observe landing spots to advance & explore PuffVerse.

See full Map to Adventure!
Don't meet up at the Spawn Point 😱

⚔️Go conquer

🔔 Follow us: Website | Twitter | Telegram Channel | Telegram Global

Crypto Dance Club

17 Nov, 06:00

DuckChain and MemeFi have joined forces! 🔥

Welcome to our new friends from MemeFi!  Collect your welcome gifts and get ready for the DuckChain snapshot on Nov 18th!

Collect Now:

DuckChain is the first #TON consumer layer connecting TON with EVM, BTC, and more! 

MemeFi is a meme-flavored battle arena on the Sui network, and it’s listing on OKX on Nov 22nd.

November is full of surprises! Don’t you think?

🤖 Bot |🐣Twitter |📱Youtube |🌐 Website |✍️Testnet Guide

Crypto Dance Club

16 Nov, 14:15

Crypto Dance Club

12 Nov, 09:17

🔥perfect moment $SMILE is a potentially great project to invest in right now 🚀

⚡️ After completing three waves that went up and down the graph started to show very interestingly the price has formed a bottom box pattern and now the price is breaking upwards $SMILE is testing this zone if this breakout continues this could be an entry point for you to consider entering that line

Good entry you bought: $0.27-$0.29
Stop Loss: $0.24
Take Profit Target: $0.50
📈The risk/reward ratio looks very solid

🏦 :


⬆️ Charts:

⭕️ So, what are you waiting for? This could be a big opportunity for you. Come on, monitor this potential movement, don't let it pass you by

$SMILE #bitSmiley

Crypto Dance Club

11 Nov, 13:57

🚀 L1 blockchain BitYuan ($BTY) is listed on the MEXC trading platform at 10:00am (UTC) on November 11th‼️

📣 #Bityuan Blockchain ($BTY): an EVM-compatible chain with the parachain architecture and a blockchain that integrates AI applications, is coming to
💰 $BTY/USDT Trading: 2024-11-11 10:00am (UTC)

Join TG 👉🏼
Follow X 👉🏼
📈 $BTY/USDT Trading👉

🎯 About $BTY: Decentralized staking system, DNS, Elf Party, Farm Hero web3 game, red envelope TG BOT, and other rich ecosystem applications, have been built on the BitYuan ($BTY) blockchain.

💎 Data shows that the cumulative number of addresses on the BitYuan chain has exceeded 650,000, the monthly active addresses have reached more than 18,600, and the cumulative transaction volume on the chain has exceeded 210 million. According to CoinMarketCap, BitYuan token $BTY has previously been listed on, and, and is the fourth exchange listing BTY.

Crypto Dance Club

08 Nov, 08:35

📣 After much anticipation, the announcement about HSK listing is here!

We are very excited to announce that the listing of HSK has been confirmed! 🥳 Dejendog is about to launch the eHSK withdrawal channel! 🔥 From 14:00 (UTC+8) on November 11 to 14:00 (UTC+8) on November 18, you will be able to withdraw HSK to HashKey Global! 💵 This is a milestone step, opening a new chapter for all supporters of Dejendog! 🌟 Additionally, we will be unveiling more CEX withdrawal options expected on November 15, so stay tuned! 🗓

🔔 Important Reminder:
1️⃣ HashKey Global Withdraw start at 14:00 (UTC+8) on November 11.
2️⃣ Other CEX Withdrawals are available from November 15.

‼️ Note: Since the DejenDog account registers eHSK points, after completing the withdrawal, your exchange may not receive the on-chain HSK tokens immediately. The HSK tokens will be deposited into your exchange account by November 18.

Thank you once again for your support and trust! 🙏 Let’s shape the future of Dejendog together! 🚀


Crypto Dance Club

07 Nov, 13:05

🚀 Don't miss out! @deeplinkglobal is dropping a massive $DLC Airdrop in partnership with OKXWeb3, the go-to platform trusted by over 50 million users!

💸 With a prize pool of 120,000,000 $DLC (worth 360,000 USDT), this is your chance to boost your wallet! 🪂 Just complete a few simple tasks to qualify.

📅 Event runs from Oct 30 to Nov 22, 2024.
👉 Join here:

Jump in now and claim your share! 🔥 #DeepLink #OKX

Crypto Dance Club

05 Nov, 05:12

🚀 $SING IDO Incoming! 🚀

🔸 Total Supply: 2.4B
🔸 IDO Price: $0.018
🔸 IDO Allocation: 11.11M $SING (0.46% of Total Supply)
🔸 Date: Nov 11, 2024 - 9:00 AM UTC
🔸 Networks: BSC, ARB, POLYGON
🔸 Currency: USDT
🔸 Vesting Terms: 20% at TGE, linear monthly vesting over 6 months
🔸 Detais:

Mark your calendars! Don't miss your chance to get $SING early!

Crypto Dance Club

05 Nov, 04:46

🔥 Bitsmiley Spot Trading Update🏵

🔝The $SMILE token is holding a spot launch which will be traded in the next 2 days

📆Launch date: November 6, 2024
😀time: UTC+8 18.00

🛡 to join the game visit the website below:

Exchange Listings:

🖤 @Bybit_Official
🖤 @kucoincom
🖤 @bitgetglobal
🖤 @gate_io
🖤 @MEXC_Official

🚀 More information on Twitter for BitSmiley:

💰 users who take part in the game can win TESLA by using their TGE tokens staked in the Pre-Betting event

📈 Arcade Game Instructions:

❤️ take your position on $SMILE and don't miss out on trading it will be launched in 2 days this opportunity is amazing come win together guys

$SMILE #bitSmiley

Crypto Dance Club

05 Nov, 03:45

Knock, knock! 🔔
— Who’s there?
Major Feature Update! 🚀

Hey, farms! We’re thrilled to share some exciting news:

• You can now withdraw Dejendog’s $TON to your wallet!
• $HSK withdrawals will be available after the TGE.

Don't miss out—it's game on! Now that withdrawals are live, it’s time to dive in and start racking up rewards that can be instantly transferred to your wallet. Get in and start farming while you can!

Join now : DejenDogBot

Crypto Dance Club

04 Nov, 09:54

🚀 Hexacore: A New Take on Mobile Gaming! 🎮

Hexacore allows users to create custom in-game NFT assets (characters/skins/items) using AI for their own gaming ecosystem.

The Hexacore team previously developed mobile hits like Sushi Roll and Blend it 3D, totaling over 350 million downloads globally. Now, they're building a web3 gaming ecosystem, accessible through the Telegram app.


Hexacore highlights:

800K+ monthly users
👾 200K+ daily active users
🎮 20+ games in the pipeline
💸 TGE in early 2025

🎁 Just days ago, the team launched loot boxes with chances to win airdrop points, tap boosts, or passes for generating game NFTs. One free loot box per day!

Jump into Hexacore and join the future of mobile gaming!

X/Twitter | Telegram channel | Discord

Crypto Dance Club

04 Nov, 09:29

🚀 @DeepLinkGlobal and OKX  (@okxweb3) brings you the biggest airdrop ever!

$DLC worth 360,000 USDT.) 🎁

👉 Join Event Here
(Find DeepLink Project)

📅: Oct 30, 2024 - Nov 22, 2024

⭐️Simply complete a few tasks and claim your share. FCFS basis so hurry & Join

-For those who Need more $DLC-

Check out our NODE SALE platform and recieve 30k DLC on each node purchased.
👉 Get a Node👈

#DeepLink $DLC #OKX #okxweb3 #airdrop

Crypto Dance Club

04 Nov, 03:58

Crypto Dance Club pinned «»