Le dernier contenu partagé par CryptoloG sur Telegram
25 Feb, 20:50
🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠 - a new layer-one blockchain with a throughput of 10,000 transactions per second. Testnet that you shouldn't miss ❤️
1️⃣.Join to the Monad website : 👉 https://testnet.monad.xyz/ 👈 Connect your HaHa wallet or Metamask
2️⃣. $MON tokens are required to work on the test network. We can request tokens in Monad webstie,but the faucet often doesnt't work. Or using the faucet in HaHa wallet, for this you need to have karma level 5 👉 Full guide to HaHa wallet ere 👈 Or buy for 3-4 dollars, this will be enough for many activities. ➖ Via Relay swap your crypto to ETH Arb ➖ Here swap ETH ARB to ETH Sepolia ➖ Bridging ETH Sepolia to Monad Sepolia on Orbiter ➖ Swapping Monad Sepolia for MON on Ambient
3️⃣. Now let's start the activity. On testnet use $MON to a minimum. For example 0.0025 - 0.01 per 1 transaction, depending on how much you have 👇
💚 Mint NFT ➖ DeMask, Morkie, Magic Eden 💱 Swap tokens➖ Monorail, Izumi Finance , Bepopi 🔤 Staking➖Apriori , Kintsu , Magma 🕯 Trading ➖ Kuru , Pandaria , Nad.fun 🪪 Create domean ➖ NAD
🐸 The more activities do, the better. Open the Monad website and work 🤑 📱 server: https://discord.gg/monad
✔️ Send your address and a screenshot and get $MON 🐸
23 Feb, 14:08
💜 Activity that shouldn't miss in HaHa wallet from Monad, a new layer-one blockchain with a throughput of 10,000 transactions per second
What are we doing ❓
1️⃣. Installing a wallet. You can use a PC or Mobile : https://join.haha.me/ALEX-ERSKJV 👈
2️⃣. Enter the seed phrase from your wallet that you use in Metamask,or create new wallet
3️⃣. Open "Karma&Quest", then Click on daily check, connect your social networks 💬 and 📱 Verify yourself in discrord and get role 🤑 ✔️ HaHa Discord server : https://discord.gg/hahawallet 👈 Don't forget to verify on the server by completing a simple captcha. Constantly communicate, For this you will receive more karma, which we farm. You can choose a chat with the language in which it is more convenient to communicate in the section "select lenguage"
4️⃣. in legacy wallet copy your address and go to the faucet to receive ETH in the Sepolia test network. Just paste your address and request test tokens Faucet : https://cloud.google.com/application/web3/faucet/ethereum/sepolia 👈 Then we copy the address smart wallet in the Sepolia network and send the ETH that we requested from the faucet. Need send 10 transactions per day. Thus, we farm karma, increasing our level
🤑 Perform daily checks, chat in discord and send 10 transactions on the Sapolia testnet.When your karma reaches level 5, you will be able to request test $MON tokens in the HaHa Wallet faucet. MON need for further work in the Monad network. A full guide to working in the test network will be available very soon. In the meantime, let's do some activity in the wallet 🐸
21 Feb, 20:28
https://paws.community/app?tab=pre-market 👈
20 Feb, 22:51
Learn AI with you network traffic and Earn Points! 🔠
🔗👉 Go to Gradient - https://app.gradient.network/signup?code=KF0HAO
CODE : KF0HAO➕ DownLoad Node Extension - CLICK
Big Project with Fundamentals and Rich Funds 💰🤑
19 Feb, 15:47
Curly Notcoiner has launched another project, be careful 😁
17 Feb, 18:21
Click and claim 😮💨
Also, in the "Partners" section there is a task for 4000 PAWS
16 Feb, 16:25
➖🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠 ($16M, a16z)
Fresh project with $16M Funds , and a16z and Coinbase are on board 🚀 A gem? GEM 💎 .
➡️ Now you can sign up for WL here - https://legend.xyz/waitlist?referred_by=-DUgydIzvXno77NtsH7cwQ 👈
🔥 It can be very useful to get into this at an early stage, so don't skip it.🔥