cping @cp_cheating Channel on Telegram



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Cping App (English)

Are you interested in software development? Looking to stay updated on the latest chats and feedback in the software development community? Look no further than the CPing App Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to providing valuable content related to software development, with discussions on various topics and sharing feedback from users. Connect with like-minded individuals in the software development field and stay informed on the latest trends and technologies. Join CPing App today and be part of a community that values growth and collaboration. Thank you for following the channel's content!


01 Dec, 21:02

هنالك امر مهم اذا تم انشاء اكثر من api key في نفس الحساب لن يفيد ذالك سيتم تسجيل الحد المجاني الاستخدام على مستوى الحساب لذالك يجب انشاء مفتاح واحد في كل حساب جيميل لن اقبل اكثر من مفتاح لنفس الحساب سيتم فحص اي مفتاح تقوم بارساله


01 Dec, 08:17

سيتم قريبا نشر دروس تعليمية مختلفة حول جمع البيانات واستخدامها في تطبيقات فعالة و عمل هندسة عكسية للمواقع للاستفادة القصوى من الانترنت و بياناته و بيانات المواقع او خدماتها التي يتم نشرها.

اذا كان لديك فكرة او موقع تود جمع البيانات منه او موقع تود عمل هندسة عكسية لطريقة عمله و سحب api او اتمته او الاستفادة من خدمته بشكل برمجي في مشاريع خاصة ارسل لي على @mohamad_aljeiawi.


01 Dec, 08:00

Channel name was changed to «cping»

Cping App

10 Nov, 10:26


Cping App

05 Nov, 16:49

True On Manual

Cping App

25 Oct, 09:23

import random
import string

def generate_strong_password(length=16, use_digits=True, use_symbols=True):
Generates a strong, random password.

length: The desired length of the password.
use_digits: Whether to include digits in the password.
use_symbols: Whether to include symbols in the password.

A string representing the generated password.

# Define character sets
letters = string.ascii_letters
digits = string.digits
symbols = string.punctuation

# Create a character set based on the specified options
characters = letters
if use_digits:
characters += digits
if use_symbols:
characters += symbols

# Generate the password
password = ''.join(random.choice(characters) for _ in range(length))

# Ensure at least one of each character type if specified
if use_digits and not any(char.isdigit() for char in password):
password = password[:-1] + random.choice(digits)
if use_symbols and not any(char in symbols for char in password):
password = password[:-1] + random.choice(symbols)

return password

# Generate a password with a length of 20 characters, including digits and symbols
password = generate_strong_password(20, True, True)

Cping App

21 Oct, 12:59

curl https://openrouter.ai/api/v1/chat/completions   -H "Content-Type: application/json"   -H "Authorization: Bearer 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"   -d '{
"model": "openai/gpt-4o-mini",
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "كيف حالك يا"


Cping App

18 Sep, 05:57

I updated to PUBG 3.4

Try it

Cping App

03 Apr, 20:17

Channel created