

Your local school needs reporting to the Police for crimes that they have already, or are about to commit...The Simple Crime Report Form, Instructions, Example Video & All Evidence are on the Channel... Please Act Now.


23 Oct, 16:08

Did you know Amerikkka's annual spend on foreign war is 12,000 dollars per household?

Wouldn't you love to know our household expenditure on foreign war? That's one bill we could definitely save on.


22 Oct, 18:27

A pertinent question...where will the gollums go?... Will they flee south back to their lands of origin like their Is Ra Elite 'ancestors' did? (not Russia, Germany, Poland or Italy etc..)

Hopefully not without the same involuntarily sterilisation that was administered to the true Is Ra Elites entering "the state of Israel" - at the very least.


22 Oct, 18:13

What fresh Zionist pantomime is this?... so the man who has been threatened with jail for publicising a film has arranged with the local council and police to erect a screen to show the same said film?

In addition, the man, who is funded by the self-same zionist entity as the enemy state itself, wants you to beleive he is an enemy of the enemy-state?

And will his big appearance be cancelled on account of him being spirited to Bellmarsh like Julian Assange for his whistle blowing ways?

The whole world is hollywood, but at least the record-keepers and commentators of it all will be zionist sponsored too.. to help save us from the muslamic threat and stir up a little more race hate.

Confused as hell? (or heaven I guess, if you're a zionist)... I know we are.

Should be an interesting weekend tho.


22 Oct, 11:55

Zelensky's road map to freedom may not have been worth pissing on, let alone leaking.....

But apart from that the US military is leaking everywhere.... from Israeli 'Iran plans' to footsoldiers.

Fare well Isna'real


22 Oct, 11:34

Gary Waterman's uncovered this little blast from the past in his travels.

Whilst one of the complainants 'died suddenly' after the making of this video... it's certainly true that anybody who's company has become inadvertently linked to this global child trafficking Web (as was Gary's, which is what led him down this rabbithole ) should be more concerned with joining forces to investigate how and by whom, than with tarnishing his own reputation.

And that goes for all truthers... Great and small.


22 Oct, 10:50

Even the boomers are getting their boots on...shit's getting serious.

But let's face it... we've had the treaty of Nice which necessitated a (very close) Brexit that didn't get us out of the treasonous treaty but allowed the 'government' to declare itself sovereign, undercover of a fraudulent pandemic which imposed forced imprisonment, terrorism and coerced and forced toxic injections on the people.

As soon as the crimes were filed, within a week, we had a shift from forced invasive medical practice, restrictions, and embezzlement of funds for 'covid' embezzlement of funds for foreign wars..

We had corruption from supreme court appeal forcing mass letters to parliament ignored by a government considering itself our masters and not OUR SERVANTS... prompting letters to the king, which kicked off another diversion to a completely illegal war... we've got the uncovering of massive corporate fraud linked to child trafficking and the orchestrated human trafficking of illegals.

The law is with the people.


22 Oct, 10:37

Bisan Owda, Kareem Abu Kwaik... as of 2 days ago, still alive.

We pray. πŸ™πŸΌ


22 Oct, 10:28

'The state of Israel'... Godfather of modern genocide... the rest is history.


22 Oct, 10:26

Death to Zionism and all colonialist causes.

God is greatest.


21 Oct, 15:36

Mass graves, mass executions in a hurried preparedness to 'settle Gaza'...

No genocide to see here... as you were.