Últimas publicaciones de Cossackgundi funclub 18+ (@cossackgundi) en Telegram

Publicaciones de Telegram de Cossackgundi funclub 18+

Cossackgundi funclub 18+
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Última Actualización 09.03.2025 04:24

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El contenido más reciente compartido por Cossackgundi funclub 18+ en Telegram

Cossackgundi funclub 18+

17 Oct, 05:06


Oh look, it's dmitri utkin. You don't even need calipers to see that, phrenologically-speaking, he'd have a hard time fitting in with the band of losers whose symbols he's had drawn all over himself.

In short, he's looks exactly as slimy as you'd expect a rat-faced nazi cocksucker to look.

Cossackgundi funclub 18+

17 Oct, 05:02


You can tell the admin team of intel slave are ghetto-minded by the way they celebrate invisibly small and transitory achievements on the scale decent people celebrate the taking of a strategic town.

Seen here are samples of their reactions to this and last Monday's terror attacks.

3-5 shitty little shaheds is "massive" only in the minds of people with low standards and almost non-existent expectations. The same could be said for people who celebrate a day's worth of patchy power in one city during infrastructure repairs as a "stone age".

Perhaps the orcs perform so poorly because they set goals on such a pathetic scale.

Cossackgundi funclub 18+

12 Oct, 11:37


The orcs never stop providing excellent examples for us to learn from.

Here we can see why we pay attention to spacing.
Cossackgundi funclub 18+

08 Oct, 07:38


Totally normal bridge behavior.
Cossackgundi funclub 18+

08 Oct, 07:38


A decisive end to some russian filth. Pretty sure he got his head popped open.
Cossackgundi funclub 18+

06 Oct, 22:38


Cossackgundi funclub 18+

04 Oct, 15:14


A collection of photos from the Kraken special forces unit, taken during the ongoing northern offensive.