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Cosmic Agency のテレグラム投稿

Cosmic Agency
Official Cosmic Agency channel set up by me, Gosia, to inform our followers of upcoming videos and any other announcements. Thank you for your support! COSMIC AGENCY FREE CHAT:
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最終更新日 06.03.2025 14:32


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Cosmic Agency によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

Cosmic Agency

29 Dec, 03:07


Can´t sleep so I am posting this video, to be broadcast tomorrow (today) at 4pm Finnish time. My personal essay on the topic of linearity of time and time travel. See you soon and enjoy your Sunday! Let´s make it a metaphysical day! 🙂🕰
Cosmic Agency

28 Dec, 00:31


Let´s continue with the developments of the recent events in the orbit. Enjoy the chatroom! 🙂
Cosmic Agency

27 Dec, 23:44


Quick question, guys, tell me what you think, its regarding episodes (lessons) for Space Academy. Do you think at the end of each lesson, each one devoted to a specific subject, I should have an interactive community segment, meaning adding a few minutes of someone from our community, YOU GUYS, as "cadets" of the academy, giving your own understanding of the subject, in simple terms and brief? I mean, I would first explain the subject, and then at the end one of you could contribute explaining how you understand it. I would add that as a video clip that you previously recorded. It might add a bit of realness and closeness of the real people interpreting the topic in their own life. Do you think it could add value or I should forget about it? What do you think?
Cosmic Agency

27 Dec, 10:37


Hey guys! Perhaps it´s a good moment to share with the world in your social media what the real Taygetan drones look like, inside and out! This is not theory or speculation, we have direct description of extraterrestrial drones made by the non-human person, this is big! Share and make people aware! 🙂🔘
Cosmic Agency

26 Dec, 18:50


Well, guys, time to share my little essay on the topic of linearity of time. I am going to argue that time must always, by default of the definition of "time" as given by our Taygetan friends, be lineal! I don´t see any way around it! Don´t worry haha, I won´t be spreading such "blasphemies" in Space Academy 😄. This is just for you! Join me on this metaphysical mental analysis of "Time", recording and editing soon! 🙂
Cosmic Agency

26 Dec, 12:46


More on drones and UFOs, awesome! Enjoy! 🤓
Cosmic Agency

02 Dec, 14:23


Didn´t see this video yet, seems important! What did you think? 🙂
Cosmic Agency

02 Dec, 11:15


Ready to transmit in about 7 hours! Enjoy! 🙂
Cosmic Agency

30 Nov, 14:53


Starting to work on the Monthly Recap for November. It wasn´t that many Space News this past month, nevertheless the recap is due. See you all soon! 🙂
Cosmic Agency

30 Nov, 00:54


And here we have a video to be broadcast tomorrow that is going to be a context for what's happening on the ship and in the lives of our friends. And no, I have no clue myself. Let's be patient. Greetings to all! Chatroom of the video is open, just click on the link! 🙂