coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇 @coquery Channel on Telegram

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇


esquisse allegorical—phrasal the
belletristic. est. 2022 of prominency.
slumped into some wintriness elutriate
plumule yielding, vocables esplanade.

“towards deiform lasses”
fond mutualist @Iilychee.

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇 (English)

Are you a fan of allegorical and belletristic writing? Do you appreciate the art of librettists and theophanies? If so, you'll love the unique content offered by the Telegram channel coquery. This channel delves into the world of close order '89, providing esquisse allegorical-phrasal narratives that will captivate your imagination. From the prominent works of @lameint to the wintriness elutriate plumule yielding, coquery offers a truly unique reading experience. Dive into the world of deiform lasses and mutualist fondness with the brilliant minds behind coquery. Join @Iilychee and other like-minded individuals in exploring the intricacies of librettist's theophanies and let your creativity soar. Subscribe to coquery today and discover a world of literary beauty that will leave you wanting more!

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

02 Feb, 06:27 a premade writing! 🍊

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

29 Dec, 05:54 Ada 3 premium bios for ... (under 10k) and short bios! 🙈

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

01 Dec, 01:21

with that being said, coquery is closing the gate for orders until the 12th of december as i’ll focus preparing myself on the final exam during this busy season. thank you for your patience and understanding—can’t wait to serve you with even more delight when i reopen, queyis!

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

01 Dec, 01:16

welcome, december! may it treats all of us with warmth and joy until the end, wrapping our days in the cozy glow of kindness and the sparkle of small, cherished moments. let the crisp air carry whispers of new memories waiting to be made, and may every twinkling light reminds you of the magic that lingers in even the simplest of things. here’s to a month of soft mornings, heartfelt laughter, and a gentle reminder to embrace the beauty of this season’s little wonders.. 🎄🕊️💌

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

30 Nov, 04:37

special ada tulisan beve. 🥰

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

30 Nov, 04:37

take these writings home while you can! ^__<

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

23 Nov, 01:16

good morning, jangan lupa jajan name finder! >__<

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

22 Nov, 09:57

kalau aku open minggu ini, ada yang mau ngga yaah?

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

22 Nov, 02:04


coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

22 Nov, 01:50

hellooo, queyis.. bevelica’s here! long time no see for sure, i miss all of you guys a lot. ;)

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

26 Jun, 12:49

Queyis aku sudah coba reach out Beve tapi belum dibalas ... 😞

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

10 Jun, 05:09

Queyis, siapa yang nungguin Bevelica juga selain aku.. T___T We do miss her so much, don't we?

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

01 Jan, 06:50

Happy new year, dearest Queyis! Cheers to many more years with all of you.. 🎉🩷

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

10 Dec, 03:46

please tanya disinii ya kalaau ada yang mau tanya terkait order, name finder, atau apapun itu! your identity will be anonymous jadi jangan malu-malu.. :o

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

10 Dec, 03:34

Send me (B–F. ❆) an anonymous message:

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

07 Dec, 02:21

blissful morning, queyis! take a peek at the surprise i just found right after waking up.. one of my loyal customers penned this lovely letter, sharing her whole journey with coquery. fyi, she was one of the first to shop when coquery was just a channel with testimonials and prices, not yet a full-fledged store. she's one of the reasons why i finally felt confident enough to start up and keep my business going strong. after reading it, i couldn't find the right words to describe it.. just feeling incredibly blessed and truly loved. what did i do to deserve this kind of affection? 🥺

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

06 Dec, 14:36

Bevelica said that I must, have to, ought to-reveal myself to dispel the bewilderment amongst Queyis as I have remained anonymous. (Ya cherry-moon bahkan sudah terbit.)🧍🏻‍♀Thus, may I have your kindness, Queyis, to keep this girl named Chelsea (@Tranrquil) in your tiny pocket of heart, in your possession wholeheartedly as she is within a kind of solitude these days. Hence, she plucks out some courage to get acquainted with all of you. By this bulletin, though, I'm delighted and grateful to be part of Coquery, have been and will always be. Ever since, my sincere gratitude goes to Bevelica; I vow myself to do my best as her partner in business, professionally. Yet so far, I'd love to admit that it has been a delightful odyssey with Bevelica and Coquery! Definitely can't wait to embrace more stories ahead with Coquery. ♥️

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

06 Dec, 12:55

Queyis! Mince no words; isn't it as clear as the starry-sky tonight for the exact purpose we forwarded this message? <3 Yes, the channel cherry-moon is under Coquery patronage and from this point onward, I will no longer sell ready-made biography/any kind-of-writings on Coquery channel. Instead, I will sell lots on cherry-moon! Be that as it may, if you are fond, particularly,of ready-made writings, then you may snatch a subscription on the cherry-moon channel and keep an eye out for what's on the horizon! That shall be it, Queyis. 👋🏻

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

06 Dec, 07:08

my cherished mutuals, would you be kind as to transmit this missive to your aesthetically-pleasing channel? if you’re seeking for any feedback, do avail yourself of the opportunity to contact @Iilychee right away. gratitude abounds!

coquery: librettist’s theophany! 𖠇

05 Dec, 13:42

actually there’s another agenda for today but but.. it could wait till tomorrow hihihi. wishing you a tranquil night, rest peacefully, and may ethereal dreams grace your slumber, queyis! see you soon xx. 🌙