Welcome to CLOOUDWALKER, a Telegram channel dedicated to the exploration of the dystopian world depicted in the 'MASCULINE ไฝๅผ. EPISODE ยฑ MXVII' series. The channel is curated by the user @clooudwalker, who invites you to delve into a society ruled by an authoritarian regime. Through thought-provoking discussions and engaging content, CLOOUDWALKER aims to spark conversations about power, control, and the consequences of living in a world dominated by oppressive forces. Join the conversation and connect with like-minded individuals who share an interest in dystopian literature and social commentary. Stay informed about upcoming events and discussions by following @cloudwalkersbot for bot orders and reaching out to @walkerhelpbot for any inquiries or complaints. Embrace the darkness of this dystopian world and uncover the truths hidden within. Are you ready to challenge the status quo and explore the depths of authoritarian rule? Join CLOOUDWALKER today and be part of a community that dares to question the norms of society.