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Computer questions Quiz Pdf
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Computer questions Quiz Pdf

08 Mar, 04:54


{18}: Google Chrome Shortcut keys:

➞ Open a new window - Ctrl+N

➞ Open a new window in Incognito mode  - Ctrl+Shift+N

➞ Open a new tab, and jump to it - Ctrl+T

➞ Reopen previously closed tabs in the order they were closed - Ctrl+Shift+T

➞ Close the current tab  - Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4

➞ Close the current window - Ctrl+Shift+W or Alt+F4

Computer questions Quiz Pdf

05 Mar, 14:56


{17}:🚥 गति के आधार पर मेमोरी का क्रम 🚥

1⃣☞ Registers (CPU)

2⃣☞ Cache memory

3⃣☞ RAM (main memory)

4⃣☞ Flash/USB memory

5⃣☞ hard disk (magnetic disk)

6⃣☞ Optical disk (CD-ROM)

7⃣☞ Magnetic tape

सबसे तेज गति (fastest): रजिस्टर्स

सबसे धीमी (slowest): मैगनेटिक टेप

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Computer questions Quiz Pdf

22 Feb, 05:01


{16}: PowerPoint: Important Shortcut keys

☞Ctrl+N : Create new presentation

☞Ctrl+M : Add a new slide

☞Page down : Go to the next slide

☞Page up : Go to the previous slide

☞F5 : Start the slide show

☞Ctrl+Q : Close PowerPoint

☞Ctrl+Spacebar : Play or pause media

☞Ctrl+Backspace : Delete one word to the left

☞Ctrl+C : Copy selected object or text

☞Ctrl+D / Ctrl+Drag the mouse : Duplicate an object
(Office 2010 and Office 2007: Not available)

☞Ctrl+G : Group selected shapes, pictures, or WordArt objects

𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧☞ @Computer_question_quiz
Computer questions Quiz Pdf

09 Feb, 08:54


{15}: MS Excel : important facts

1.☞By default file name : Book1

2.☞Minimum and maximum zoom% : 10% and 400%

3.☞File Extension : .xlsx

4.☞Insert date : Today ( )

5.☞Insert current date and time : Now ( )

6.☞Column and Rows : 16384 and 1048576

7.☞First cell address : A1

8.☞Default page orientation : portrait

9.☞Cell comments called : Cell Tip

10.☞Font size minimum and maximum : 1 Pt and 409 Pt

𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧☞ @computer_question_quiz
Computer questions Quiz Pdf

31 Jan, 08:29


{14}: भारत में नई कंप्यूटर नीति की घोषणा नवंबर 1984 में प्रधानमंत्री राजीव गांधी द्वारा की गई।

New Computer Policy introduced in November, 1984 by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.

Join➡️ @Computer_question_quiz
Computer questions Quiz Pdf

23 Jan, 02:44


{13}: भारत में नई कंप्यूटर नीति की घोषणा नवंबर 1984 में प्रधानमंत्री राजीव गांधी द्वारा की गई।

New Computer Policy introduced in November, 1984 by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.

𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧☞ @computer_question_quiz
Computer questions Quiz Pdf

18 Jan, 11:32


{12}: MS Excel : important facts

1.☞By default file name : Book1

2.☞Minimum and maximum zoom% : 10% and 400%

3.☞File Extension : .xlsx

4.☞Insert date : Today ( )

5.☞Insert current date and time : Now ( )

6.☞Column and Rows : 16384 and 1048576

7.☞First cell address : A1

8.☞Default page orientation : portrait

9.☞Cell comments called : Cell Tip

10.☞Font size minimum and maximum : 1 Pt and 409 Pt

𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧☞ @computer_question_quiz
Computer questions Quiz Pdf

11 Jan, 10:21


{11}: मेमोरी यूनिट्स

1⃣: 1Bit (b) = Binary digit(0,1)

2⃣: 4 Bit = 1 Nibble

3⃣: 8 Bit = 1 Byte (B)

4⃣: 8 Bit/1 Byte = 1 Octet(o)

5⃣: 1024 Bytes = 1 kilo byte (KB)

6⃣: 1024 KB = 1 Mega byte (MB)

7⃣: 1024 MB = 1 Giga byte (GB)

8⃣: 1024 GB = 1 Terra byte (TB)

9⃣: 1024 TB = 1 Peta byte (PB)

🔟: 1024 PB = 1 Exa byte (EB)

1⃣1⃣: 1024 EB = 1 Zetta byte (ZB)

1⃣2⃣: 1024 ZB = 1 Yotta byte (YB)

1⃣3⃣: 1024 YB = 1 Bronto byte

1⃣4⃣: 1024 Brontobyte = 1 Geop byte

Geop byte is the highest memory.

Join▶️ @computer_question_quiz
Computer questions Quiz Pdf

27 Dec, 10:01


{10}: एमएस वर्ड के प्रथम संस्करण Word 1.0 को अक्टूबर 1983 में लॉन्च किया गया था जिसे चार्ल्स सिमोनी और रिचर्ड ब्रॉडी द्वारा UNIX ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम के लिए विकसित किया गया था। इस समय वर्ड को मल्टी-टूल वर्ड कहा जाता था।

The first version of Microsoft Word (Word 1.0) launched in October 1983 was developed by Charles Simonyi and Richard Brodie for the UNIX operating system. At this time Word was called Multi-Tool Word.

𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧☞ @computer_question_quiz
Computer questions Quiz Pdf

23 Dec, 13:55


𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧☞ @computer_question_quiz