1. What is the meant by price Galaxy 2 of 1 explain it types with the help of diagram
2. Discuss the economics and dis Economics of scale
3 explain with the diagram the curve of average revenue and marginal revalu in the perfect completion
4. Explain the scope of business economics
5. Law of demand
6. Disaccounting principle
7. What is the demand forecasting? Explain the trend method of demand forecasting
8. Income elasticity of demand
9. Types of electricity of supply
10. Explain the cost output relationship in the short run along with diagram
11. External economics and extra Economics of scale
12. Production function
13. Incrementalconcept
14. Three faces of the law of variable proportion
15. Average revenue and marginal revenue
16. What is the business economics discuss the characteristics of Business Economics
17. Concept of opportunity cost
18. Types of price electricity of demand
19. What what is income elasticity of demand explain the types of income electricity of demand with the help of the diagram
20. Complete the enumeration method and sample survey method for demand forecasting
21. Law of supply
22. Concept of average fix cost and average variable cost
23. Discounting principle
24. Production function
25. Long run average cost curve