1. State the important features of money
2. Point out the features affecting money supply
3. What is the relationship between the demand for cash and the value of money ?
4. Write the meaning of inflation
5. What is the meaning of stagflation
6. What is the meaning of deflation
7. State the objective of credit control?
8. What is clearing hous
9. Objective of demand for money
10. What is the permanent real income
11. What is indexation?
12. State men function of the World bank
13. State important characteristics of money
14. State objective of liquidity preference
15. What is the difference between partial and full inflation?
16. What is the difference between bank rate and interest rate
Long question
1. Explain in the detail the various functions of money?
2. Explain the concept of natural rate of unemployment with the diagram
3. Disparities caused by money
4. Assumption of fisher equation
5 .measures to control deflation?
6. Limitation of qualitative credit control measures
7. Why RBI holds the top position in the Indians banking sector?
8. Why is India connected with the World Bank?
9. Why money is an asset?
10. Vice money demand?
11. Explain critically the approach of value of money given by professor Milton Friedman
12. Describe men characteristics of inflation and explain in the various type with help of diagram
13. Discuss critically the quantitative instrument of the central bank of credit control
14. Discuss merit and demerit of money in modern economy?
15. Factor affecting demand for money
16. Limitation of the quantity theory of money
17. Philips carve
18. Limitation of working of RBI
19. Differentiate money and near money
20. Describe function of the central bank
21. Explain the repo rate and rivers reporate
22. Objective of international money fund