Publicaciones de Telegram de TCI (The Collector's IAS)

☎️ Contact @TCIOfficial
✍️Answer writing Platform
✅Editorials- @tcieditorials
✅Registration- @TCIOfficial
Initiative run and supported by Multiple Selected, Interview appeared candidates #answerwriting #upsc
✍️Answer writing Platform
✅Editorials- @tcieditorials
✅Registration- @TCIOfficial
Initiative run and supported by Multiple Selected, Interview appeared candidates #answerwriting #upsc
1,419 Suscriptores
849 Fotos
5 Videos
Última Actualización 06.03.2025 22:36
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El contenido más reciente compartido por TCI (The Collector's IAS) en Telegram
#important #prelims25
From Today Onwards You will daily get #5MCQs each day @10PM
All questions will be standard #UPSCpattern based including MCQs
Join here if not joined yet
From Today Onwards You will daily get #5MCQs each day @10PM
All questions will be standard #UPSCpattern based including MCQs
Join here if not joined yet
Some students are probably not aware about #YPT
YPT is an app available free on Playstore. It is used to study and taking track of your time and goals.
You can download it from playstore and then can join the group in that using the link given above
YPT is an app available free on Playstore. It is used to study and taking track of your time and goals.
You can download it from playstore and then can join the group in that using the link given above
#YPT #TargetedStudies
Those of you want to study in #competitive Environment and can do atleast #8HoursEveryday can DM
Will add you to #YPTGroup of students who are doing Daily 8hrs+.
Not giving link here because want to add #OnlySerious Students
Those want to get added Can DM here @TCIOfficial for Link and Password
Note:- If you don't do atleast 8 hours will remove after first warning.
Those of you want to study in #competitive Environment and can do atleast #8HoursEveryday can DM
Will add you to #YPTGroup of students who are doing Daily 8hrs+.
Not giving link here because want to add #OnlySerious Students
Those want to get added Can DM here @TCIOfficial for Link and Password
Note:- If you don't do atleast 8 hours will remove after first warning.
#Polity #prelims
Q6. Who are the people eligible for free legal aid under NALSA?
1. Women and Children
2. Members of SC/ST
3. Those having annual income less than 3 lakhs
4. Persons with disability
5.Industrial workmen
Q6. Who are the people eligible for free legal aid under NALSA?
1. Women and Children
2. Members of SC/ST
3. Those having annual income less than 3 lakhs
4. Persons with disability
5.Industrial workmen