UPSC with Amratansh


Faculty for Forestry Optional, IR, Environment, DM at SunyaIAS. PSIR enthusiast.

Mentoring students to clear IFoS and CSE in every stage. I specialise in demystifying Prelims.

Feeling stuck? Msg on telegram @mechsomnia

UPSC with Amratansh

04 Oct, 06:45

LIVE Lecture 2: Forestry Optional Crash Course cum Enrichment Program

UPSC with Amratansh

03 Oct, 06:01

UPSC with Amratansh

02 Oct, 12:39

Forestry Optional Podcast

- Relevance
- Common mistakes
- How to improve marks
- How to plan the last 60 days for IFOS Mains '24

UPSC with Amratansh

02 Oct, 12:36



100% Syllabus to get you OPTIONAL COVERED.




For more information, Call or WhatsApp +919319178775

UPSC with Amratansh

16 Jul, 08:06

10 JULY - Polity Test 3 - Day 3 - Mains BootCamp - Model Answers


UPSC with Amratansh

16 Jul, 08:05

10 JULY - Polity Test 3 - Day 3 - Mains BootCamp - Questions


UPSC with Amratansh

05 Jul, 05:30

Learn Climate Change in detail from Mains perspective

UPSC with Amratansh

23 Jun, 02:35

Information loaded article in today's IE

Carnivorous plants typically grow in nutrient-poor soils, such as marshy and boggy areas, and use their predatory methods to obtain necessary nutrients.

1. Venus Flytrap
• Uses a deadly gin trap design in its leaves.
• Has a timing mechanism to avoid snapping shut due to non-prey stimuli like raindrops.
• Attracts prey with sweet sticky nectar and slowly dissolves it using digestive juices and enzymes.

2. Nepenthes Rajah
• Can grow up to 41 cm high and 20 cm wide.
• Its tankard-like bloom can hold up to 3 litres of nectar-water and another 2.5 litres of digestive juices.
• Traps insects, rodents, lizards, and small birds which drown and dissolve inside.

Mutualistic Relationships

• Certain small species of shrew have a symbiotic relationship with Nepenthes rajah, where they sip nectar and defecate in the plant, supplying it with nitrogen.

Plant Competition in Dense Forests

• In dense forests, plants fiercely compete for sunlight, often receiving as little as 2% of the sunlight that reaches the forest floor.
• Lianas and Vines:
• Grow rapidly to reach the canopy.
• Wind around and use other plants for support, competing for sunlight, nutrients, and water, which stunts the growth of the supporting plants.

Strangler Figs

• Banyan Tree:
• Birds deposit seeds high in other trees, where they take root.
•The fig’s roots encase and gradually strangle the host tree, leading to its slow death.
• Despite their lethal nature, banyans are keystone species, providing shelter and resources for numerous animals.


• Plants like orchids, ferns, and mosses grow on trees for support but derive their nutrients from leaf debris and rainwater, not harming the host tree.

Parental Strategies in Plants

• Parent plants often prevent their progeny from growing nearby to avoid competition.
• Seed Dispersal Mechanisms:
• Some plants, like the Himalayan balsam, explode their seed pods to scatter seeds far away.
• Others produce juicy fruits that attract animals, ensuring seeds are carried away.
• Some seeds are equipped with wings or parachutes to catch the wind.

Wood-Wide-Web: Cooperation and Competition

• Trees exchange nutrients and support each other through hyphae, filamentous fungi threads at their roots.
• They may also use these networks to send poisons to deter competitors.

UPSC with Amratansh

17 Jun, 13:12

UPSC with Amratansh

15 Jun, 13:14

As tomorrow's exam approaches, let's discard the baggage of previous mock exams and performances. Step into the exam hall unburdened and renewed.

Tomorrow is not just another day; it's a canvas yet to be painted. Embrace it with a fresh perspective, not burdened by thoughts of what should have been.

Remember, the knowledge and preparation you carry into the examination hall are more than sufficient to see you through. Trust in what you know, and let your strengths guide you. While you should be ready for unexpected twists, don’t overlook the easy wins—ensure you nail the simpler questions.

Take a few moments to collect yourself as you settle into the exam hall. Use time wisely—keep a gentle eye on it, checking every 20-30 minutes to gauge your progress, but without letting it dictate your pace.

Stay in the race until the very last question of the CSAT. Your belief in yourself is your most powerful ally. Leave thoughts of cutoffs outside the hall; your focus should only be on giving your best to every question you tackle.

With the heatwaves, remember to stay hydrated and energized. Keep fluids, snacks, and some chocolates handy.

Today, as you prepare to rest, reaffirm your faith in yourself. You are capable, prepared, and ready. Tomorrow, walk into that exam hall not just to take a test, but to show how far you've come and how high you can climb.

Believe in yourself, for I certainly do.

All the very best!

UPSC with Amratansh

02 Jun, 05:15

1. Greenwashing: When companies make misleading claims about their environmental credentials to attract customers.
• Example: A bottled water company claims its bottles are “eco-friendly,” but they are still made from non-recyclable plastic.

2. Greenshifting: When companies imply that consumers are to blame for environmental issues.
• Example: A coffee chain tells customers to bring reusable cups to reduce waste, but continues to produce millions of disposable cups daily.

3. Green Crowding: When companies hide within a group and move at the pace of the slowest sustainability adopter.
• Example: A supermarket chain joins an industry group that sets low standards for reducing plastic use, allowing it to avoid making significant changes.

4. Greenlighting: When a company highlights a minor green feature to distract from larger environmental harms.
• Example: A fashion brand promotes its line of organic cotton T-shirts, while the majority of its products are made using environmentally harmful processes.

5. Greenrinsing: When a company regularly changes its environmental targets before they are achieved.
• Example: An electronics manufacturer sets a goal to reduce emissions by 50% but keeps extending the deadline each year.

6. Green Labelling: When marketers label something as green or sustainable, but it is misleading upon closer examination.
• Example: A cleaning product is labeled “natural,” but it contains synthetic chemicals. @amratanshx

7. Greenhushing: When organizations under-report or hide their green credentials to avoid scrutiny.
• Example: A tech company implements energy-saving measures in its data centers but doesn’t advertise it to avoid being accused of greenwashing.

UPSC with Amratansh

01 Jun, 12:54

📢 The Supreme Court of India has ruled that freedom from climate change effects is a fundamental right! 🌍🧑‍⚖️

🔹 Articles 14 & 21: Right to equality & life.
🔹 Right to a clean environment = Right to life.
🔹 Case: M K Ranjitsinh vs Union of India on protecting the Great Indian Bustard & Lesser Florican. 🦅(both Critically Endangered)
🔹 Articles 48A & 51A(g): Duties to protect the environment.
🔹 MC Mehta vs Kamal Nath (2000): Right to life includes the right to a clean environment.
🔹 Supported by the Paris Agreement preamble on human rights & climate change.

UPSC with Amratansh

30 May, 15:06

🚀 The world’s largest Direct Air Capture and Storage (DAC+S) plant, Mammoth, is now operational in Iceland! 🌍

📍 Located on Hellisheiði volcano, Mammoth captures CO2 directly from the atmosphere and stores it in deep geological formations. 🏞️

🌿 DAC+S tech is a game-changer for climate action, removing CO2 from the air and offering sustainable solutions. 🌱

💡 Unlike traditional carbon capture, DAC+S works anywhere, ensuring cleaner air and a healthier planet. 💧

UPSC with Amratansh

22 May, 10:48

Ruthless Rapid Revision (RRR) | Environment & Ecology | Prelims 2024 | UPSC CSE | Sunya IAS | B2

Seats Available: Only 500 (First come, first serve basis)

Date: 27 & 28 May


Register at:

Fee: Rs 499/- ( OLD Students can register ONLY in Rs 299/-)

For any Telegram, reach us at

UPSC with Amratansh

18 May, 14:08

Climate Finance and updates

- 7th GEF Summit
- Loss and Damage Fund
- New Collective Quantified Goal etc

UPSC with Amratansh

18 May, 06:11

CBD and 15th COP

UPSC with Amratansh

27 Apr, 05:44

Aspirants giving PRELIMS this Year!

Here We are excited to launch RRR series for PRELIMS 2024

Seats Available: 500 (first come, first serve)

Ruthless Rapid Revision (RRR) | Environment & Ecology | Prelims 2024 | UPSC CSE | Sunya IAS


UPSC with Amratansh

19 Apr, 14:20

Marksheets are out, which I am sure you know.

Prelims - GS 1 and/or CSAT scores are not what you calculated. Again we have to wait for UPSC keys and match each answer to find out

Mains 2023 Observations

- Essay has seen fluctuation
- GS 1, GS 3, GS 4 some marksheets I have seen have a lot of variation. GS3 and GS1 shows stricter marking and GS4 shows more variation.
- PSIR Some have scored in well P1 and some in P2 but very few in both.

Overall how well has PSIR performed remains to be seen and analysed. In coming days we should have a clearer picture.

In case you want to discuss your marksheet (both Pre n Mains) and areas of improvement - can drop me a message @mechsomnia