CodeCrafters @codecrafters11 Channel on Telegram



🧑‍💻 Sharing HTML, CSS and JS magic
Join me on this coding journey!

CodeCrafters (English)

Are you passionate about coding and eager to learn more about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? Look no further than CodeCrafters! This Telegram channel, managed by the username @codecrafters11, is here to share the magic of web development with you. Whether you are a beginner looking to dive into the world of coding or an experienced developer seeking inspiration, CodeCrafters has something for everyone. Join us on this exciting coding journey as we explore the latest trends, tips, and techniques in web development. From creating stunning websites to mastering interactive features, we cover it all. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your coding skills and connect with like-minded individuals. Click on the link to join us and start your coding adventure today! 🧑‍💻✨


23 Jan, 14:41

FREE Sites to Host Backend Code🔥

◾️Netlify Functions
◾️Fly .io
◾️Cyclic .sh
◾️Railway .app
◾️Planet scale
◾️Sanity .io
◾️Deta. sh
◾️Stormkit .io
◾️Cloudflare Workers
◾️Google Cloud Functions


20 Jan, 09:55

CSS Fonts Cheatsheet🔥


18 Jan, 16:01

Javascript - Array methods


18 Jan, 01:58

Best Websites for Code Snippets in 2025 👇

🔥 Codepen
🔥 CSS Deck
🔥 Free FrontEnd
🔥 CodeMyUI
🔥 Codesandbox
🔥 Codepad
🔥 30 seconds of code
🔥 Little Snippets
🔥 W3Schools
🔥 Code to go
🔥 Snipplr
🔥 Web Code Tools
🔥 Codeply


10 Jan, 04:05

Stage 1 – HTML
Stage 2 – CSS (Grid, Flex)
Stage 3 - Git, GitHub
Stage 4 – JavaScript, DOM
Stage 5 – React VueJS Svetle || Angular
Stage 6 – Node.js
Stage 7 – MySQL || MongoDB
Stage 8 – CRUD pattern
Stage 9 – Build projects to gain experience

🏆 – Full Stack developer. 🙌


09 Jan, 17:24

Learn for Free

🌐 HTML - w3schools .com
🎨 CSS - web .dev/learn/css
📜 JavaScript - javascript .info
⚛️ React - react-tutorial .app
🔗 API - rapidapi .com/learn
🐍 Python - learnpython .org
🌬️ Tailwind CSS - tailwindcss .com
🗄️ SQL - SQLzap .com
🔧 Git and GitHub - git-scm .com
🟢 Node.js - nodejs .dev/learn
🌱 Django - djangoproject .com/start
💎 Ruby on Rails - guides.rubyonrails .org
📱 Flutter - flutter .dev/docs
Kotlin - kotlinlang .org/docs/tutorials
🚀 Go - golang .org/doc/tutorial
🦀 Rust - doc.rust-lang .org/book


09 Jan, 10:40

Best YouTube Channels for back-end/full-stack developers.

Corey Schafer: Python, Git, SQL, Terminal tutorials, JavaScript, Computer Science fundamentals

Hussein Nasser: Backend Development, System
Architecture, Database Engineering, Data Structures

TechwithTim: Python, Rust, Golang, JavaScript, C++, libraries

Better Stack: Python, PHP, Golang, DevOps, Logging, Monitoring

Conaticus: Rust, JavaScript, C++, C#, Python, Ruby on Rails, Go

The Net Ninja: JavaScript, Node.js, Vue.js, Firebase, React, D3.js, Svelte, Python, Django, PHP, MySQL

Fireship: High-intensity code tutorials, tech news, React, TypeScript

Traversy Media: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Vue.js, Node.js, Python, PHP

Nick Chapsas: .NET, C#


08 Jan, 05:59

Basic Weather App using HTML, CSS and Javascript


07 Jan, 08:36

Free static site hosting:

🌐 Sevalla
🚀 Netlify
🐙 GitHub Pages
🔄 Render
☁️ Cloudflare pages
🔥 Firebase Hosting
🌊 Surge
☁️ AWS Amplify
📄 Gitlab Pages
🌐 Azure Static Web Apps


07 Jan, 08:31

Learn for Free

🌐 HTML - w3schools .com
🎨 CSS - web .dev/learn/css
📜 JavaScript - javascript .info
⚛️ React - react-tutorial .app
🔗 API - rapidapi .com/learn
🐍 Python - learnpython .org
🌬️ Tailwind CSS - tailwindcss .com
🗄️ SQL - SQLzap .com
🔧 Git and GitHub - git-scm .com
🟢 Node.js - nodejs .dev/learn
🌱 Django - djangoproject .com/start
💎 Ruby on Rails - guides.rubyonrails .org
📱 Flutter - flutter .dev/docs
Kotlin - kotlinlang .org/docs/tutorials
🚀 Go - golang .org/doc/tutorial
🦀 Rust - doc.rust-lang .org/book


04 Jan, 07:56

Javascript Backend Developer Skills

🌐 JavaScript & Node.js Fundamentals
- Understanding of JavaScript ES6+ features
- Asynchronous programming with Promises and Async/Await
- Event-driven architecture in Node.js
- Core Node.js modules and APIs

🔷 TypeScript
- TypeScript syntax and features
- Type safety and interfaces
- Integrating TypeScript with Node.js applications
- Tooling and compilation with TypeScript

🧪Testing Frameworks
- Mocha
- Cypress
- Jest

📦 Node.js Frameworks
- Express.js
- Koa.js
- Fastify
- NestJS

🍃 MongoDB & Mongoose
- CRUD operations with MongoDB
- Schema design and data modeling
- Mongoose ODM for MongoDB
- Aggregation framework

🔗 Node.js Microservices
- Designing microservices architecture
- Communication between microservices (REST, gRPC)
- Service discovery and load balancing
- API Gateway for microservices

🚢 Kubernetes
- Container orchestration with Kubernetes
- Deployment and management of Node.js applications
- Kubernetes services and networking
- Monitoring and scaling applications with Kubernetes


03 Jan, 06:52

👨‍💻 HTML - for skeleton

🎨 CSS - for beauty

🔮 Javascript - for interactivity

🧰 React/VueJs/Svelte/Angular - for functionality

🔌 API - for accessing data

💾 Database - for data storage

👥 Git/GitHub - for teamwork

🖥️ NodeJs/Python/PHP/Go/Rust for backend

🔧 VSCode - for coding

🤖 ChatGPT + AI - for productivity

🎉 Sevalla - for hosting 😉


03 Jan, 06:23

16 Full Stack Project Ideas🔥

📍Task Management Application
📍Food Delivery Application
📍E-commerce Platform
📍Gaming App
📍Blog or Content Management System (CMS)
📍Social Media Application
📍Real-Time Chat Application
📍Video Conferencing Application
📍Recipe Sharing Website
📍Data Analytics Application
📍Job Board Platform
📍Event Management System
📍Real Estate Listing Platform
📍Workout Tracker
📍Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
📍Project Management App


02 Jan, 08:42

2025 Web Development Roadmap

Step 1: git and github
Step 2: HTML and CSS
Step 3: JavaScript
Step 4: React
Step 5: Mongodb
Step 6: Node Js
Step 7: portfolio
Step 8: How to do technical interviews
Step 9: Get hired and earn

Where to learn from?
Odin project


02 Jan, 02:04

Javascript - Array methods


30 Dec, 02:23

Javascript Roadmap:

📜 Basics:
Variables, data types, operators, control structures

🔌 DOM Manipulation:
Selecting, creating, and modifying HTML elements

📦 Packages:
NPM, Yarn, package.json, dependencies, devDependencies

🔧 Tools:
Git, Webpack, Babel, ESLint, Prettier

📡 Async Programming:
Promises, Async/Await, Callbacks

👥 Collaboration:
Github, Pull Requests, Code Reviews

🌐 APIs:
Fetch, AJAX, RESTful APIs

🎨 Frontend Frameworks:
React, Vue, Angular, Svelte

💻 Backend Frameworks:
Node.js, Express, Koa, Nest.js

📝 Databases:
SQL, MongoDB, Firebase

🚀 Deployment:
AWS, Heroku, Netlify, DigitalOcean, Hetzner

🧪 Testing:
Unit testing, integration testing, end-to-end testing

🔒 Security:
Authentication, Authorization

📈 Performance:
Optimization, lazy loading, code splitting


29 Dec, 12:51

Feeling stuck in your coding journey?

Here's what to do next:

🔹 Take a break.
🔹 Look up similar problems.
🔹 Join coding communities.
🔹 Ask for help online.
🔹 Revisit the basics.


29 Dec, 05:01

Thinking of learning Python in 2025?

Start here:

🐍 Learn syntax basics.
🖥️ Explore libraries like NumPy or Pandas.
🔄 Work on automation scripts.
📊 Try data visualization projects.
🚀 Move to machine learning with Scikit-learn.


28 Dec, 05:33

Best Tools to Boost Your Productivity:

⏱️ Visual Studio Code
🔎 Postman
📂 GitHub
🖥️ Docker
🧑‍💻 Figma
💡 Notion


28 Dec, 03:26

HTML/Javascript Tip 💡

You can build a calculator using the output element.

Just type the Javascript formula into the "oninput" parameter of the form element.


26 Dec, 17:09

SQL commands, essentials ↓


26 Dec, 17:05

Frontend Developer Roadmap 🌐💻

├── 🔹 Foundations
│ ├── 🔸 Basic Web Concepts
│ │ ├── 📜 How the Web Works
│ │ ├── 🗂️ HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Basics
│ │ └── 🌍 Web Standards and Accessibility (WCAG)
│ ├── 🔸 Version Control
│ │ ├── 🔧 Git Basics (init, add, commit, push)
│ │ ├── 🧩 Branching and Merging
│ │ └── 🌐 GitHub/GitLab Usage
│ ├── 🔸 HTML
│ │ ├── 📋 Semantic HTML
│ │ ├── 🌟 Forms and Validations
│ │ └── 📑 SEO Best Practices
│ ├── 🔸 CSS
│ │ ├── 🎨 CSS Fundamentals (Selectors, Box Model)
│ │ ├── 💡 Flexbox and Grid Layouts
│ │ └── 🖼️ Responsive Design (Media Queries)
│ └── 🔸 JavaScript
│ ├── 🛠️ Core JavaScript (Variables, Loops, Functions)
│ ├── 📜 DOM Manipulation
│ └── 🔄 Events and APIs

├── 🔹 Intermediate Skills
│ ├── 🔸 Advanced JavaScript
│ │ ├── ES6+ Features (Arrow Functions, Promises, Async/Await)
│ │ ├── 🔀 Modules and Imports
│ │ └── 🧩 Error Handling
│ ├── 🔸 CSS Preprocessors and Frameworks
│ │ ├── 🧵 SASS/SCSS
│ │ ├── 📦 Bootstrap
│ │ └── 🌌 Tailwind CSS
│ ├── 🔸 Frontend Tools
│ │ ├── 🛠️ NPM/Yarn
│ │ ├── 🌟 Webpack/Vite
│ │ └── 📦 Package Management and Bundling
│ ├── 🔸 APIs and HTTP
│ │ ├── 🌐 Fetch and Axios
│ │ ├── 🔑 Authentication (JWT, OAuth)
│ │ └── 📝 REST and GraphQL Basics
│ └── 🔸 Testing
│ ├── Unit Testing (Jest, Mocha)
│ ├── 🧪 Integration Testing
│ └── 👀 Debugging Tools (Chrome DevTools)

├── 🔹 Frameworks and Libraries
│ ├── 🔸 React.js
│ │ ├── ⚛️ Component-Based Architecture
│ │ ├── 🔄 State Management (useState, useEffect, Context API)
│ │ └── 🧱 React Router
│ ├── 🔸 Vue.js
│ │ ├── 🖼️ Vue Basics (Directives, Components)
│ │ ├── 🔧 Vue Router
│ │ └── 🛠️ Vuex for State Management
│ ├── 🔸 Angular
│ │ ├── 📜 Components and Templates
│ │ ├── 💾 Services and Dependency Injection
│ │ └── 🗂️ RxJS and Observables
│ └── 🔸 Other Tools
│ ├── 🐾 jQuery (Optional)
│ ├── 🌟 Next.js/Nuxt.js
│ └── 🔥 Svelte

├── 🔹 Advanced Topics
│ ├── 🔸 State Management
│ │ ├── 🔄 Redux/Toolkit
│ │ ├── 🌟 MobX
│ │ └── ⚛️ Recoil
│ ├── 🔸 Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
│ │ ├── 🖥️ Service Workers
│ │ ├── 📜 Manifest Files
│ │ └── 🌐 Offline Functionality
│ ├── 🔸 Performance Optimization
│ │ ├── 🚀 Code Splitting
│ │ ├── Lazy Loading
│ │ └── 🧩 Caching and Compression
│ ├── 🔸 Web Security
│ │ ├── 🔒 Content Security Policy (CSP)
│ │ ├── 🛡️ XSS and CSRF Protection
│ │ └── 🔑 Secure Cookies and HTTPS
│ └── 🔸 Build and Deployment
│ ├── 📂 CI/CD Pipelines (GitHub Actions, Netlify)
│ ├── 📦 Dockerizing Frontend Apps
│ └── 🌍 Hosting Platforms (Vercel, AWS, Firebase)

├── 🔹 Continuous Learning
│ ├── 🔸 Community and Networking
│ │ ├── 🐦 Follow Developers on X (@e_opore)
│ │ ├── 💬 Join Frontend Communities (Reddit, Discord)
│ │ └── 🎓 Attend Conferences and Meetups
│ ├── 🔸 Resources
│ │ ├── 📚 Frontend Books (Eloquent JavaScript, You Don’t Know JS)
│ │ ├── 🎥 YouTube Channels (Fireship, Traversy Media)
│ │ └── 🌐 Courses (freeCodeCamp, Udemy)
│ └── 🔸 Practice
│ ├── 📜 Build Projects (Clones, Dashboards)
│ ├── 💡 Contribute to Open Source
│ └── 🏆 Participate in Hackathons


26 Dec, 02:46

Don’t know where to start as a web developer?

Follow this:

🔹 Learn HTML/CSS basics.
🔹 Understand JavaScript fundamentals.
🔹 Practice by cloning websites.
🔹 Explore frameworks like React.
🔹 Build your portfolio.


25 Dec, 08:36

How to Stand Out as a Developer in 2025:

🚀 Build personal projects
📚 Contribute to open source
📝 Start a technical blog
💬 Join developer communities
🎥 Share content on YouTube
🎓 Keep learning & growing


25 Dec, 04:12

Want to improve your coding skills? 📈

Here's how to start:

1️⃣ Pick one language.
2️⃣ Build small projects.
3️⃣ Solve coding challenges.
4️⃣ Read the documentation.
5️⃣ Repeat until it clicks.


24 Dec, 17:07


24 Dec, 16:13

Top Resources for Beginners to Learn HTML/CSS:
🖥️ MDN Docs
📚 FreeCodeCamp
🌐 W3Schools
🎥 Traversy Media
💻 Codecademy
🔧 Frontend Mentor


24 Dec, 11:17

Make Money with HTML + CSS:

🖥 Freelance
🚀 Create a Course
📄 Sell Templates
📚 Make your first E-Book
🔥 Content Creator
💎 Be a Mentor
📝 Start Blogging
💼 Join Up-Work
🎥 Become a Youtuber
📂 Build website for small business
👩‍🏫 Teach Online


24 Dec, 09:55

Web development resources

🌐 Websites
→ Mdn docs
→ W3schools
→ FreeCodeCamp
→ Tutorialspoint

🎥 YouTube
→ Traversy media
→ The Net Ninja
→ Academind
→ Code With Mosh
→ CodeWithHarry

📃 Courses
→ Freecodecamp
→ Udemy
→ Codecademy
→ SoloLearn

💻 Practice
→ LeetCode
→ Frontend Mentor
→ Code Wars
→ Ace Frontend


24 Dec, 09:32

Git 101


24 Dec, 02:32

Why learn Rust? 🦀

Rust from the start is a strict teacher who will be annoying at first but in the end, you will understand why this strictness matters.

I would recommend Rust to beginners because other languages hide many underlying complexities, presenting a simpler interface, but Rust's transparency can provide a deeper understanding.


22 Dec, 17:45

Python Data Engineering Roadmap

Stage 1 – Learn Python (Syntax, OOP)
Stage 2 – Understand ETL Pipelines (Extract, Transform, Load)
Stage 3 – Work with Data Formats (CSV, JSON, Parquet)
Stage 4 – Use Pandas and PySpark for Data Processing
Stage 5 – Learn SQL and NoSQL Databases (PostgreSQL, MongoDB)
Stage 6 – Build Scalable Pipelines (Airflow, Prefect)
Stage 7 – Optimize Performance (Caching, Indexing)
Stage 8 – Data Warehousing (Redshift, BigQuery)

🏆 – Python Data Engineer


22 Dec, 05:34

Here are 4 simple apps to help you be a better student.


21 Dec, 15:52

Websites to get tailwind components🔥

🔹Tailwind UI
🔹Daisy UI
🔹Creative Tim
🔹Hyper UI
🔹Headless UI


21 Dec, 12:53

Like and share ❤️


21 Dec, 06:23

13 websites to get remote jobs in 2024

1. Wellfound .com
2. dice .com
3. devsnap .io
4. freshersworld .com
5. flexjobs .com
6. remote .co
7. whoishiring .io
8. remoteml .com
9. weworkremotely .com
10. simplyhired .com
11. remoteok .io
12. upwork .com
13. freelancer .com


23 Oct, 07:04

5 methods to center a div in CSS:


02 Oct, 17:30

Web Development channels👇

🚀Bro Code
🚀Coding Tech
🚀Dev Ed
🚀Traversy Media
🚀FreeCode Camp
🚀Code With Antonio
🚀Programming with Mosh
🚀Javascript Mastery
🚀The Net Ninja
🚀Steve Griffith
🚀Andy Sterkowitz
🚀Akshay Saini
🚀Web Dev Simplified
🚀Clever Programmer


28 Jul, 14:27


21 Jul, 14:51


20 Jul, 13:39

Best YouTube Channels To Learn 👾

Cybersecurity - John Hammond
Networking - David Bombal
Python - Code With Harry
React - Codevolution
UI/UX - GFXMentor
JavaScript - Traversy Media
Java - kunal kushwaha
DevOps - Techworld with Nana
Blockchain - Telusko
AI/ML- Krish Naik
Web Development - Traversy Media
AWS - Code With Harry


16 Jul, 12:54


14 Jul, 17:41

Explore alternatives to console.log

1. console.dir for hierarchical listings
2. console.table for tabular data
3. for grouping messages
4. console.time & console.timeEnd for timing tasks
5. console.clear to clear the console, making your development process more productive and enjoyable.


14 Jul, 10:00


14 Jul, 07:33

🏆 – Complete Full Stack developer 🙌

Total Estimated Time: 27 weeks

Stage1 – HTML (1 week)
Stage2 – CSS (1 week)
Stage3 – Git+GitHub (1 week)
Stage4 – Build Project (1 week)
Stage5 – JavaScript (2 weeks)
Stage6 – JavaScript ES6+ (1 week)
Stage7 – Build Project (1 week)
Stage8 – ReactVueJSSvelte||Angular (3 weeks)
Stage9 – Build Project (1 week)
Stage10 – Node.js (2 weeks)


11 Jul, 08:51


09 Jul, 12:39


09 Jul, 10:00

Want to be a great coder?

- practice a lot
- be consistent
- learn daily
- be patient
- leverage AI
- learn from others' code
- use tools (for coding, API, etc.)
- document your code
- version your code (git+github)
- build in public
- learn debugging
- write tests


07 Jul, 13:28


07 Jul, 03:44

CSS == styles

SQL == databases

Solidity == Smart contract development

TypeScript == static typing to JavaScript

JavaScript == interactivity on websites

PHP == server-side scripting

Java == platform independence

C++ == high performance

React.js == JavaScript library

Ruby == rapid web development

Kotlin == Android app development.

Python == versatile programming language.

Swift == Apple's programming language for iOS apps.


06 Jul, 18:22

Common HTTP status codes:

200: OK
201: Created
301: Permanent redirect
304: Not modified
400: Bad Request
401: Unauthorized
404: Not found
500: Internal Server Error
501: Not Implemented
504: Gateway Timeout


06 Jul, 10:13

18 FREE Resume builders

🙍 folll .io
💼 cvmkr .com
🎨 enhancv .com
📑 flowcv .io
🔍 indeed .com/create-resume
🔍 jobscan .co/resume-builder
📄 kickresume .com
📊 livecareer .com
📈 myperfectresume .com
🧩 novoresume .com
🤝 resumecompanion .com
🌟 resumegenius .com


06 Jul, 06:42

Here's your blueprint for every web developer.

🛠️ HTML - The framework of our digital wonders.

🎨 CSS - Where aesthetics meet the user interface.

💡 JavaScript - Breathes life into static pages.

🚀 React/VueJs/Svelte/Angular - Elevate with advanced


05 Jul, 08:45

If this reel gets more than 2000 likes, I will send the source code link here ❤️


05 Jul, 05:49

Core Git Commands 📌

• git init
• git clone
• git add
• git commit
• git status
• git diff
• git checkout
• git reset
• git log
• git show
• git tag
• git push
• git pull


03 Jul, 13:41

Show your support guys ❤️💪🏻