مخزن MCQ @cns_mcq Channel on Telegram

مخزن MCQ


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مخزن MCQ (Arabic)

مخزن MCQ هو قناة Telegram خاصة تهتم بنشر أكبر كم من النماذج السابقة للاختبارات المتعلقة بمجالات متنوعة مثل الطب والصيدلة والتمريض والتخدير والأشعة والمختبرات. يعتبر هذا المخزن مصدراً قيماً للمعرفة والتدريب للطلاب والمحترفين في هذه الصناعات. بفضل النماذج السابقة التي تم نشرها، يمكن للأعضاء الاستعداد بشكل أفضل للاختبارات وزيادة فرص نجاحهم. القناة تقدم أيضاً ملخصات ملازم تساعد الأعضاء على تحضير أنفسهم بشكل أكثر فعالية. إذا كنت تبحث عن مصدر يساعدك في التحضير للاختبارات في مجالات الطب والتمريض والصيدلة وغيرها، فمخزن MCQ هو القناة المثالية لك. انضم إلينا الآن واستفد من الموارد التعليمية القيمة التي نقدمها.

مخزن MCQ

28 Oct, 18:44

Anti migraine drugs

📱 Instagram 📱Threads 📱 Telegram

مخزن MCQ

28 Oct, 11:53

#نصفي & #نهائي

🩺 مخزن MCQ 📝

مخزن MCQ

28 Oct, 11:52

#نصفي & #نهائي

🩺 مخزن MCQ 📝

مخزن MCQ

28 Oct, 11:52

#نصفي & #نهائي

🩺 مخزن MCQ 📝

مخزن MCQ

28 Oct, 11:51

#نصفي & #نهائي

🩺 مخزن MCQ 📝

مخزن MCQ

28 Oct, 11:50

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مخزن MCQ

28 Oct, 11:46


🩺 مخزن MCQ 📝

مخزن MCQ

28 Oct, 11:43

الأسئله الذي جابها الدكتور مع الحل




🩺 مخزن MCQ 📝

مخزن MCQ

28 Oct, 11:43

الأسئله الذي جابها الدكتور مع الحل




🩺 مخزن MCQ 📝

مخزن MCQ

28 Oct, 11:37

2023& 2024

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مخزن MCQ

28 Oct, 11:36

2021& 2022

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مخزن MCQ

28 Oct, 09:29

___اختبار بكتيريا صحية نهائي. د. خالد المؤيد : طب مخبري دفعة.٢
صح او خطأ

1- Total coliform bacteria are defined as Gram- negative, non spore forming, oxidase-positive, rod-shaped faculative anaerobic bacteria that ferment lactose at 37 °C.  (F)

2- The total coliform group includes several genera e.g. ,Klebsiella, 
Citrobacter and Enterobacter  , salmonella  (F)

3- E. coli is a faecal coliform that grows at 44.5 °C. It is most appropriate group of coliforms to 
indicate faecal contamination  (T)

4- the difference between  total coliform and Faecal coliforms (Thermotolerant coliforms)  the later grow at 44-44,5 C° rather than 37C° (T)

5- A faecal coliform:faecal streptococci ratio of 4 or greater may indicate 
human pollution, rather than  indicate animal pollution. (T)

6- Bottled  drinking water
Must not be detectableTotal coliform bacteria  in any 100 mL sample  (T)

7- The isolation of V. cholerae O1 from water used for drinking is of major public health (problem) and is evidence of faecal contamination  ( T ) 🤔

8- isolation Clostridium perfringens  from drinking-water indicates recent human faecal contamination  rather than one past (F)

9- water contamination by sewage may detect total coliform and Faecal coliforms  in that water (T)

10-High levels of turbidity can enhance disinfection Against microorganisms and can inhibt the growth of bacteria. (F)

الاختيارات :

1- classification of bacteria according to temperature the optimal is 15-20 C°.which of the following
A- Psychrophilic  bacteria 👍
B- mesophilic bacteria
C- thermophilic bacteria
D- non of the above

2-Occurrence of some pathogens in wast water EXCEPT :
A- E. coli
B- Leptospira interrogans
C-Giardia intestinalis
D-  non of the above 👍

3- Several pathogens can be transmitted to milk from an infected animal
itself, EXCEPT:
B- Brucella
C-salmonella 👍
D- mycobacterium bovis.

4- Milk is subjected to contamination from the external environment  by several pathogens ,EXCEPT:
B- Streptococcus .
D- mycobacterium bovis👍.

5- sample units  of Ice cream is:
A- 10 sample units. 👍
B- 5 sample units .
C- 15 sample units .
D- non of the above

6-  sample units of Cheese is : 
A- 10 sample units.
B- 5 sample units . 👍
C- 15 sample units .
D- non of the above .

7- Infective type of food poisoning as:
A- Listeria monocytogene .
B- Salmonella
C- All of the above.👍
D- None of the above

8- Toxic type of food poisoning as :
A- Bacillus cereus 👍
B- Clostridium perfringes
C- All of the above
D- None of the above

9-  the incubation time of Infective type of food poisoning:
A- less than 8 hours
B- more than 8 hours-72hour👍
C- All of the above .
D- None of the above .

10- Factors Influencing Microbiological Activity in Food :
A- Ingredients found in foods ( lipid , protein...).
B- Temperature  ( 30-37C°).
C- All of the above.👍
D- None of the above .

1- Clot Boiling Test: 》
It is used to determine the keeping quality of raw milk. 

2- Phosphatase test :》 is used for effective pasteurization .

3- Turbidity test: 》is used for effective sterilization. 

4- resazurin test  : 》 is used as a substitute for bacterial count .

5- ATP photometry  : 》
Rapid Methods to Assess Numbers of Organisms .

No B selection ( Rapid serological methods to detect food-borne pathogens  .





🩺 مخزن MCQ 📝

مخزن MCQ

28 Oct, 09:29

🔴الأسئلة الذي علينا ودخلوا في النصفي انزيمات
1- The inhibitor is an end product an enzyme action:
A. feedback inhibition

2- Effect of noncompetitive Inhibitor
A. km Increase
B. km Decrease
C. Vmax Increase
D. Vmax Decrease

3- Found in larg amount in circulation
A. lapase
B. Creatine Kinase

4- increase AST in circulation indication to
A. Liver and heart disease

5- increase ALP in circulation indication to
A. Bone disease

6- isoenzyme is
A. Same chemical structure with enzyme
B. Enzyme and isoenzyme catalase same chemical reaction
C. Enzyme and isoenzyme have same substrate and same product
D. (B.C)

🩺 مخزن MCQ 📝

مخزن MCQ

28 Oct, 09:29

😍 نماذج بنك دم 1 😍

نموذج إختبار بنك الدم ١ للدكتوره بشرى

🩺 مخزن MCQ 📝

مخزن MCQ

28 Oct, 09:28

اختبار دفعة سادسه

بنك دم 1

الدكتور/عبدالرحمن عامر

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