Are you passionate about making a difference in your community? Do you want to be a part of something bigger than yourself? Look no further than Civic Space Jobs! Our online communication platform is designed to connect individuals and organizations within civil society who are dedicated to creating positive change in the world. Whether you're looking for employment opportunities, volunteer positions, or collaboration opportunities, Civic Space Jobs is the place to be. Join our community today and be a part of the movement towards a better future for all. Visit to learn more and start making a difference today!
24 Aug, 12:00
24 Jul, 20:10
20 Jun, 14:26
12 Jun, 19:37
28 May, 14:39
20 Mar, 06:31
16 Mar, 18:56
05 Mar, 13:58
29 Feb, 06:15
24 Feb, 12:29
08 Feb, 20:12
08 Feb, 18:02
10 Jan, 19:18
28 Dec, 06:44
25 Dec, 07:10
15 Dec, 07:50