【宠它】宠物店 @chongni66 Channel on Telegram



下单联系 @CW6610

⭕️宠物用品 秒洼地、亚太现货
🚫同行探价勿扰 🔪 发现就拉黑

宠物用品: https://t.me/chongwu6666
宠物频道: https://t.me/chongni66
野货超市: ht

【宠它】宠物店 (Chinese)

【宠它】宠物店 is a Telegram channel dedicated to all things related to pets. From pet supplies to exotic animals, this channel offers a wide range of products and services for pet owners and animal enthusiasts. Users can place orders by contacting @CW6610 and find a variety of pet supplies available for immediate delivery in the Asia-Pacific region. The channel also offers wild animals for reservation, including tigers, bears, lions, wild boars, monkeys, eagles, and more. It is important to note that while pets purchased through the channel will be delivered promptly, any issues or concerns must be raised on the same day of delivery as there is no after-sales service provided. To prevent customers from placing orders and then becoming unresponsive, a 50% deposit is required for all pet reservations, with confirmation needed before finalizing the order. The channel strictly prohibits price comparison inquiries from competitors and urges users to refrain from abandoning pets as it is not humane. For those looking to return to their home country and in need of rehoming services for their pets, the channel owner offers assistance free of charge. With links to separate sections for pet supplies, pet channels, and the wild animal supermarket, users can easily navigate and explore the various offerings available on the channel. Whether you are a pet owner looking for supplies or an animal lover interested in exotic animals, this channel has something for everyone.


19 Jan, 07:36

#边牧 弟弟

➡️ @CW6610


19 Jan, 07:35

#萨摩耶犬 公母都有

➡️ @CW6610


18 Jan, 16:48

#银点曼基康矮脚 弟弟

➡️ @CW6610


18 Jan, 16:47

#拿破仑矮脚猫 妹妹

➡️ @CW6610


18 Jan, 16:39

#拿破仑矮脚猫 妹妹

➡️ @CW6610


18 Jan, 13:54

#缅因 弟弟

➡️ @CW6610


13 Jan, 19:09

#长毛金渐层 妹妹,两月 一针疫苗,秒洼地现货,可到店里看哦,超活泼可爱

➡️ @CW6610


13 Jan, 11:12

#6个月博美 弟弟,秒洼地现货,送狗笼 玩具 狗盆 小袋狗粮 💰15000铢

➡️ @CW6610


13 Jan, 11:12

#波斯猫 弟弟,三个月 一针疫苗 ,价格便宜,秒洼地现货

➡️ @CW6610


13 Jan, 09:46

#super红龙 45cm左右

➡️ @CW6610


12 Jan, 18:12

#矮脚蓝白 妹妹

➡️ @CW6610


12 Jan, 15:00

#蓝猫 公母都有

➡️ @CW6610


12 Jan, 14:54

#矮脚蓝猫 弟弟

➡️ @CW6610 #已售


12 Jan, 14:51

#矮脚蓝白 弟弟

➡️ @CW6610


12 Jan, 14:49

#矮脚银渐层 弟弟

➡️ @CW6610


06 Dec, 12:30

#灰白跳蛛 公的 温顺无毒可上手,跟上面那只母的可配对 #秒洼地现货

➡️ @CW6610


06 Dec, 11:55

#橙佛跳蛛 母的 温顺无毒 可上手,适合新手 #秒洼地现货

➡️ @CW6610


06 Dec, 10:50

#萨摩耶 🉑️预定哦

➡️ @CW6610


06 Dec, 08:20

一米五鱼缸安排走~ 现货还剩一米和一米二哦

➡️ @CW6610


05 Dec, 13:01

#斗鱼 200铢一条不议价,秒洼地现货,任何园区都能送,快递费自付

鱼缸+鱼 1000铢 (带内饰)

➡️ @CW6610


27 Nov, 15:55

#成年黑王 🐍 🈶现货一只

➡️ @CW6610


27 Nov, 13:39

#博美 弟弟 🈶现货

➡️ @CW6610


26 Nov, 08:14

#柯基 妹妹 ,🉑预定

➡️ @CW6610


26 Nov, 06:42

#鹰嘴龟 🈶现货

➡️ @CW6610


26 Nov, 06:31

#苏卡达 🈶现货

➡️ @CW6610


26 Nov, 06:26

#海鳄 🐊 🈶现货一只

➡️ @CW6610


20 Nov, 11:46

#小博美 现货

➡️ @CW6610


17 Nov, 15:30

【宠它】宠物店 pinned «🐱 现货四只小猫都是13000 不议价,便宜又可爱,先选先得~ 🐱 ➡️ @CW6610»


17 Nov, 15:19

🐱 现货四只小猫都是13000 不议价,便宜又可爱,先选先得~ 🐱

➡️ @CW6610


17 Nov, 15:17

妹妹 两月 一针疫苗 #秒洼地现货

➡️ @CW6610


17 Nov, 15:16

#三花猫 妹妹 两月,一针疫苗,可爱有特点 #秒洼地现货

➡️ @CW6610 #已售


17 Nov, 15:16

#白猫 弟弟,两月,一针疫苗

➡️ @CW6610


17 Nov, 15:15

#白猫 弟弟 两月,还没打疫苗

➡️ @CW6610


17 Nov, 13:43

#转出 蓝金渐层(公),一只金虎班(公),刚刚出生80天(打过一针疫苗爸爸蓝金渐层,妈妈纯金渐层),欢迎咨询

➡️ @CW6610


02 Nov, 13:28

#鹰嘴龟 大补 🈶现货

➡️ @CW6610


02 Nov, 13:26

#小猴子 🐒 现货🈶两只

➡️ @CW6610


02 Nov, 05:14

#小鳄鱼 🐊崽崽 🈶现货

➡️ @CW6610


01 Nov, 10:42

#比熊 🉑预定哦

➡️ @CW6610


31 Oct, 12:17

#哈士奇 🉑预定哦

➡️ @CW6610


29 Oct, 15:16

#绿蜥蜴 素食主义,喂食蔬菜就行

➡️ @CW6620


26 Oct, 09:07

#折耳 妹妹

➡️ @CW6610


26 Oct, 06:50

#羊驼🦙 澳大利亚进口 👀 吵架让它去吐口水

➡️ @CW6610


26 Oct, 06:48

#萨摩耶 微笑天使 公母都有

➡️ @CW6610


26 Oct, 06:47

#薮猫 🐱小贵

➡️ @CW6610


26 Oct, 06:46

#阿拉斯加 公母都有

➡️ @CW6610


26 Oct, 06:45

#比熊 弟弟 可以预定哦

➡️ @CW6610


25 Oct, 09:56

#荷兰猪 预定

➡️ @CW6610


24 Oct, 16:33

#博美 现货弟弟,三月左右哦

➡️ @CW6610


23 Oct, 11:28

#柴犬 预定预定~

➡️ @CW6610


23 Oct, 11:27

#柯基 弟弟,🉑️预定哦

➡️ @CW6610


22 Oct, 09:40

#赫曼陆龟 杂食性动物,主要吃草、树叶和花朵,蚯蚓、蜗牛等。也吃水果、蔬菜等植物。#现货两只

➡️ @CW6610


22 Oct, 09:31

#印度星龟 陆龟🐢 性情温和,喜爬动。吃水果类、多刺仙人掌、茎叶肥厚的植物。#现货两只

➡️ @CW6610


20 Oct, 14:06

#高冠变色龙 一般在六个月成年以后才会变色 🉑️预定

➡️ @CW6610