Warts Removed with Sodium Chlorite (Part A) and CDS (3,000 ppm):
This individual had warts around the eyes. They were annoying and would bleed after being pricked, however, they came back again.
Sodium chlorite (Part A) was carefully applied with a swab only at the tip for 2 days (it stung a little). Then only pure CDS (3,000ppm) was applied with a swab, the sting stopped after 1 week. They are all gone and did not return. See before and after results.
Chlorine Dioxide Info
28 Mar, 05:50
Brain Tumor Gone with MMS1
My friend’s son was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor June 2022. He required emergency brain surgery due to severe headaches and the size of the tumor.
After surgery, he immediately began taking 2 drops of MMS1 in 4 oz of water 8 times a day. His brain tumor was never treated with radiation or chemo.
He has had several MRI’s after his surgery with no signs of any brain tumor. Today my friend sent me this text message “NO TUMOR! Another MRI in 6/mths!”
Again, no tumor, he will have another MRI in 6 more months.
Chlorine Dioxide Info
16 Feb, 05:53
Breast Cancer Fully Recovered with CDS:
This case was an 87 year old female patient that was treated with Chlorine Dioxide for a malignant tumor. The tumor was blocked and completely expelled as shown in the video.
This is the moment when the tumor erupted and came out in its entirety through the hole in her breast.
Injecting Chlorine Dioxide through the same hole in the breast is recommended for best results.
25ml of CDS (3,000 ppm) in 250ml of saline solution worked for this 87 year old patient, today she is fully recovered.
This man had facial Seborrheic Dermatitis which took him 2 weeks to get rid of. He would first apply 70% DMSO and wait 3 min before applying CDS. This protocol was followed each day for 4 hours every hour.
Due to poor leg circulation, this diabetic man has had to be extra careful with any scratches or knocks. Normally a wound like this is not "half healed" for at least 2 months. However, he used CDS sprayed 4 times a day (3 parts CDS and 1 part water), and in 3 weeks it has done wonders. It has dried super fast. Now he always wants to have a little bottle at home just in case.