ChatFight Updates @chatfightupdates Channel on Telegram

ChatFight Updates


ChatFight Updates (English)

Are you a fan of ChatFight and want to stay updated on all the latest news, events, and battles? Look no further than the ChatFight Updates Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to providing subscribers with real-time updates on everything happening in the world of ChatFight. From new features being added to exciting battles between users, you'll never miss a beat with ChatFight Updates. Who is it? ChatFight Updates is a Telegram channel for fans of the ChatFight app who want to stay informed about all the latest developments. What is it? It is a source of real-time updates on news, events, and battles within the ChatFight community. Join the ChatFight Updates channel today and be part of the action!

ChatFight Updates

10 Jan, 09:37

🚨 Attention! Official ChatFight Support! 🚨

📢 ChatFight has a limited number of official supporters, recognized and authorized:

💼 @kuogi
💼 @Direttore
💼 @spaccio

🛡️ These are the ONLY accounts authorized to provide support or resolve issues.

Remember: The ONLY method for support we use is through the official group.

Stay safe and ensure you’re contacting the right people! 🌟

ChatFight Updates

14 Dec, 22:05

We should have applied a solving formula that allows us to optimally generate all the images for all the tens of thousands of groups that rely on us for our games. This technique may take a few hours before it stabilizes. We continue to monitor the situation.

ChatFight Updates

12 Dec, 13:43

We are aware of an issue that is causing ChatFight to skip sending some game images in some groups. We are aiming to resolve this as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.

ChatFight Updates

28 Nov, 00:19

Everything is working fine now, we're still actively monitoring the situation to avoid further disruptions.

Thank you for your patience, enjoy this freshly optimized experience!

ChatFight Updates

27 Nov, 22:09

ChatFight has experienced incredible growth recently, with an ever-increasing number of users and groups joining us.

This success, however, has exceeded the data capacity we originally planned for. We’re actively working on optimizations to restore smooth functionality.

Thank you for your patience — we’ll keep you updated! 🙌

ChatFight Updates

27 Nov, 06:14

Extraordinary maintenance is in progress. the bot may respond late or ignore some messages.

ChatFight Updates

24 Nov, 20:16

A problem in the preparation phase for charts generation led the bot to a sudden downtime that started at 21:00 CET. A final resolution of the problem is scheduled for the next few hours. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Everything is working fine now.

ChatFight Updates

12 Sep, 08:46

🚨 Watch out for the rules! @ChatFightBot is always on guard! 🚨

📈 Our community has grown a lot and we want to keep it a welcoming and clean place for everyone.
🛡️ That's why we created @ChatFightReportBot, your ally for reporting rule violations!


📩 Report violations: Message the bot whenever you see someone breaking the rules. Just send it a well-organized private message!

📝 Be specific: Describe the incident clearly and concisely. Who, what, when, and where? This will help the moderators make the right decisions.

🚫 Don't ask off-topic questions: Moderators cannot provide information about bans or unbans. For that there's the support group!

Together we can make this community even better! 🌟💬

ChatFight Updates

21 Jul, 20:00

Due to a network problem, we would like to inform you that the fast typing game will resume in 1 hour. We apologize for the inconvenience.

ChatFight Updates

13 Jun, 11:13

Brief bot maintenance is underway for infrastructure expansion. See you in less than 10 minutes.

Everything is working fine now.

ChatFight Updates

28 May, 19:47

Brief bot maintenance is underway for infrastructure expansion. See you in less than 10 minutes.

Everything is working fine now.

ChatFight Updates

26 Apr, 17:30

Attention! Many Telegram users, especially from Asia, are experiencing difficulties connecting to Telegram.

Please note: ChatFight is fully operational. The unresponsiveness of some secondary clones is directly linked to the ongoing Telegram problem.

Unfortunately, messages sent in groups with non-working clones may not be counted.
We hope Telegram resolves this issue swiftly! 🙏

Reportedly fixed by Telegram

ChatFight Updates

05 Apr, 19:35

As we approach the 5th ChatFight's birthday, we are doing some internal testing on a new method of archiving the messages count.

This will allow us to provide you with totally customizable rankings over a period of your choosing and no longer over a bot-chosen period (as at present 1 day, 1 week, always).

We hope to bring you more customization and other new features soon! Thank you for using ChatFight in your group.

ChatFight Updates

03 Apr, 09:55

We have definitely fixed some lag problems experienced by ChatFight in the last few days. If there are other problems of this type, we invite you to contact us in our support group.

In the next few hours ChatFight Premium users will have a 1-week subscription extension to apologize for the inconvenience.

We look forward to seeing you in the next update.

ChatFight Updates

17 Mar, 10:15

On Thursday, March 21 from 18:00 CET a short maintenance will start with the intent to improve the speed of the bot and update the database to accommodate the introduction of some new features. It should last about 20 minutes, we will keep you updated.

— MARCH 21
update 19.36 CET: maintenance begins now, with a slight delay. Updates follow.
update 20.07 CET: we had to divide the maintenance into two parts. The first part is finished, but in about 24 hours the second part will take place, which will take about the same amount of time. Updates will follow.

— MARCH 22
update 18.45 CET: the second part of maintenance begins now. It is scheduled to end in about 40 minutes
update 19.25 CET: maintenance is over and over the next 20 minutes everything will return to normal
update 20.00 CET: everything is working correctly

ChatFight Updates

08 Mar, 21:14

The main ChatFight bot is leaving all groups where a clone has been added. If you notice the main bot has left your group, don’t worry — it means your clone is working properly. 🤖👋

If it should be the wrong clone to leave the group, as an administrator you can add a clone of your liking to get the others to leave! 🥰

ChatFight Updates

05 Mar, 06:26

A problem in the preparation phase for charts generation led the bot to a sudden downtime that started at 1:35 CET. Please be advised that although the problem has not yet been resolved, the bot is already online. A final resolution of the problem is scheduled for the next few hours. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Update 13.30 CET: the problem has been resolved.

ChatFight Updates

12 Feb, 20:44

👋 Ciao a tutti.

Eccoci nel primo aggiornamento del nuovo anno.

Durante gli ultimi giorni e mesi abbiamo continuato a lavorare sulla struttura di ChatFight, rendendolo sempre più flessibile e capace di gestire tutti i nuovi utenti che il bot incontra quotidianamente.

Negli ultimi giorni potrebbe essersi verificato qualche ritardo nell'invio delle immagini del gioco (nello specifico alle 23:00 del 11/02 e alle 21:00 del 12/02). Questi problemi sono dovuti proprio all'aggiornamento relativo ai giochi che puoi leggere alla fine di questo post e sono stati risolti.

» Presentazione nuovo stile
Già da un mese a questa parte, abbiamo introdotto un nuovo stile del comando /profile di ChatFight che presenta tutti i dati dell'utente attraverso un'immagine riassuntiva, evitando di riempire la chat con messaggi molto lunghi. Puoi vedere un'anteprima qui.
» Scelta stile
Puoi scegliere la combinazione che preferisci attraverso il nuovo menù che trovi in /settings => Altro => Mostra propic. Il bot manterrà come opzione predefinita "Testo + immagine di profilo" come opzione predefinita per tutte le chat.

» Presentazione nuovo centro privacy
Presentiamo il nuovo centro di gestione della privacy di ChatFight, attraverso il quale è visibile anche la nuova Informativa sulla privacy che cita tutti i dati che vengono salvati dai nostri bot. Puoi accedere al nuovo menù usando il comando /privacy in qualsiasi bot ChatFight oppure premendo qui.
» Esportazione ed eliminazione dati
Puoi esportare, in un file formato JSON e una volta ogni 3 giorni, tutti i dati che il bot ha salvato riguardanti il tuo profilo. Inoltre, puoi richiedere l'eliminazione di tutti i tuoi dati personali. Quest'ultima operazione richiede 7 giorni di attesa per motivi di sicurezza.

Ora, il bot può inviare una notifica in chat ogni volta che si raggiunge un numero di messaggi definito. Puoi, per esempio, impostare un avviso personalizzato ogni 100 messaggi inviati nella giornata corrente. Gestisci questa opzione usando /settings => Altro => Notifica per obiettivo raggiunto.

Abbiamo ampliato la raccolta di leghe per soddisfare anche gli utenti con un numero di messaggi molto elevato. Abbiamo introdotto:
💿 Lega Platino
🏆 Lega Maestro
👑 Lega Gran Maestro
🌟 Lega Sfidante
Lega Legendaria
⚡️ Lega Suprema
Visualizza la tua lega utilizzando il comando /profile in qualsiasi gruppo.

» Integrazione calcoli matematici
Il bot ora include, nel gioco della scrittura rapida, anche i calcoli matematici. Puoi gestire quest'opzione dalle impostazioni del tuo gruppo.
» Miglioramenti scrittura rapida
Dopo 10 minuti esatti dall'invio dell'immagine, il bot modificherà il messaggio originale aggiungendo una dicitura che indica che il tempo è scaduto. Se il gioco comprende un'emoji, verrà rimossa anche la tastiera.
» Miglioramenti impiccato
Ora è possibile scegliere se eliminare il messaggio contenente l'immagine della parola precedente. Di predefinito, questa opzione è attiva ma è personalizzabile in /settings => Giochi => Impiccato.

Grazie a tutte le persone che ci hanno aiutato a provare queste funzionalità prima del rilascio ufficiale. Grazie a tutti i donatori che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo del bot. Grazie a tutti.

ChatFight Updates

12 Feb, 20:44

👋 Hello everyone.
Here we are in the first update of the new year.

During the past days and months we have continued to work on the structure of ChatFight, making it more and more flexible and capable of handling all the new users the bot encounters on a daily basis.

Over the past few days there may have been some delays in sending game images (specifically at 11:00 p.m.CET on 11/02 and 9:00 p.m. CET on 12/02). These problems are precisely due to the game-related update you can read about at the end of this post and have been resolved.

» Presentazione nuovo stile
For the past month, we have already introduced a new style of ChatFight's /profile command that presents all user data through a summary image, avoiding filling the chat with very long messages. You can see a preview here.
» Scelta stile
You can choose your preferred combination through the new menu found in /settings => Other => Show propic. The bot will keep "Text + profile picture" as the default option for all chats.

» Introducing new privacy center
We present the new ChatFight privacy management center, through which you can also see the new Privacy Policy that mentions all the data that is saved by our bots. You can access the new menu by using the /privacy command in any ChatFight bot or by pressing here.
» Data export and deletion
You can export, in a JSON format file and once every 3 days, all the data that the bot has saved concerning your profile. In addition, you can request the deletion of all your personal data. This operation requires a 7-day wait for security reasons.

Now, the bot can send a chat notification whenever a defined number of messages is reached. You can, for example, set a custom alert every 100 messages sent in the current day. Manage this option using /settings => More => Notification for achieved goals.

We have expanded the collection of leagues to cater even to users with a very large number of posts. We introduced:
💿 Platinum League
🏆 Master League
👑 Grandmaster League
🌟 Challenger League
Legendary League
⚡️ Supreme League
View your league using the /profile command in any group.

» Integration of mathematical calculations
The bot now includes, in the fast typing game, mathematical calculations as well. You can manage this option from your group settings.
» Fast typing improvements
Exactly 10 minutes after sending the image, the bot will edit the original message by adding a statement indicating that the time is up. If the game includes an emoji, the keyboard will also be removed.
» Hangman improvements
You can now choose whether to delete the message containing the previous word image. By default, this option is on but is customizable in /settings => Games => Hangman.

Thanks to all the people who helped us test these features before the official release. Thanks to all the donors who contributed to the development of the bot. Thank you to everyone.

ChatFight Updates

31 Jan, 21:01

Extraordinary maintenance is in progress. the bot may respond late or ignore some messages

update 22.16 CET: maintenance is completed

ChatFight Updates

23 Jan, 14:05

Extraordinary maintenance is in progress. the bot may respond late or ignore some messages

update 21.37 CET: maintenance is completed