great awakening art @globalawakeningart Channel on Telegram

great awakening art


Art, pics, great awakening, graffiti, street art,...alles Satire natürlich

@globalawakeningart ist der Start der Reihe.

real eyes realize real lies.

red pill dealer & rabbit hole explorer

Love, Peace & unity 💚

Global Awakening Art (English)

Are you a fan of art that challenges the status quo and makes you think? Look no further than the Global Awakening Art Telegram channel! Featuring a mix of art, pics, great awakening content, graffiti, and street art, this channel is a hub for those who appreciate creativity with a deeper message.

Join @globalawakeningart on Telegram to explore a world of satire and thought-provoking visuals. The channel's motto 'real eyes realize real lies' sets the tone for the type of content you can expect - eye-opening, truth-seeking, and unconventional.

Are you ready to take the red pill and delve into the rabbit hole of creativity and consciousness? Global Awakening Art is the perfect place for red pill dealers and rabbit hole explorers alike. Share in the love, peace, and unity that this channel promotes, all while immersing yourself in a world of art that challenges the norm.

Whether you're an art aficionado or someone looking to expand their horizons, Global Awakening Art has something for everyone. Join the community today and be part of a movement that celebrates creativity, truth, and awakening. 💚

great awakening art

22 Jan, 06:17


Trump - Show - trinity of globalist control is over - musk trolls Olaf - trumps manifest destiny

great awakening art

18 Jan, 16:17


Kennedy - Camelot - Q


great awakening art

01 Jan, 16:17


great awakening art

16 Dec, 06:17


Magic happens when you stop worrying - god says move - end of Matrix - Feeling tired? - gods time - harvesting Energy - end of Matrix - YMCA - glorious anons - 90% of Academia is lying and/or complete useless

great awakening art

14 Dec, 18:17


Trump Bitcoiners - satanic temple raus aus Russland - die Leute brauchten einen Funken - Trump & Elvis - situation in Syria - apocaloptimist - vielleicht musst du jetzt noch gar nicht wissen wie es weiter geht - spiritual awakening - wie du dich erden kannst - Warriors of this time

great awakening art

05 Dec, 16:17


Thanking god not making me a normie - answers still needed - on your own Timeline - covfefe - Nazis links - Bitcoin - be grateful - loose & gain - price goes up/down - how to instantly feek better

great awakening art

03 Dec, 06:17


Kash "name to remember" Patel - Flynn - I 💚 game theory - orange pill - you must show them

great awakening art

23 Nov, 18:17


Biggest scam in our Lifetime, but most people havent learned a damn thing - sun, star, moon - you are the Media - musk about Qdrops - sum of all fears - Hammer of Justice - Q - Wahrheit und Fakten werden sich durchsetzen - Reza Pahlavi - 17

great awakening art

15 Nov, 06:17


CIA - healing end of conflict with yourself - they took our knowledge of spirituality - science of Intuition - Tell your Story, but your are and always will be light - Trust funniest memes - critical thinking skills - Assange: 98% of Washington will fall - do the right Thing - darkness gives birth to new light

great awakening art

14 Nov, 16:17


Trump Team - Landslide

great awakening art

07 Nov, 19:40


Musk - novus ordo - we won - we are the News - awakening in cosmic level - Flynn - digitale Soldaten - Bitcoin President

great awakening art

06 Nov, 17:51

Der Tag der Wahrheit! US-Präsidentschaftswahlen 2024 live!


Alter Hase: @alterhaserap

Andy aus Arizona: @andyausarizona

Coco: @BitcoinPodcast21Uhr

Michael: @DasStichwort

Sigi: Gute Seele

True Bavaria: @Qbavaria

Der Nachtwächter: @MDSelbst

Gestern haben wir ein Stück Geschichte aufgenommen.

Zu Beginn gab es viel Philosophisches, dann blickten wir mehr und mehr in die USA, um dort einen ungefährdeten Erdrutschsieg zu beobachten. Gekrönt wurde diese historische Wahlnacht mit der Siegesrede von Donald Trump in den späteren Morgenstunden.

Knapp 12 Stunden Livestream mit über 100.000 Aufrufen auf YouTube und X.

Da der telegram-Stream nicht funktioniert hat, hier nochmal die gesamte Aufzeichnung zur historischen Nachbereitung.

Vielen Dank an die Mitstreiter am Mikrofon und an den Endgeräten.

We did it!

great awakening art

05 Nov, 16:17


Pizzagate - musk - ghosts in the machine - Wahlbetrug - too big to rig - Back to the Future - Machtstrukturen: commitee 300, roundtable, tavistock, ...

great awakening art

27 Oct, 16:17


3 4 5 D - divine confidence - Erich Fromm - was passiert? - Rest des Jahres - If you cannot question science its Propaganda - Love of Money is root of all evil - real luxuries - be like water without Fluoride - Take the Red pill

great awakening art

24 Oct, 05:17


Birth certificate fraud 1666 - diddy list - Ego vs Soul - stages If awakening - Licht - facism and communism - black Cube - blackrock - diddy Epstein list - Nobody escapes this

great awakening art

20 Oct, 15:17


Liam Payne/ Diddy - Ian Fleming - Fake Biden - Saudi purge - Start - levantine - Trump - Peace - Machtstrukturen all in - Zitat JFK jr

great awakening art

19 Oct, 05:17


Black sheep - Bitcoin - down the rabbit hole - real spiritual awakening - awakening of consciousness - think beyond the Broadcast - Cover - adults are not smart I thought as a kid - Adam und Eva - alte Seelen - whoever controls media, controls mind

great awakening art

17 Oct, 15:17


Trump - Q - map - greatest Show on earth - calm before the storm - mocking bird - Control information, narrative & world is over - Betty White, Barbara Bush