ČHÃŅĐŪ ENGLISH QUIZ @chandu_english_quiz Channel on Telegram



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Are you someone who loves testing their English knowledge? Do you enjoy challenging yourself with quizzes and improving your language skills? If so, look no further than ČHÃŅĐŪ ENGLISH QUIZ channel on Telegram! This channel, managed by @chandu_english_quiz, is dedicated to providing a platform for English enthusiasts to engage in regular quizzes and enhance their linguistic abilities. Whether you are a student looking to improve your vocabulary or an English language lover seeking to test your grammar knowledge, this channel has something for everyone. Chandu, the creator of this channel, offers a wide range of English quizzes that cater to different levels of proficiency. From beginner to advanced, there are quizzes designed to challenge and educate users of all backgrounds. In addition to quizzes, Chandu also provides valuable study materials and digital notes to help users stay updated on important current affairs and static information. The channel also welcomes ads, queries, and promotions, making it a versatile platform for individuals and businesses interested in reaching out to an engaged audience. So, if you're ready to take your English skills to the next level, join ČHÃŅĐŪ ENGLISH QUIZ today and start your linguistic journey with like-minded individuals who share your passion for the English language!


31 Dec, 18:32

"I wish all our friends peace, happiness, prosperity, and boundless inspiration in the New Year. May 2025 bring you closer to your dreams, and may every effort lead you to success. Happy New Year!"

"मैं अपने सभी मित्रों के लिए इस नए साल में शांति, खुशियां, समृद्धि और असीम प्रेरणा की कामना करता/करती हूं। यह नया साल आपके सभी लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने में मदद करे। नववर्ष की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं!"



30 Oct, 20:16

Happy Diwali to all of you and your family 🪔🪔🪔🎉
आप सभी को एवं आपके परिवार को दिवाली की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं


28 Oct, 20:57

Happy Dhanteras to you and your family

आपको और आपके परिवार को धनतेरस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ 🎉🪔


12 Oct, 13:25

Happy Dusshera to all of you Dosto ♥️
आप सभी को दशहरा की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं दोस्तो♥️


07 Sep, 02:13

### 13. Throw in the towel
- Meaning: To give up or quit.
- Hindi: हार मान लेना या छोड़ देना।
- Example: After several failed attempts, he decided to throw in the towel.
- Hindi Example: कई असफल प्रयासों के बाद उसने हार मानने का निर्णय लिया।

### 14. Face the music
- Meaning: To confront the consequences of one’s actions.
- Hindi: अपने किए का परिणाम भुगतना।
- Example: He made a mistake, and now he has to face the music.
- Hindi Example: उसने गलती की, और अब उसे परिणाम भुगतना होगा।

### 15. On cloud nine
- Meaning: To be extremely happy.
- Hindi: बेहद खुश होना।
- Example: She was on cloud nine after receiving her promotion.
- Hindi Example: पदोन्नति मिलने के बाद वह बहुत खुश थी।


Prepared by 🌟 ČHÃŅĐŪ 🌟


07 Sep, 02:13

The idioms and phrases with their meanings and examples in both English and Hindi:

### 1. Burn the midnight oil
- Meaning: To work late into the night.
- Hindi: देर रात तक काम करना।
- Example: He has been burning the midnight oil to prepare for his banking exams.
- Hindi Example: वह अपनी बैंकिंग परीक्षाओं की तैयारी के लिए देर रात तक काम कर रहा है।

### 2. Bite off more than you can chew
- Meaning: To take on more responsibility than one can manage.
- Hindi: अपनी क्षमता से अधिक काम लेना।
- Example: By accepting two big projects at once, she bit off more than she could chew.
- Hindi Example: दो बड़े प्रोजेक्ट एक साथ स्वीकार करके उसने अपनी क्षमता से अधिक काम ले लिया।

### 3. Call it a day
- Meaning: To stop working on something for the day.
- Hindi: दिन के काम को समाप्त करना।
- Example: After completing the reports, we decided to call it a day.
- Hindi Example: रिपोर्ट पूरी करने के बाद हमने दिन का काम समाप्त करने का निर्णय लिया।

### 4. Hit the nail on the head
- Meaning: To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem.
- Hindi: किसी समस्या का सही कारण बताना।
- Example: When she said the project failed due to lack of planning, she hit the nail on the head.
- Hindi Example: जब उसने कहा कि परियोजना योजना की कमी के कारण असफल हुई, तो उसने बिल्कुल सही कहा।

### 5. Let the cat out of the bag
- Meaning: To reveal a secret.
- Hindi: कोई गुप्त बात उजागर कर देना।
- Example: He let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.
- Hindi Example: उसने सरप्राइज पार्टी के बारे में गुप्त बात उजागर कर दी।

### 6. In the red
- Meaning: To be in debt or in financial trouble.
- Hindi: कर्ज़ में होना या आर्थिक संकट में होना।
- Example: After months of losses, the company was in the red.
- Hindi Example: महीनों के नुकसान के बाद कंपनी कर्ज़ में थी।

### 7. Break the ice
- Meaning: To initiate conversation in a social setting and reduce tension.
- Hindi: किसी बातचीत या माहौल को सहज बनाना।
- Example: He told a joke to break the ice at the meeting.
- Hindi Example: बैठक में माहौल को सहज बनाने के लिए उसने एक मजाक किया।

### 8. Go the extra mile
- Meaning: To do more than what is required or expected.
- Hindi: अपेक्षा से अधिक प्रयास करना।
- Example: She is always willing to go the extra mile to help her customers.
- Hindi Example: वह हमेशा अपने ग्राहकों की मदद करने के लिए अतिरिक्त प्रयास करने के लिए तैयार रहती है।

### 9. Pull someone's leg
- Meaning: To tease or joke with someone.
- Hindi: किसी से मजाक करना।
- Example: I thought he was serious, but he was just pulling my leg.
- Hindi Example: मुझे लगा कि वह गंभीर है, लेकिन वह सिर्फ मजाक कर रहा था।

### 10. Cut corners
- Meaning: To do something in the easiest or cheapest way, often leading to poor results.
- Hindi: काम को जल्दी या सस्ते तरीके से करना, जिससे परिणाम खराब हो।
- Example: The company cut corners to finish the project on time, but the quality suffered.
- Hindi Example: कंपनी ने परियोजना को समय पर पूरा करने के लिए सस्ता तरीका अपनाया, लेकिन गुणवत्ता पर असर पड़ा।

### 11. Once in a blue moon
- Meaning: Something that happens very rarely.
- Hindi: बहुत ही कम बार होने वाली घटना।
- Example: I visit my hometown once in a blue moon due to my busy schedule.
- Hindi Example: अपने व्यस्त कार्यक्रम के कारण मैं बहुत कम बार अपने घर जाता हूँ।

### 12. The ball is in your court
- Meaning: It is up to you to make the next decision or move.
- Hindi: अब आपकी बारी है फैसला करने की।
- Example: I've done my part; now the ball is in your court.
- Hindi Example: मैंने अपना काम कर लिया है; अब आपकी बारी है।


03 Sep, 01:16

Vocabulary words from the Hindu along with their meanings in English and Hindi:

1. Balancing - संतुलन करना
(Maintaining an equal stance among different sides)

2. Position - स्थिति
(A viewpoint or stance on an issue)

3. Uniquely distant - अद्वितीय रूप से दूर
(Notably more distant or detached compared to others)

4. Abstaining - परहेज़ करना / दूर रहना
(Deliberately staying away from an action or decision)

5. Resolutions - प्रस्ताव
(Decisions made after discussion on an issue)

6. Sanctions - प्रतिबंध
(Economic or political penalties imposed on a country)

7. Disapproval - असहमति / अप्रसन्नता
(Not agreeing with something)

8. Couched - व्यक्त करना / शब्दों में ढालना
(Expressing an idea in a particular way)

9. Cold comfort - ठंडी सांत्वना
(A response that offers little consolation)

10. Alignment - संरेखण / समर्थन
(Clearly supporting or aligning with a cause or idea)

11. Significant - महत्वपूर्ण
(Something that can have a major impact)

12. Watched for signals - संकेतों के लिए निगरानी
(Observing closely for signs of change)

13. Strategic partnership - रणनीतिक साझेदारी
(A long-term and important collaboration between two sides)

14. Broader question - व्यापक प्रश्न
(A larger and more comprehensive issue)

15. Larger role - बड़ी भूमिका
(Taking on more responsibility in a particular situation)

16. Propounded - प्रस्तावित किया
(Proposed an idea or theory)

17. Initiatives - पहल
(Steps taken to solve a problem)

18. Global South - वैश्विक दक्षिण
(A group of developing and underdeveloped countries)

19. Imperil - खतरे में डालना
(To put someone or something at risk)

20. Passing messages - संदेश देना
(Sending messages to clarify one's position on an issue)

21. Fundamentally - मूल रूप से
(In reference to the basic or essential aspects of something)

22. Move the needle - महत्वपूर्ण बदलाव लाना
(To make noticeable or significant progress)

23. Substance - सामग्री / सार
(The real and important part of something)

24. Symbolism - प्रतीकवाद
(Expressing ideas or emotions through symbols)


Prepared by 🌟 ČHÃŅĐŪ 🌟


28 Aug, 02:16

The vocabulary words from the Hindu along with their meanings in both English and Hindi:

1. Muddying the waters - Confusing the situation (स्थितियों को उलझाना)
2. Mulling - Considering (विचार करना)
3. Strident demand - Strong demand (कड़ी मांग)
4. Incomplete - Not complete (अपूर्ण)
5. Unwieldy - Difficult to manage (कठिन प्रबंधन योग्य)
6. Inaccurate - Not accurate, incorrect (गलत, अशुद्ध)
7. Unusable - Not useful (अनुपयोगी)
8. Tabulate - To arrange in a table or list (सारणीबद्ध करना)
9. Delimitation - The act of fixing boundaries (परिसीमन)
10. Ostensible - Apparent, seeming (प्रकट, स्पष्ट)
11. Dubious distinction - Doubtful honor (संदिग्ध विशिष्टता)
12. Conflict - A struggle or clash (संघर्ष)
13. Turmoil - A state of confusion or disorder (उथल-पुथल)
14. Decennial Census - A census conducted every ten years (दस वर्षीय जनगणना)
15. Prerequisite - Something required as a prior condition (पूर्वापेक्षा, आवश्यक शर्त)
16. Statistical surveys - Surveys used to gather data (सांख्यिकीय सर्वेक्षण)
17. Out-dated - Old, no longer in use (पुराना, अप्रचलित)
18. Urbanisation - The process of becoming more urban (शहरीकरण)
19. Suburbanisation - The process of forming suburbs (उपनगरीकरण)
20. Derelict - Neglected or abandoned (उपेक्षित)


Prepared by 🌟 ČHÃŅĐŪ 🌟


26 Aug, 01:32

❤️सभी को कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी की बहुत बहुत शुभकामनाएं ❤️❤️🎉🥳🥰🤗

{ Wishing everyone a very Happy Krishna Janmashtami } ❤️❤️🥰🥳🎉🥰🤗


22 Aug, 06:19

Vocabulary words from 'The Hindu' newspaper.

1. Nefarious - (अत्यंत बुरा) Wicked or criminal.

2. Cacophony - (अशांति) A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.

3. Pernicious - (हानिकारक) Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.

4. Aplomb - (आत्म-विश्वास) Self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a demanding situation.

5. Ebullient - (उत्साही) Cheerful and full of energy.

6. Sycophant - (चापलूस) A person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage.

7. Recalcitrant - (अवज्ञाकारी) Having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline.

8. Lethargic - (सुस्त) Affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic.

9. Ephemeral - (क्षणिक) Lasting for a very short time.

10. Intransigent - (अडिग) Unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something.


Prepared by 🌟 ČHÃŅĐŪ 🌟


21 Aug, 00:13

The Hindu vocabularies words with their meanings in Hindi:

1. Appeal
*English Meaning:* A serious, urgent, or heartfelt request.
*Hindi Meaning:* अपील, निवेदन।

2. Chaos
*English Meaning:* Complete disorder and confusion.
*Hindi Meaning:* अराजकता, अव्यवस्था।

3. Octogenarian
*English Meaning:* A person who is between 80 and 89 years old.
*Hindi Meaning:* अस्सी साल का व्यक्ति, वृद्ध।

4. Tumultuous
*English Meaning:* Making a loud, confused noise; uproarious.
*Hindi Meaning:* उथल-पुथल वाला, अशांत।

5. Resigned
*English Meaning:* Having accepted something unpleasant that one cannot do anything about.
*Hindi Meaning:* इस्तीफा देना, त्याग पत्र देना।

6. Recede
*English Meaning:* Go or move back or further away from a previous position.
*Hindi Meaning:* पीछे हटना, कम होना।

7. Extremist
*English Meaning:* A person who holds extreme or fanatical political or religious views.
*Hindi Meaning:* उग्रवादी, अतिवादी।

8. Condemned
*English Meaning:* Express complete disapproval of, typically in public.
*Hindi Meaning:* निंदा की, आलोचना की।

9. Reconciliation
*English Meaning:* The restoration of friendly relations.
*Hindi Meaning:* मेल-मिलाप, सुलह।

10. Pragmatic
*English Meaning:* Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.
*Hindi Meaning:* व्यावहारिक, तर्कसंगत।

11. Infamous
*English Meaning:* Well known for some bad quality or deed.
*Hindi Meaning:* कुख्यात, बदनाम।

12. Vendetta
*English Meaning:* A prolonged bitter quarrel with or campaign against someone.
*Hindi Meaning:* प्रतिशोध, बदला।

13. Legitimacy
*English Meaning:* Conformity to the law or to rules; the right and acceptance of an authority.
*Hindi Meaning:* वैधता, न्यायसंगतता।

14. Steer
*English Meaning:* Guide or control the movement of a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft.
*Hindi Meaning:* मार्गदर्शन करना, नेतृत्व करना।

15. Uprising
*English Meaning:* An act of resistance or rebellion; a revolt.
*Hindi Meaning:* विद्रोह, बगावत।


Prepared by 🌟 ČHÃŅĐŪ 🌟


20 Aug, 01:04

Here is the Hindu vocabularies words with their meanings in Hindi:

1. Severe
*English Meaning:* Very great; intense.
*Hindi Meaning:* गंभीर, तीव्र।

2. Commendable
*English Meaning:* Deserving praise.
*Hindi Meaning:* प्रशंसनीय, सराहनीय।

3. Exhorted
*English Meaning:* Strongly encourage or urge someone to do something.
*Hindi Meaning:* प्रेरित किया, आग्रह किया।

4. Shun
*English Meaning:* Persistently avoid, ignore, or reject.
*Hindi Meaning:* दूर रहना, त्यागना।

5. Bolster
*English Meaning:* Support or strengthen; prop up.
*Hindi Meaning:* समर्थन करना, मजबूत बनाना।

6. Menace
*English Meaning:* A person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger.
*Hindi Meaning:* खतरा, संकट।

7. Vocal
*English Meaning:* Expressing opinions or feelings freely or loudly.
*Hindi Meaning:* मुखर, स्पष्टवादी।

8. Condemning
*English Meaning:* Express complete disapproval of; censure.
*Hindi Meaning:* निंदा करना, आलोचना करना।

9. Unequivocally
*English Meaning:* In a way that leaves no doubt; unambiguously.
*Hindi Meaning:* स्पष्ट रूप से, बिना किसी संदेह के।

10. Cleansing
*English Meaning:* The process of making something thoroughly clean.
*Hindi Meaning:* शुद्धिकरण, सफाई।

11. Portrayed
*English Meaning:* Depict (someone or something) in a work of art or literature.
*Hindi Meaning:* चित्रित किया, दर्शाया।

12. Taint
*English Meaning:* A trace of a bad or undesirable quality or substance.
*Hindi Meaning:* कलंक, दोष।

13. Contraband
*English Meaning:* Goods that have been imported or exported illegally.
*Hindi Meaning:* तस्करी का सामान, अवैध वस्त्र।

14. Multi-pronged
*English Meaning:* Having several distinct aspects or elements.
*Hindi Meaning:* बहुआयामी, कई दिशाओं वाला।

15. Stringent
*English Meaning:* Strict, precise, and exacting.
*Hindi Meaning:* सख्त, कठोर।


Prepared by 🌟 ČHÃŅĐŪ 🌟


19 Aug, 01:30

Happy Rakshabandhan Dosto 🎉🍫❤️


17 Aug, 02:10

Here are some vocabulary words from today's editorial in *The Hindu* along with their meanings in Hindi:

1. Precipice
*English Meaning:* A very steep rock face or cliff, typically a tall one; a situation of great peril.
*Hindi Meaning:* खतरनाक स्थिति, किनारा।

2. Stalwart
*English Meaning:* Loyal, reliable, and hardworking.
*Hindi Meaning:* मजबूत, वफादार, मेहनती व्यक्ति।

3. Aberration
*English Meaning:* A departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome.
*Hindi Meaning:* असामान्यता, विचलन।

4. Debilitate
*English Meaning:* To make someone or something weak or feeble.
*Hindi Meaning:* कमजोर करना, शक्तिहीन करना।

5. Plight
*English Meaning:* A dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation.
*Hindi Meaning:* संकट, कठिन परिस्थिति।

6. Quagmire
*English Meaning:* A difficult, precarious, or entrapping position; a complex or hazardous situation.
*Hindi Meaning:* दलदल, कठिन स्थिति।

7. Resilience
*English Meaning:* The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
*Hindi Meaning:* लचीलापन, दृढ़ता।

8. Insurmountable
*English Meaning:* Too great to be overcome.
*Hindi Meaning:* अजेय, अविजेय।

9. Conundrum
*English Meaning:* A confusing and difficult problem or question.
*Hindi Meaning:* पहेली, उलझन।

10. Rejuvenate
*English Meaning:* To make someone or something look or feel better, younger, or more vital.
*Hindi Meaning:* पुनर्जीवित करना, पुनर्स्थापित करना।


Prepared by 🌟 ČHÃŅĐŪ 🌟


15 Aug, 02:20

Here are some vocabulary words from the Hindu along with their meanings in Hindi:

1. Scrutiny (Noun)
- Meaning: Critical observation or examination.
- Hindi: जाँच-पड़ताल
- Synonyms: Inspection, Investigation
- Antonyms: Neglect, Ignorance

2. Bias (Noun)
- Meaning: Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.
- Hindi: पक्षपात
- Synonyms: Prejudice, Partiality
- Antonyms: Impartiality, Fairness

3. Conflict of Interest (Noun)
- Meaning: A situation in which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their official capacity.
- Hindi: हितों का टकराव
- Synonyms: Disagreement, Clash
- Antonyms: Agreement, Accord

4. Malfeasance (Noun)
- Meaning: Wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
- Hindi: दुराचार
- Synonyms: Misconduct, Wrongdoing
- Antonyms: Honesty, Integrity

5. Ramifications (Noun)
- Meaning: Consequences of an action or event, especially when complex or unwelcome.
- Hindi: परिणाम
- Synonyms: Consequences, Outcomes
- Antonyms: Causes, Origins

6. Integrity (Noun)
- Meaning: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
- Hindi: अखंडता
- Synonyms: Honesty, Uprightness
- Antonyms: Dishonesty, Corruption

7. Oversight (Noun)
- Meaning: Supervision or careful management of something.
- Hindi: निरीक्षण
- Synonyms: Supervision, Management
- Antonyms: Negligence, Omission

8. Statutory (Adjective)
- Meaning: Required, permitted, or enacted by statute.
- Hindi: वैधानिक
- Synonyms: Legal, Lawful
- Antonyms: Unlawful, Illegal

9. Allegations (Noun)
- Meaning: Claims or assertions that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically made without proof.
- Hindi: आरोप
- Synonyms: Accusations, Claims
- Antonyms: Defenses, Vindications

10. Manipulation (Noun)
- Meaning: The action of manipulating something in a skillful manner; the action of controlling or influencing a person or situation cleverly or unscrupulously.
- Hindi: हेरफेर
- Synonyms: Control, Influence
- Antonyms: Honesty, Transparency


Prepared by 🌟 ČHÃŅĐŪ 🌟


15 Aug, 02:20

11. Offshore (Adjective)
- Meaning: Situated at sea some distance from the shore; used to describe businesses or investments based outside a country.
- Hindi: अपतटीय
- Synonyms: Overseas, Abroad
- Antonyms: Onshore, Domestic

12. Dormant (Adjective)
- Meaning: Temporarily inactive or inoperative.
- Hindi: निष्क्रिय
- Synonyms: Inactive, Latent
- Antonyms: Active, Operational

13. Integrity (Noun)
- Meaning: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
- Hindi: अखंडता
- Synonyms: Honesty, Probity
- Antonyms: Dishonesty, Corruption

14. Powerhouse (Noun)
- Meaning: A person or thing of great energy, strength, or influence.
- Hindi: शक्तिशाली संगठन
- Synonyms: Dynamo, Juggernaut
- Antonyms: Weakling, Lightweight

15. Robust (Adjective)
- Meaning: Strong and healthy; vigorous.
- Hindi: मजबूत
- Synonyms: Sturdy, Strong
- Antonyms: Weak, Fragile

16. Reputation (Noun)
- Meaning: The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.
- Hindi: प्रतिष्ठा
- Synonyms: Prestige, Standing
- Antonyms: Disrepute, Infamy

17. Shadow (Noun)
- Meaning: A dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface; used metaphorically to describe a situation where doubt or suspicion is cast.
- Hindi: साया
- Synonyms: Doubt, Suspicion
- Antonyms: Clarity, Certainty

18. Obscure (Adjective)
- Meaning: Not discovered or known about; uncertain.
- Hindi: अस्पष्ट
- Synonyms: Unclear, Unknown
- Antonyms: Clear, Obvious

19. Rebuttal (Noun)
- Meaning: A refutation or contradiction.
- Hindi: खंडन
- Synonyms: Refutation, Counterargument
- Antonyms: Confirmation, Acceptance

20. Dormant (Adjective)
- Meaning: Having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time; in or as if in a deep sleep.
- Hindi: निष्क्रिय
- Synonyms: Inactive, Latent
- Antonyms: Active, Operational


Prepared by 🌟 ČHÃŅĐŪ 🌟


14 Aug, 23:10

सभी को स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं

Happy Independence Day to all


13 Aug, 01:44

Here are some vocabulary words from *The Hindu* newspaper for August 13, 2024, along with their meanings in Hindi:

1. Prolong
- *English Meaning:* To extend the duration or length of something.
- *Hindi:* बढ़ाना
- *Example:* The meeting was prolonged due to unresolved issues.

2. Grant
- *English Meaning:* To agree to give or allow something requested; to bestow.
- *Hindi:* प्रदान करना
- *Example:* The company granted her a leave of absence.

3. Deny
- *English Meaning:* To refuse to admit the truth or existence of something.
- *Hindi:* अस्वीकार करना
- *Example:* He denied all involvement in the incident.

4. Tamper
- *English Meaning:* To interfere with something in a way that causes damage or harm, especially without permission.
- *Hindi:* छेड़छाड़ करना
- *Example:* The evidence was tampered with before the trial.

5. Protract
- *English Meaning:* To prolong in time or space; to extend the duration of something.
- *Hindi:* खींचना
- *Example:* The meeting was protracted due to ongoing discussions.

6. Compunction
- *English Meaning:* A feeling of guilt or moral scruple that prevents or follows the doing of something bad.
- *Hindi:* पछतावा
- *Example:* She felt compunction after making the harsh comment.

7. Pave
- *English Meaning:* To cover a surface with a hard material like concrete or stones; to make a situation possible or easier.
- *Hindi:* रास्ता बनाना
- *Example:* The new policy paved the way for economic reform.

8. Rigour
- *English Meaning:* The quality of being extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate; strictness or severity.
- *Hindi:* कठोरता
- *Example:* The scientist's work was known for its rigour and precision.

9. Attributable
- *English Meaning:* Regarded as being caused by or related to something.
- *Hindi:* कारण माना जाने वाला
- *Example:* The improvement in sales is attributable to the new marketing strategy.


Prepared by 🌟 ČHÃŅĐŪ 🌟


12 Aug, 02:59

Some vocabulary words from "The Hindu" newspaper along with their meanings in Hindi:

1. Imminent
- Meaning: About to happen; likely to occur soon.
- Hindi: आसन्न, निकट

2. Repercussions
- Meaning: Unintended consequences of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.
- Hindi: प्रतिध्वनि, प्रभाव

3. Proponent
- Meaning: A person who advocates a theory, proposal, or course of action.
- Hindi: समर्थक, प्रस्तावक

4. Contentious
- Meaning: Causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.
- Hindi: विवादास्पद, झगड़ालू

5. Vigilant
- Meaning: Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
- Hindi: सतर्क, चौकस

6. Exemplify
- Meaning: To be a typical example of something.
- Hindi: उदाहरण देना, प्रतीक बनाना

7. Erratic
- Meaning: Not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.
- Hindi: अनियमित, अस्थिर

8. Ostensible
- Meaning: Appearing to be true, but not necessarily so.
- Hindi: दिखावटी, बाहरी

9. Acrimonious
- Meaning: Angry and bitter, typically of speech or a debate.
- Hindi: कटु, तीखा

10. Altruism
- Meaning: The belief in or practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others.
- Hindi: परोपकार, निःस्वार्थ सेवा


Prepared by 🌟 ČHÃŅĐŪ 🌟


10 Aug, 01:34

Some vocabulary words from "The Hindu" newspaper along with their meanings in Hindi:

1. Oblivious
- Meaning: Not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around.
- Hindi: बेख़बर, अनजान

2. Resilient
- Meaning: Able to recover quickly from difficult conditions.
- Hindi: लचीला, दृढ़

3. Ambivalence
- Meaning: The state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
- Hindi: दुविधा, अनिश्चितता

4. Vehement
- Meaning: Showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.
- Hindi: तीव्र, उग्र

5. Inadvertent
- Meaning: Not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning.
- Hindi: अनजाने में, असावधानीवश

6. Conundrum
- Meaning: A confusing and difficult problem or question.
- Hindi: पहेली, कठिन समस्या

7. Fortitude
- Meaning: Courage in pain or adversity.
- Hindi: धैर्य, सहनशक्ति

8. Inevitable
- Meaning: Certain to happen; unavoidable.
- Hindi: अपरिहार्य, अनिवार्य

9. Scrutiny
- Meaning: Critical observation or examination.
- Hindi: जाँच, निगरानी

10. Plausible
- Meaning: Seeming reasonable or probable.
- Hindi: विश्वसनीय, यथार्थ


Prepared by 🌟 ČHÃŅĐŪ 🌟


09 Aug, 04:07

ok, i will send it on daily basis.🙂


09 Aug, 04:04

👆Is this beneficial for all of you?🙃


09 Aug, 03:59

Some vocabulary words from "The Hindu" newspaper along with their meanings in Hindi:

1. Alleviate
- Meaning: To make something less severe or intense.
- Hindi: कम करना, हल्का करना

2. Exacerbate
- Meaning: To make a problem or situation worse.
- Hindi: बढ़ाना, बिगाड़ना

3. Cognizant
- Meaning: Being aware or having knowledge of something.
- Hindi: अवगत, जागरूक

4. Ambiguous
- Meaning: Open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning.
- Hindi: अस्पष्ट, संदिग्ध

5. Proliferate
- Meaning: To increase rapidly in number or spread rapidly.
- Hindi: तेजी से बढ़ना, फैलना

6. Mitigate
- Meaning: To make something less harmful or painful.
- Hindi: कम करना, शांत करना

7. Tenacious
- Meaning: Holding tightly onto something or keeping a firm hold.
- Hindi: दृढ़, अटल

8. Ubiquitous
- Meaning: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
- Hindi: सर्वव्यापी, हर जगह मौजूद

9. Cumbersome
- Meaning: Large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use.
- Hindi: भारी, कठिन

10. Ephemeral
- Meaning: Lasting for a very short time.
- Hindi: क्षणिक, अल्पकालिक


Prepared by 🌟 ČHÃŅĐŪ 🌟