Carrdsite Studio! OPEN, GIVEAWAY♡ @carrdsite Channel on Telegram

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN, GIVEAWAY♡


[youthful precious hearts]
“perpetually and memories”
🗒️🍇 : 皆会, (ancient of roses)

| abard darkness forevermore
| solemn take vow of the stars

deepest darkness of stars
@carrdstalogue sovereignity love
a countless prose: @mjadame 🧣

Carrdsite Studio OPEN♡ (English)

Welcome to Carrdsite Studio, a delightful haven for youthful hearts and precious memories. In this enchanting space, we celebrate the beauty of perpetual love and cherish every moment that we hold dear. Our channel, @carrdsite, is a sanctuary where ancient roses bloom and where the essence of time stands still.

Step into a world where darkness and light intertwine, where solemn vows are whispered among the stars, and where the deepest darkness gives birth to the brightest stars. At Carrdsite Studio, we embrace the sovereignty of love and weave countless prose that speaks to the depths of the soul.

Join us on this journey of self-discovery and emotional exploration, as we delve into the mysteries of the heart and the magic of existence. Let us guide you through the labyrinth of emotions and experiences, unlocking the treasures hidden within.

At Carrdsite Studio, every word is a brushstroke on the canvas of life, painting a picture of love, loss, and longing. Our channel curator, @mjadame, invites you to immerse yourself in this world of beauty and wonder, where each moment is a precious gem waiting to be discovered.

Come, be a part of our community, and let your heart be touched by the poetry of existence. Carrdsite Studio is more than just a channel - it is a home for the dreamers, the romantics, and the seekers of truth. Discover the magic that lies within and let your soul soar to new heights. Welcome to Carrdsite Studio, where love reigns supreme and memories are eternal.

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN, GIVEAWAY♡

12 Nov, 07:27

bitiwii, penuuhin order list ak laagi ddonk carries sayaangg 🐶🐶🐶uudaa selesaii semuuaaaa niiii =3

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN, GIVEAWAY♡

12 Nov, 07:25

50 votes nanntii baruu eyin post tnc nyyaa iaaa ❤️❤️❤️

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN, GIVEAWAY♡

12 Nov, 07:08

untuk sistemnya sendiri kurang lebih kayak aku lagi ngajarin kamu bikin carrd ya. jadi private 1:1 via chat 😊

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN, GIVEAWAY♡

12 Nov, 01:36

mannaa nihh yang darii kemaarinnn nanyaainn teruuss D:

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN, GIVEAWAY♡

12 Nov, 01:27


Carrdsite Studio! OPEN ORDAL♡

10 Nov, 04:16

bello carries! berhubung owner yg lagi sok sibuk dan eyin yang kurang fit, jadi kita open ordal aja ya buat yg mau order xixi. katalog only, no custom custom dulu ya. kita juga ga avail dulu akun dari seller. buat yg mau inrush bisa tapi tanya dulu yap! langsung aja hit eyin di @mjadame. xoxo! 💝

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN ORDAL♡

10 Nov, 04:13

Channel name was changed to «Carrdsite Studio! OPEN ORDAL♡»

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN ORDAL♡

09 Nov, 08:53

ikuutaann lagiii gusy 😘😘😘

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN ORDAL♡

04 Nov, 05:33

Channel name was changed to «Carrdsite Studio! OPEN♡»

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN ORDAL♡

01 Nov, 04:23

carries, nannti jam 16.00 wib eyinnn last order iiaa ^___3 laluu akan close dduluu sampaaii hari mingguuuuu ( rill && sepertinyya belum bisaa ordallll karenna banyaaa urusan ) 😔😔😔 ak open kembaalii senin yyaaa, carries D: yann mau jajan laagi puasin yuuu hari iniii 😍😍😍

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN ORDAL♡

31 Oct, 11:39

inrushh semuuaa kosyaakk 😭😭😭 pelaan ppelaan yhhhhh :">

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN ORDAL♡

31 Oct, 08:37

LUCUUU BANGEETT customer carrdsite skshsksksks 😭💗 benneran padaa manggill pacal jaemin..... LOAFS YUHH BUAAT KALIAANNN jajaan yyan banyaak iiaaa <!3

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN ORDAL♡

31 Oct, 08:04

caraa menyapa eyin ddengan benaarr yhh dik yyhhh, tolongg diikuti 😆🤏

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN♡

27 Oct, 03:25

carries, kita open terus ya! jangan malu malu buat send form order / tanya tanya dulu:3 kita juga lagi avail custom buat carrd purpose selain talent ya. avail inrush, yuk jajan 🤍

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN♡

25 Oct, 04:40

oiyaa gusy, last day nihh yuuk yukkk ikutaaann 🔥🔥🔥

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN♡

25 Oct, 04:39

tanggaal 25 inihhh ada apa yyaa :3 banyaak bangett yang mensip samaa ulangtaahunnn 😭😭😭💓💓💓

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN♡

21 Oct, 06:31

order list nyya mulaai aku kerjaain lagii pelan pelaann iaah malam inii <!3 mohon ditungguu semwaah 🥰🥰🥰

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN♡

21 Oct, 06:24

wow happy 4 juta carries 🥳

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN♡

19 Oct, 01:27

moots sayanggg, bboleh bantuu fw? makaacii 😀

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN♡

18 Oct, 11:27

yyang uudaa sempat tanyya tanyaa dan maw order boyyeee taapi ndaak avail inrush iaahh sampaii eyin pulaang, makaasyii carries 🐰🐰🐰

Carrdsite Studio! OPEN♡

18 Oct, 11:26

hallooo, eyin close order iaah <!3 soalnyyaa mauu ke luar kotaa dan enggaa buuka laptop samaa sekaali sampaii minggu *tmi, mmff* 💦💦💦

Carrdsite Studio!♡

17 Oct, 22:19

Channel name was changed to «Carrdsite Studio!♡»

Carrdsite Studio!♡

14 Oct, 08:09

anw order list akuu uudaah selesai semwaah nii:D kleann inrush meluluu jaadi kecepetaann 😭😭😭🤏🤏 yugss jajaan lagii, yang inrush tanyakkan dulu yaah soalnyya aku baruu avail inrush di atass jam 18.00 wib

*edited : aku laagi ga avail accounttt from seller ‼️ tutorial daftar account carrd nyaah bisaa reach eyin yuups, jangaan malu maaluuu =D

Carrdsite Studio!♡

14 Oct, 07:59

LIHHATTT BETAPAA GEMAASNYYAAA??? 🐰🐰🐰💗💗💗 benneran deeh, aku selalu sukaakkk tiaap customer telling me about their crush. apalaagi yangg maakin lengkett karnna @carrdsite uhuuyyy 😍😍❤️❤️ hayukk laah, kaliaan masihh susaah deketinnn doi? jangaan yhh dik yhhhh, makanyaa beliin gift ajaah di carrdsite 🥰🥰🥰 doa terbaikk untuuk semuua langganan dan customer carrdsite((": timakaasyi uudah hadirrr dalaam hidup eyin 🙂‍↕️❤️ anw inii rl purpose iaah, dan carrdsite selaalu avail &&& menjaminn privasi kaliaannn jadi amaan ajahhhh aman ajaahh 🤩🤩🤩

Carrdsite Studio!♡

14 Oct, 07:57

kak eyin sebelumnyaa akuu makasih banget udah nerima orderan aku T_____T semalem aku udah mo nangis kalo ga dapet gimana yaa. . . tapi ternyata dapett && astagaa kak km hrs tau respon doi ku ( fyi ak sm dia bukan yg kek sedeket itu - macih pdkt :33 ) hihi! 🐱 kak seriusss. . . gegara card dari kakak - kita jadiii deket agy harii iniii ih makasihh bangettttt! kak eyin + @carrdsite penyelamatkuuu hihihi!! ☺️ oh iaa aku sampe pamer ketemen temen ku dirl & admin admin di store ku kalau ada store yang jual gift things selucu ini >< selucu ituuu & makasii banget aku bingung jelasin seberapa makasihnya akuu berkat kakak doi ku tb2 bales begitu aduh { fyi biasanya : thanks ya chee } 🩷 KAKKKK IIIIILLLLLYYYY 3000!! honest review aku sangat infinity/10 kalau ada yang bilang terlalu pricey bakal aku pukul sampe dada nya bunyi DUK! 🥰🥰hihihi! mw aku jadiin langganan ceriuss makasih banget karena udah buat store se berarti ituuuuuu!!! 🐈 aku makasih sebanyak banyak banyak nyaa. . . kemarin sempet galau soalnya gapunya acc pribadi T_______T tapi kakaknya tiba tiba ngasih aku slot dan menerima orderan dari buyer se berisik aku shshshhs makasiii sekaliiii :3333 !!!! aku bakal selalu tunggu untuk new card nyaa!! sukses selalu iaa kak

Carrdsite Studio!♡

14 Oct, 07:52

haiii.... eyin maau pamer customer imuuutt 🐰🐰🐰

Carrdsite Studio!♡

13 Oct, 05:46

carries, selaamatt siaang 🥰🥰🥰 mauu announce nihh kkalau yang maau order lewatt @carrdsite_bot ssuda bisaa iaah ^__^ thank yyouu ! yuugs jajaann laagiiii cuusss 🤩🤩🤩 akuu avail inrushhh taapi minimall di jam 6 sore dan di atasnyaa yyaahhh, pokonyya tanyaain dulu ajaa samaa eyin. makaasyii laagii 😍😍😍

Carrdsite Studio!♡

13 Oct, 05:37

Channel name was changed to «Carrdsite Studio! OPEN♡»

Carrdsite Studio!♡

08 Oct, 13:53

carries, sementara kalo mau tanya tanya order langsung ke @mjadame aja ya. tolong jangan transaksi apapun di bot @carrdsite_bot. makasi 🤍

Carrdsite Studio!♡

08 Oct, 11:30

shacrea samaa @kamnji calonn penghuuni neraka seutuhnyya :D orang gaak salah apa apaa, malah ngaasih rezekii tapi dijahatin WKWKWK

Carrdsite Studio!♡

08 Oct, 11:28

inii bot samaa semuua ch pengeen ikutan di ambil jugaa? @kamnji, gila yaa? sampaai admin jugaa di kick darii grup order??? otaknyaa dimana((: untungg aja owner punyaa akun backingan yaang megangg ch inii, jadi gak bisaa diambil. kalo sampai carrdsite ikuutan diambil jugaa, gak waraas sumpah

Carrdsite Studio!♡

08 Oct, 11:23

ni kalo ada yg ditawarin grup grup, usn, bahkan akunnya sekalipun pake user @moxrk tolong jangan mau. fix nipu. itu akun owner yg di hack :)))

Carrdsite Studio!♡

08 Oct, 11:20

carries tolong bantu report @moxrk ya

Carrdsite Studio!♡

08 Oct, 11:20

close dulu ya. lagi ada masalah internal gara gara orang gak bertanggung jawab yang ambil akun owner. emang gak waras

Carrdsite Studio!♡

08 Oct, 11:16

demi allah gila lu ya