Careless Whisper


Careless Whisper

08 Oct, 18:40


Careless Whisper

08 Oct, 10:49


Careless Whisper

04 Oct, 10:46

來自日本擔任過JMoF衣服設計的超人氣獸畫家「辰」,帶來最頂尖的新服飾,針對熱帶氣候採用美國杜邦特製Sorona® 材料擁有抗UV高達50+UPF等級,速乾排汗。確保烈日之下的活動品質,除此外擁有抑菌、抑味之特性,改善傳統排汗衣容易產生異味的缺點,同時兼顧一流彈性。日系設計,內斂易穿搭且不失禮。



Careless Whisper

02 Oct, 13:38

In God We(‘re) Thrust
🎨 @gabugabu1126

Careless Whisper

29 Sep, 17:20

King's Man I II III

Careless Whisper

27 Sep, 07:10


Careless Whisper

16 Sep, 20:54

Behind him rides a silent band,
Their banners thread through twilight’s strand.
Their hearts are firm, their voices low,
For they to battle swift do go.

The woodland speaks in secret tongue,
Of ancient wars when the world was young.
Yet on he rides, through mist and glade,
For oaths once sworn that cannot fade.

No fear he bears, nor hope of rest,
For in his breast beats one sole quest.
To where the fading sun doth die,
He rides beneath a darkened sky.

Though shadows crawl and night draws near,
No trembling hand, no hint of fear.
For fate doth call, in whispered breath,
The rider bold, through life and death.

Careless Whisper

16 Sep, 20:54

⚜️ Beneath the Boughs of Elden Gloom ⚜️

In twilight’s grasp, where shadows loom,
Beneath the boughs of eldritch gloom,
A rider bold with banner flown,
Doth tread the paths of lands unknown.

His helm, the wolf’s grim visage wrought,
A silent sentinel of thought.
With eyes that pierce the misty veil,
He rides beneath the forest pale.

The oaks, long bent with ancient years,
Whisper their tales of vanished seers.
Yet still he rides, through whispering leaves,
The golden sun behind him heaves.

A sword of silver, long and keen,
By his strong hand, a blade unseen.
With armor dark as midnight’s wing,
He rides where only shadows sing.

Careless Whisper

10 Sep, 11:21

The Thunder_Rangers Kingdom Come Shirt ,

Design by 🇯🇵

Sorona® from 🇺🇸DuPont wicks moisture, keeping cool and dry during activities.

With anti-bacterial and odor-resistant properties, also provide UV protection with 50+UPF rating, shielding skin from harmful rays.

Careless Whisper

15 Aug, 18:30


Careless Whisper

15 Aug, 17:25



Careless Whisper

15 Aug, 08:17