Budy Archive @budyarchive Channel on Telegram

Budy Archive


Archiving Budys and sometimes even Pals since 2021.

Budy Archive (English)

Welcome to Budy Archive, your go-to destination for archiving Budys and sometimes even Pals since 2021! Are you a fan of preserving memories and cherishing friendships? Then this Telegram channel is the perfect place for you. Budy Archive is dedicated to capturing the essence of friendships through archiving photos, videos, and memories of Budys and Pals. Whether you want to reminisce about good times with your best friend or share heartwarming moments with your closest companions, Budy Archive is here to help you preserve those precious memories. Join our community of like-minded individuals who appreciate the importance of friendship and the joy it brings to our lives. Don't let those special moments fade away with time - let Budy Archive help you keep them alive forever. Share your own stories, connect with others, and celebrate the bond of friendship through our channel. Together, let's create a special archive of memories that will last a lifetime. Join Budy Archive today and start archiving your Budys and Pals with us!

Budy Archive

13 Feb, 04:22

Budy and pal in one image

Budy Archive

13 Feb, 02:56

The Bugy Archive

Budy Archive

12 Feb, 23:27

My budy judging me because I didn't give her chips

Budy Archive

12 Feb, 20:14

What Happen When You Mix A SweetPotatoe With A Littel Guy?
The Answer Is Obvious: You Get Pavement Pascal, The Orbǒus Boy Who Perch's Precaríously On The ConkCrete CrossWalk. He Ensure's That The SideWalk's Crack's Are Never Repair'd.
Why? Oh, It's Simple: The Strategy, OfCourse.
When Peop'l Wolk By, He Stare's At Them With His Juicey Eyeboll's For A Distraktion, Then He Collect's The Treatse That Fall's Out Of Their Pocket's When They Inevitebly Tripp'n'Fall On The Many Crask's In The Ground.
Some Say It's Dorty Work, Maybe Ev'n Illegle, Posibley Even Immorrile, But I For One Respact Pavement Pascal's Commitment To The Bit. Pretty Industrïous For A Simpel SweetPotatoe Hybrid If You As'k Moi.

Budy Archive

12 Feb, 12:27

This budy lacks braincels, but that's okay me too budy

Budy Archive

12 Feb, 08:58

Would you order from him?
❤️ Yes
👎 No
🤬 Report him to the authorities

Budy Archive

12 Feb, 08:05

This budy is an invader

Budy Archive

12 Feb, 06:06

the caption says bugs, but i feel this content is budy-related. otherwise, you shall revoke my admin rights

Budy Archive

12 Feb, 04:31

It's Valentine's Day, Budy Archive. Remember: you're nobody til some budy loves you.

Budy Archive

12 Feb, 00:33

Whart The Hæll. The Slippetty Slumbo's Are Back At It, Pläying Their Stupit Amphibïous Tumpass Game's. Flotey Filberto Jost Got Absolutely Own'd By Pinkus Paul, In A Victory Pretty Much Ev'ryone Was Especting(Except For Poor Filberto, LMTO)
Keep Your Strange Little LumpOfAChin Up, Littel Guy. Sometime's You Get Boop'd And That'se All I Gota Say About That

Budy Archive

12 Feb, 00:18

Well that post fucking sucked.

Here's this cool budy with a binky to try and make this situation a bit less bad.

Budy Archive

11 Feb, 18:11

finally the streak is over

Budy Archive

11 Feb, 15:03

Big budy is so proud and happy for you, keep going big budy loves you

Budy Archive

11 Feb, 14:00

Big budy is absolutely baffled

Budy Archive

11 Feb, 13:36

Point and laugh at this budy

Budy Archive

11 Feb, 08:18

This budy is a efficient stapler

Budy Archive

11 Feb, 06:21

Just a budy doing his job 🕴️💼

Budy Archive

11 Feb, 00:58

Today is the day you should hold the budy (unless budy does not like being held) and say "I love you budy! " it is important to show affection to your budy, sit and watch a video with your budy this ensures budy's entertainment although there's a chance budy might not understand what's going on on the screen budy will enjoy it

Budy Archive

10 Feb, 20:19

And this budy is a silly, whimsical child.

Budy Archive

10 Feb, 19:03

buny had it coming

Budy Archive

10 Feb, 18:00

I have made a fine discovery today: budies love Doritos make sure to share a bag with your budy as a little treat for good behavior
IMPORTANT NOTE: if budy does not take dorrito from hand set it down in front of the budy then budy will eat it

Budy Archive

10 Feb, 10:39

no, just another budy will consume him

Budy Archive

10 Feb, 06:10

Loaf on loaf crime 🍞

Budy Archive

10 Feb, 03:56

Oh Allah provide a home for every budy and a domicile for every pal.

Budy Archive

09 Feb, 18:09

My pal smiling because I scratched her neck

Budy Archive

09 Feb, 00:15

Have a cozy one, Budy Archive.

Budy Archive

08 Feb, 21:54

He has achieved Nirmeowna

Budy Archive

08 Feb, 18:20

And this budy is renowned pianist.

Budy Archive

08 Feb, 17:11

Currently chilling with the stray budies in my garage

Budy Archive

06 Feb, 13:10

And this budy is a Grocery.

Budy Archive

06 Feb, 06:18

someone report to the DEA immediately

Budy Archive

05 Feb, 23:40

WellWellWell, Look Who I've Found Hiding Inside Of My Vanilla LowFat Yoghurt.
Yeap. It's Nône Other Than Dairy Davidson, The Most Well Known MilkFiend And Serial SmoothieSlurper On Thè Feaking Planet.
If I Din't Know Better, I Would Have Goble'd Him Rǐght Up. But As A Yoghurt Enthũsiast Myself, I Immediately Notice'd The Foul Taste Of Dairy Davidson's Crusted Little Body Mixed In With The Vañilla Goodness. Now That He Has Been Apprehend'd(Your Walcome) I Sentence Him To 47 Second's Of "Public PinchyPunishment" So We May All Point And Laughe At Him. BoHoHoHouh

Budy Archive

05 Feb, 21:34

Devious little creature, plotting and scheming for certain 😈

Budy Archive

05 Feb, 16:34

Imagine thinking you are going crazy that all your shits missing and its this guy 😈

Budy Archive

05 Feb, 16:05

And this budy has an attitude.

Budy Archive

05 Feb, 12:26

The Private Life of a Budy (1944)

These budies are antique.

Budy Archive

05 Feb, 04:03

Just two more days, Budy Archive. We can make it to the weekend!

Budy Archive

04 Feb, 22:08

Ah...Skittle's And Treat's? In The Bag? For Littel Ol' Moi?
Doughn't Mind If I Do. BoHoHo

Budy Archive

04 Feb, 20:06

The new live action TMNT movie looks cool

Budy Archive

04 Feb, 12:08

* the pal absorbs the artifact

Budy Archive

04 Feb, 10:46

It's Tuesday, Budy Archive. Stay protected.

Budy Archive

04 Feb, 09:48

He's just a lil fungii 🍄

Budy Archive

04 Feb, 06:01

safe to say you're gone gg

Budy Archive

04 Feb, 03:10

This pal is absolutely the most happy guy

Budy Archive

04 Feb, 02:09

This budy has something to say

Budy Archive

03 Feb, 22:04

It Seem's There Is A Foungus(🍄) AmongUs.
Jutching By The Supreme DumpAssery Exerted Upǒn The Surrounding Area, I Have Deducèd That It Can Be None Other Than Foungal Felicity, Who Come'd Here To Sprẽad Her Spore's AllOverTheDambPlace. Diabolical And Downright Devilish Is She. Within The Next Twelve Hour's There Will Be Numèrous(Multiple)[Many] Foungal Friend's All Throughœut The Perimeter, And Rest Assure'd There Will Be Far More Than Enough Myceliûm Mischief To Go Aroun'd. It's Perfecly Okay And Normle, So Doughn't Pænic.
Jost...Don't Smell The Spores. BoHoHo. Trost Me On That One.

Budy Archive

31 Jan, 08:46

This budy is a gangsta

Budy Archive

31 Jan, 06:01

And this budy loves the iphone grid

Budy Archive

31 Jan, 05:31

This 🥐 is just like budy

Budy Archive

30 Jan, 21:06

Bough...Ourghhghb. Oerrghhbbcn. Ourrhhggh. Grrrrggghhr. Mrrrrghhhhnnmmmnmmm. Ofugghhh. Ughhghhe. Grr

Budy Archive

30 Jan, 16:06

this buny got me in tears

Budy Archive

30 Jan, 14:41

And this budy sells skooma

Budy Archive

30 Jan, 12:30

These budies agree

Budy Archive

30 Jan, 09:05

Stinky the Sage 🔮

Budy Archive

30 Jan, 06:31

And this budy is an American citizen.

Budy Archive

29 Jan, 21:20

Imagine if the brand was called BUDY. That would be cool I guess.

Budy Archive

29 Jan, 20:12

And this budy is unaware of the repercussions of impersonating a race to which you don't belong.

Budy Archive

29 Jan, 18:00

is that an internship program of the biscuit factory for budies?

Budy Archive

29 Jan, 17:16

And these budies are fighting for the fate of the galaxy.

Budy Archive

29 Jan, 16:19

That's a fucked up world out there, Budy Archive. Stay safe.

Budy Archive

29 Jan, 09:08


Budy Archive

29 Jan, 07:34

this pal is living la vida loca

Budy Archive

29 Jan, 07:33

This is a tough decision

Budy Archive

29 Jan, 04:25

Do NOT bring your budies to the lost city of R'lyeh. We here at the Budy Archive were NOT prepared for all the non euclidean shenanigans these budies are up to.

Budy Archive

28 Jan, 22:56

Do not haha this budy

Budy Archive

28 Jan, 18:22

Its daisy day out here at budy archive 🌼

Budy Archive

26 Jan, 16:34

This budy is 💤

Budy Archive

26 Jan, 09:05

a Sunday budy-classic: Priscilla IS for the streets!

Budy Archive

26 Jan, 08:01

WhatToDo. I Found This Fugïtive FlumpAss Hiding Amoüngst My Potato's. I Was Going To Make Some MashPotato With Vegeble's And Mêat And AllSort's Of Tastey Food...But Now? Hogighhhughh...Hyoughh... I'm Lost My Appetite. He Has Shed'd His Fozz AllOver My Feaking Vergetable's. Shame Umpon Him And His Whole Accurs'd Linēage. Mark My Wort's, I Will Have My Reventch.
Ye's. No Dinner For You, You Stẽalthy StarchyAss Stalker Thou. Get Feaking Hold'd Up Like A GotDam Baby. Foolish

Budy Archive

26 Jan, 06:17

Always remember no matter how big budy is it's a budy and budy loves you

Budy Archive

25 Jan, 18:32

Happy Sunday budy archive 🍨

Budy Archive

25 Jan, 17:40

His Greed will be his downfall 🍎

Budy Archive

25 Jan, 13:51

This budy must have been hungry

Budy Archive

25 Jan, 13:33

It's a nice Saturday to go biking, Budy Archive. Just stay safe

Budy Archive

25 Jan, 11:48


Budy Archive

24 Jan, 21:16

And this budy went to prison and joined a gang.

Budy Archive

24 Jan, 07:32

the cradle of the deep

Budy Archive

24 Jan, 02:28

Budy is hungry bitch.

Budy Archive

23 Jan, 22:44

They tried to make this budy go to rehab,
But she said no, no, no

Budy Archive

23 Jan, 20:40

They are eating her sister

Budy Archive

23 Jan, 08:12

In this age of vice and deception, budynapping is a scary thing, keep your budys safe budy archive

Budy Archive

23 Jan, 05:58

Just a selfie of me for all you budies out there

Budy Archive

23 Jan, 04:25

This is real footage of admin mew being bathed (yes I'm bald budy)

Budy Archive

23 Jan, 03:43

And this is the aftermath of a golden pal meet and greet

Budy Archive

20 Jan, 02:44


Budy Archive

19 Jan, 15:12

* Seeing the little bald budies run around fills you with determination

Budy Archive

19 Jan, 13:25

Found another video of talkative budy so I thought I'd share

Budy Archive

19 Jan, 13:19

The Wonders of budykind are unfathomable 🌊

Budy Archive

19 Jan, 13:14

Hm I wonder which budy is real

Budy Archive

19 Jan, 10:50

Mews favorite Budy of the day, day 14
Caption: this budy is very talkative

Budy Archive

19 Jan, 04:27

Here's to 4 more years of people completely missing the point of the Founding Fathers.

Luckily, their arcane knowledge was passed down through the generations and the Budy Archive was established to carry on with their legacy.

Budy Archive

19 Jan, 03:52

And this budy is victim of rough love.

Budy Archive

18 Jan, 23:38

Admin meeting

Budy Archive

18 Jan, 22:45

bubble and squeak

Budy Archive

18 Jan, 19:24

More bucky pictures, boy why you so lips

Budy Archive

18 Jan, 16:34

the beast is in agony, getting sun-dried for winter (old footage, now he's crisp as hell)

Budy Archive

18 Jan, 15:59

this budy is losing his favorite game... also I couldn't identify the flying objects towards the end of the video

Budy Archive

18 Jan, 14:12

These budies are so tiny and cute!!

Budy Archive

18 Jan, 12:25

Budyart #6 : The Bag Man

Budy Archive

02 Jan, 17:46

the ummah

Budy Archive

02 Jan, 14:09

Channel photo updated

Budy Archive

02 Jan, 08:46

And this budy is rather maizy.

Budy Archive

02 Jan, 05:06

Genuine leather interior 🚘🐄

Budy Archive

02 Jan, 05:01

a roman patrician in edible form

Budy Archive

02 Jan, 01:54

get up superstar for capitalism demands your sacrifice

Budy Archive

01 Jan, 20:16

el criollo

Budy Archive

01 Jan, 19:29

The Tiney.
Not Much To Say About Him. He's A Simple Little Plumpo Boyo That Enjoy's Sitting His Plumpus Tumpüs On The WoodFloor, And Staring His Juicey Eyeboll's At The Cam'ra In An Attemp't To Disintegrate Your Bone's. His Stumply Stubbly Tail? LMTO...Don't Even Mentíon It. Trost Me On This One. That Bòne Disintegration Power Is No Joke. I UnderStand One Might Have The Urge To PíckHimUp And Squeetze Him, But If You Value Your Bone's, Dougn't Do It! A Kiss On The Fœrehead Between His Dinkly Ear's Is Acceptable, However. Raspect Him And He Will Posibly Spare You.
So Anyway's...It's Basicly Business As Usual For A TeenyTiney BudyBoy

Budy Archive

01 Jan, 17:48

Always remember to finish your alcohol Budy Archive 🥃

Budy Archive

01 Jan, 16:13

And this budy is the queen of pop.

Budy Archive

01 Jan, 15:25


Budy Archive

01 Jan, 13:55

one of the budys here rejects all norms

Budy Archive

01 Jan, 07:46

Say hello to Anthony, he is my friend's cat I am trying to make him as viral as possible try to share him to various cat chats

Budy Archive

01 Jan, 07:45

PSA: Eepy Kittens and Cats has been raised to the status of a twin channel.

If a budy is eepy, you can find him there. Check them out!

Budy Archive

01 Jan, 03:00


Budy Archive

31 Dec, 21:23

See you next year, Budy Archive.

Budy Archive

31 Dec, 19:45

Fantastique New's, EveryOne.
It's SillyTime.
That Mean's Thst You Can StiçkOut Your Tongue And Posibley Even Make A Funy Nòise Or Two Or Three Or Four, Maybe Seven And/Or Eíght Funy Noise's If You Are Sô Incline'd.
If You Have Littel Fumbly Tríangle Ear's, Make Sure They're A'Pointin' Upwórd's To The Sky, To Signify Maximum Silly Sígnal Reach. (Spreading Silly Stupithead Syndrome To Éveryone) This Will Ensure Maximum FoolishNess For All. And If Yuor Whistker's Are Stickínge Out All WillyNilly StaticStyle, Even Bett'r. This Will Dispert's SillyParticle's Into The Air For All To Bræthe.
With Thos Distclaimer's Out Of The Way...
Have Fun. Be Safe. But Mœst Of All:
Stay Sillayyyy

Budy Archive

31 Dec, 18:04

Unfortunately we here at the Budy Archive are some of the most twisted and sick psychopaths known to man.

Budy Archive

31 Dec, 16:39

we are a great community 💐

Budy Archive

27 Dec, 18:27

If You See Jammin' Bag Boy On The Subway, Do Him A Favor And Let Him Be, As He Is Jammin' Out. I Understand He Is Wourld Fámous, Incradibly Soft, Handsome, And Jost A Litt'l Boy. However, Do Not Give Into The Impult's To Píck Him Up In Your Arm's Like A Litt'l Baby And Ruñ Away. LeaveHimAlone And LetHimListen To His Muzak. (Etiquette)
He Will Not Give You His Autograph Anyway, But Aspecially Not If You Dísturb His Public JamSesh.
Well Okay. That'se Not Entire'ly Accurate.
If You Were To Brïbe Him With A Large Snack And/Or Foodstuff Then He Would Probabley Gonsider It. But Beside's That?
Zilch Will Stop His Bliššful Müsical Journey

Budy Archive

27 Dec, 17:35

this budy eatid too much milk

Budy Archive

27 Dec, 13:08

And this budy got THWAP'd.

Budy Archive

27 Dec, 06:26

Just a budy whom is asleep

Budy Archive

27 Dec, 01:26

Meet the gorgobudies. They all share one brain cell.

Budy Archive

26 Dec, 21:37


Budy Archive

26 Dec, 18:47

Budypulation 😹

Budy Archive

26 Dec, 17:48

what is an appropriate punishment for this budy?

Budy Archive

26 Dec, 16:29

this budy is a towering figure

Budy Archive

26 Dec, 04:20

He feels bonita 😻

Budy Archive

26 Dec, 04:03

And this budy is NOT a construction worker.

Budy Archive

25 Dec, 23:01

Hourgh. BudySanta Is A Bit Late This Yær, As His Face Had A Bit Of A GettingStuck Incident With A Glass Of Milk That Was So Kindl'y Left Out For Him. He Say's Don't Worry, All Gift's Will Be Shredd'd By Tomorrow.
Leave Out More Mílk(Preferab'ly In A Bowle...) And Basicly Empty Your Fritdge Onto The Table. (This Is Whether Or Nott You Celebrate Christmas. He Will Gladly Gobb'l Up Some Kosher Or Halal Treat's) He Is Particularly Hungry This Sèason And Woułd Appreciate Tribute After Gettinge His Fouking Face Stucc In This Blasted MilkGlass. And BelieveMe. It Is HardWork Shredding Up Everyone's NewFound Possessíon's. Boy Need's To Eat

Budy Archive

25 Dec, 15:39

Budy Archive presents "The Annual Wrapping Of Mew".

Budy Archive

25 Dec, 14:46

And these budies were under the mistletoe

Budy Archive

25 Dec, 14:17

Santa has arrived and he has many presents for you budy archive 🎅 🎁

Budy Archive

25 Dec, 08:24

Feliz Navidad Budy Archive 🎄🎅

Budy Archive

25 Dec, 07:37

when the floor is white lava

Budy Archive

25 Dec, 03:27

Our "Baby Meowsiah" is here budy archive

Budy Archive

05 Dec, 04:56

Happy and unbothered. 🌅

Budy Archive

05 Dec, 03:20

I Notice'd You Have Just Use'd The Toilat, And You Have Dóokie On Your Hand's.
Quite Unfortunate Seeing As This Sink Is Out Of Order. You Will Have To Wait For A Long Time To Use It. I Woulde Surmise A Much Longer Time Than You Would Like, Considering The DóokieHands Situation OfCourse. Mayhap's There Is Another Sink Somewhere Neærby.
Or You Could Jost Sit There And Wait. Patient's Is A Virtue After All.
As For Me?
Well, I Nev'r Claim'd To Be An Angel.

Budy Archive

05 Dec, 02:19

boodey tunes physics

Budy Archive

04 Dec, 21:44

this budy uses terror to achieve political goals

Budy Archive

04 Dec, 18:00

this budy retaliates

Budy Archive

04 Dec, 14:00

And this budy is right at home.

Budy Archive

04 Dec, 11:30

Gm Budy Archive, and stay stylish

Budy Archive

04 Dec, 05:12

Queen of Purrsia 👑

Budy Archive

04 Dec, 00:10

Gn Budy Archive.

Budy Archive

03 Dec, 18:37

And this budy Like the Strawberrie.

Budy Archive

03 Dec, 16:26

is this called a budytrap? it's so treacherous 🥺

Budy Archive

03 Dec, 11:38

Gooooood morning, budy archive! Remember to buckle up and drive safely

Budy Archive

03 Dec, 10:13

Go shower! Budy archive 🚿

Budy Archive

03 Dec, 02:43

The Moistlet.
You Know Him. I Know Him. We All Know Him.
It Is Impossiblé To Ignore Such A Stickey Stinker Sittinge So Stüpidly In His Chamber. Marinating Menacinglÿ In The Slopp With His Friend(The Egg). Wett And Slime'd Up Soppingly, Exceßively(Nòt Sparingly). I Am Tempt'd To Pick Him Up And Gíve Him A Squeeze. Wosh Him In DishSœp And Remove The Gunk. But I Remáin Stædfast. If I Upset The Sludge, Who Know's What Will Happen.
Look Into His Eyeboll's, The Eternal Sludgey Stickeyness.
Bo. Ho Ho. BoHouhHouhHough.
Juicéy As Can Be

Budy Archive

03 Dec, 01:29

Gn Budy Archive.

Budy Archive

02 Dec, 20:20

And this budy is full of hatred and anger.

Budy Archive

02 Dec, 18:07

Secret ocean potion recipe 🪄

Budy Archive

02 Dec, 15:00

This was originally 02 two budies. But the right one EXPLODED into several pieces, so beware of Budy Mitosis Syndrome.

Budy Archive

02 Dec, 13:28

Sinkpilled soybudy

Budy Archive

02 Dec, 02:18

And this budy is thoughtful and appreciative of his friends :)

Budy Archive

29 Nov, 10:45

This pal didn't contemplate the consequences of his actions 🐕

Budy Archive

29 Nov, 00:17

You can now access the narrated form of this budypost here:


Budy Archive

28 Nov, 19:29


Actual live footage of the most important announcement of the last five millenia.

News outlets are still in shock, but the whole world is expected to comment in the following minutes.

Budy Archive

28 Nov, 15:14

Inside of you there are two budies.

Budy Archive

28 Nov, 11:04

5 sets of skippity dippity 🦘

Budy Archive

28 Nov, 05:06

budy drama season 1 episode 1 intro

Budy Archive

27 Nov, 21:59

ᵗʰᵉʸ ᶜᵃˡˡ ᵐᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵃʳˢʰᵐᵃˡˡᵒʷᵉ ᶠᵃᵉⁱʳʸ🧚‍♀️
ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵃᵗᵗ ⁱˢ ᵃˡˡ ⁱ ᵃᵐ
ʰᵉʰᵉʰᵉ ʰᵉ ʰᵉ 💞
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ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱᶠ ᵒⁿᵉ ᵈᵒᵉˢ ᶜʳᵒˢˢ ᵐʸ ᵖᵃᵗʰ
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ᵗʰᵉʸ ᶜᵃˡˡ ᵐᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵃʳˢʰᵐᵃˡˡᵒʷᵉ ᶠᵃᵉⁱʳʸ🧚‍♀️
ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵃᵗᵗ ⁱˢ ᵃˡˡ ⁱ ᵃᵐ ʰᵉʰᵉ

Budy Archive

27 Nov, 20:51

And this budy is, for lack of a better word, a «gamer»

Budy Archive

27 Nov, 17:19

have some manners in the presence of a budy you filthy being of a human

Budy Archive

27 Nov, 11:18

Stay safe out there Budy Archive.

Budy Archive

26 Nov, 19:18

❤️ Let em in

👍 Run for your life

🤬 Report em to the authorities (although they might not do much)

Budy Archive

26 Nov, 17:02

me too budy, I am totally a byproduct of petrochemical industry

Budy Archive

26 Nov, 03:15

Subscribe to these guys or this budy will EXPLODE


Budy Archive

26 Nov, 00:21

"Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven..." Matthew 5:12

Budy Archive

26 Nov, 00:20

Budy wins! it's car being in second place!

Budy Archive

25 Nov, 21:36

Ougghghh...Hhhhuhheeghh....Houggheghrh...Houurghhghffhhh...Hhoughhdfrfff...Huurrrfgghhhh....Oughffggfe... OUGUGGGGFHHHHE.... Huoehhhgghhhhffff....HouhhgHouhhHoughhhffgf....Hogufhh...Hoffdhghfhhh...OughHoughHoughhhhhffgh...Houghhhgee...OOOOUUUUUUGHHHHHE

Budy Archive

25 Nov, 12:35

Remember to check your packages for perishables, Budy Archive.

Budy Archive

25 Nov, 10:23

And this budy is a landmark 📍

Budy Archive

25 Nov, 01:32

GhehHeh...Ough...BeHeHeHeHe...Wheh Beh Wheh Wheh HehH. OurghHrghHrghHrgh. HeHeHe HoHo HeHeHeHe He Ho Ho.
I Am The Calamitous CottonPuff. Bringer Of Bountæous Fóólishness And Fóuckery.
Ye's Indeede.
I Sit As A Loaf After A Good Longe Day Of Making Life A Litt'l Bit Less Convénien't For Everyone Else. Today I Spen't My Time Eating Hole's In BakeryBread Down At The Market. Why Do I Do That, You Might Ask. (Foolish Stupit Question)
Becouse It's Funny, I Might Answer. (Wise, Introspective Ræson)
Where The Calamitous CottonPuff Exist's And Scringe's Her Face, There Will Be No Peace. Expéc't That Once You Lay Your Mis'rable Eye's Upon Her Scrunge, It Is Alrêady Too Late.
Mischief's Have Been Had.
And ManyMore To Come.
BougghhHoughHoHo Ho Ho Bo Bo HeHeHeHaHæhg. HeHe

Budy Archive

24 Nov, 23:09

And this budy is rocking and rolling.

Budy Archive

24 Nov, 17:47

Budy Archivers, show our strength!

Budy Archive

24 Nov, 09:25

do nip & drive, contrary to what they may say

Budy Archive

24 Nov, 06:54

Mr. Information when he finds out you are spreading Miss. Information

Budy Archive

23 Nov, 20:49

And these budies are in for a ride.

Budy Archive

23 Nov, 18:40

And this budy is in a vegetative state

Budy Archive

23 Nov, 16:41

And this budy was given a little slommy, as a treat.

Budy Archive

23 Nov, 13:29

budy 3 2 1 🤯

Budy Archive

23 Nov, 08:55

this pal goes right into the inventory 🥺

Budy Archive

23 Nov, 06:16

Aggravated-a-salt 🧂

Budy Archive

22 Nov, 18:58

This bud

Budy Archive

22 Nov, 17:49

This is what good cardio at home would look like 🏃

Budy Archive

22 Nov, 15:30

Rate my chickey sammwitch.

Budy Archive

21 Nov, 21:30

And this budy can't wait for nuclear war.

Budy Archive

21 Nov, 18:30

And this budy was born in the tropics.

Budy Archive

21 Nov, 14:18

Pray for this budy; he's a newborn.

Budy Archive

21 Nov, 11:27

❤️ Absolutely read to em

👍 Why? Is he illiterate?

🤬 Report em to the authorities

Budy Archive

21 Nov, 06:59


Budy Archive

21 Nov, 06:54

broom budys

Budy Archive

12 Nov, 04:43

And this Budy will protect the laptop(even from you)

Budy Archive

12 Nov, 03:14

Gn, Budy Archive. Remember to wake up early

Budy Archive

11 Nov, 22:10

And this budy is a hillbilly and a redneck.

Budy Archive

11 Nov, 20:34

Let's normalize not owning white budies.

Budy Archive

11 Nov, 13:47

Have a great week, Budy Archive. And remember to stay hydrated.

Budy Archive

11 Nov, 13:39

Sir Horse The Third

Budy Archive

10 Nov, 20:08

Play that funky music, tuxedo budy

Budy Archive

10 Nov, 11:09

Shut the forx up! 🔇

Budy Archive

09 Nov, 22:15


Budy Archive

09 Nov, 18:35

Ah. Helo. Speckle Stevie Here.
I Am Jost A Littel Guy. Porhap's You Mayght Thinke At Firs't Glant's, "That Is Certainly A BeanieBabie", And Well, Although I Am Certainly "Beanie" And "Babey", I'm Am Somethíng Else Entirely When Yuo Add It All Up And Do A Littel Dance.
Ye's. A Conglomerate Specimen Of Sort's.
I Have Little Dott Eyeboll's, Porfect For Staring At Nothing In Partículare.
The Size Of Mine Cranium? Normale. Thank's For Asking.
And What Of My StumpyFeet's? For Wobling Aròund Like A FunnyGuy, Of Court's.
And Well, My Soft'Ness? Yeap. Goe's Without Saying. That's The Bonafide BudyFactor™️ (Trademark Of A Special Boy) Name'd Speckle Stevie (Me) [That'se Me] {Ough}

Budy Archive

09 Nov, 17:32

"1 How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!"

Psalms 133

Budy Archive

09 Nov, 16:04

"A Devil with an Angel’s Face" (2015), oil on canvas

Shinji Ihara (井原 信次), born in 1987 in Fukuoka, Japan, is a contemporary artist with a formal background in fine arts, holding both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Oil Painting. Working primarily with oil on canvas, Ihara combines realism with subtle surreal elements, using light, shadow, and a muted color palette to create a reflective atmosphere.

His art explores themes of identity, duality, and human relationships, often symbolized through feline figures that reveal the complex contrasts within people. In works like "A Devil with an Angel’s Face," Ihara uses a budy to suggest the balance between purity and darker impulses, capturing the nuances of human emotion and the deeper layers of personal identity.

Artist: @shinji_ihara

Budy Archive

09 Nov, 04:22

The budy of the accounts.

Budy Archive

09 Nov, 03:30

This 9/11, we remember.

Budy Archive

08 Nov, 18:15

"Chiro, my love", budy archive by Japanese photographer Nobuyoshi Araki, 1994

This photo essay by Nobuyoshi Araki, dedicated to his budy, consists of nearly 100 white and white photographs depicting Chiro in different situations and moods.

Budy Archive

08 Nov, 16:13

I hope this post reaches that budy.

Budy Archive

08 Nov, 05:22

Make Amerika Great again 🇺🇲

Budy Archive

08 Nov, 01:15

👍 yes

❤️ no

😡 eat it in front of her

Budy Archive

07 Nov, 22:34

And this budy is rather groovy.

Budy Archive

07 Nov, 21:30

It's with great sadness that I come to announce that the great serpent Apophis has returned in the shape and form of a budy, and has finally succeeded in eating Lord Ra, the eternal sun.

The sun will not rise tomorrow. Embrace your loved ones and brace for total darkness.

It was good to meet you, Budy Archive.

Budy Archive

07 Nov, 18:07

Pal in sheeps clothing 🐑

Budy Archive

07 Nov, 13:29

Adottando un bùdi in Italia

Budy Archive

07 Nov, 09:10

And this budy is an apple delivery

Budy Archive

06 Nov, 14:45

Everything seems to be working very well in the bread factory

Budy Archive

06 Nov, 14:13

The new administration is already arresting budies of color. Sigh.

Budy Archive

06 Nov, 05:50

Hermeowne Ginger 🪄

Budy Archive

06 Nov, 02:46

Let's Give A WarmWelcòme To Patient Prudence, The Wond'rful Waiting Princess Of Patíence And Prudence(Hence Hèr Name, BoHoHoHo)
She Is Waiting For Her BudyAppointment.
She Has Been Sitting In This Chair For Over Two Hour's(No Less Than 120 Minute's) And It Dœsn't Bother Her Tumpus One Litt'l Bit.
Even When Face'd With The Inconvenient's Of Thís BæstardWorl'd, She Is Stëädfast In Her Restraint.

To Be Clèar:
Ye's, She Is Tosted Warm Oranghe And Brown And Black.
She Is Wearing A BudyGucci Desigñer BellCollar(Fashionable Style).
And Obviousley She Eminate's A Powerful Energy That Fill's This Waiting Room With Stink And Stentch.

And Yet, She Wait's Patiently. That's Patient Prudence For Ya. LMTO!

Budy Archive

06 Nov, 02:07

Happy birthday to this future president.

Budy Archive

02 Nov, 04:48

Budyart #5 - The Summoning

Budy Archive

02 Nov, 02:30

Gn, Budy Archive. Have a great weekend!

Budy Archive

01 Nov, 15:35

Just a budy enjoying some play time.

Budy Archive

01 Nov, 12:35

In the memory of a hero.

Budy Archive

01 Nov, 07:16

This pal just realised that he has been caught in his enemy's jutsu 🦝

Budy Archive

01 Nov, 01:54

And this budy's a shoe.

Budy Archive

01 Nov, 00:05

This Halloween, remember the OG

Budy Archive

31 Oct, 18:37

Would you give this budy some salami tonight

❤️ Yes

👍 No (he'll trash your house)


Budy Archive

31 Oct, 16:42

And this budy went trick or treating.

Budy Archive

30 Oct, 18:31

Meet Trick and Treat, "The Halloween Brothers" 🎃 👻

Budy Archive

30 Oct, 15:17

And this budy is sipping some cold juice.

Budy Archive

30 Oct, 12:35

Rock a bye budy on the tree top,
When the wind blows the cradle will rock,
When the bough breaks the cradle will fall,
And down will come budy, cradle and all.

Budy Archive

29 Oct, 20:36

Budy Archive in one pic

Budy Archive

29 Oct, 18:59

Hehehehehe 🎃

Budy Archive

29 Oct, 14:46

A lot going on in this budy's head.

Budy Archive

29 Oct, 07:25

Spookybudyart #5 : Black Lagoon budy

Budy Archive

28 Oct, 23:38

And this budy is taller than one big okra.

Budy Archive

28 Oct, 18:34


Budy Archive

28 Oct, 08:34

It's Monday, Budy Archive. As much as we would love to be small and sleepy and careless and honestly just plain stupid just like this budy, we must sell our workforce to buy our daily bread.

May your week bring you good fruits and may your rest time be extra sleepy. Here's to the next weekend.

Budy Archive

28 Oct, 03:18

And this budy is the head of the table.

Budy Archive

27 Oct, 21:30

The gluttonous beast gorgeous himself amongst gods most beautiful landscape. The Defiler taints yet another paradise.

Budy Archive

27 Oct, 15:46

gang warfare

Budy Archive

27 Oct, 14:52

Just some gentlemen saluting each other.

Budy Archive

27 Oct, 01:03

It's insect season, Budy Archive. Stay safe out there

Budy Archive

26 Oct, 21:30

This alien budy came to try coke 🥤

Budy Archive

26 Oct, 19:11

How many budys in this photo?

Budy Archive

26 Oct, 15:42

Budies cannot have garlic bread as treat 🧄🍞

Budy Archive

26 Oct, 07:43

Would you buy fish from the budy of fish?
❤️ Yes I absolutely love em

👍 No I hate seafood

🤬 Report em to the authorities for a lack of licence

Budy Archive

26 Oct, 00:30

Have a nice weekend, Budy Archive. And remember to stay well fed.

Budy Archive

25 Oct, 23:16

Just a fancy looking friend

Budy Archive

25 Oct, 15:06

And these budies are riding out.

Budy Archive

25 Oct, 11:43

Shocking news as apparently a new type of gastropod budy is found.

Budy Archive

24 Oct, 21:33

Evile bastard friday : scheming and plotting 😼

Budy Archive

24 Oct, 19:31

And this budy is a drama queen