Asubha: Protective Meditation on Impurities of the Body
Seeing this body as impure when it is dead, without consciousness, and also impure when alive with consciousness, one should meditate on its foulness.
The thirty-two impurities of one’s body are disgusting in colour, and sign, foul smell, position and space where impure parts connect together.
The impurities within the body are more disgusting than those that fall from it, since impurities that fall from body may touch even pure things, but inner impure parts rest just on impurities.
Like a worm born in filth, this body was also born in filth. Like a cesspit that is full, this body is full of filth.
Just as fat pours from an over flowing pot, likewise impure things always flow from this body. Like a cesspit full of filth, this body is the home to various kinds of worms.
This body suffers from boils, diseases, aches and pain like a wound that is incurable. It is extremely repulsive. This impure body indeed is subject to destruction.