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Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation


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Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

12 Feb, 13:23

*करेंट अफेयर्स : 12 फरवरी 2025*

*आज का सुविचार*
“सफल और असफल लोग अपनी क्षमताओं में बहुत भिन्न नहीं होते हैं। वे अपनी क्षमता तक पहुँचने के लिए अपनी इच्छाओं में भिन्न होते हैं”

*1.Who among the following has organized the “Donate Organs, Save Lives” initiative for organ donation awareness?*
A.International Cricket Council
B.*Indian Cricket Board*
C.National Cricket Board
D.None of these

*1.निम्नलिखित में से किसने अंगदान जागरूकता के लिए-अंग दान करें, जीवन बचाएं" पहल का आयोजन किया है?*
A.अंतरराष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट परिषद
B.*भारतीय क्रिकेट बोर्ड*
C.राष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट बोर्ड
D.इनमे से कोई नही

*2.The Union Cabinet has approved the tenure of the National Safai Karmachari Commission for how many years?*
A.01 year
B.02 years
C.*03 years*
D.04 years

*2.केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने राष्ट्रीय सफाई कर्मचारी आयोग के कार्यकाल को कितने वर्षों के लिये बढ़ाने की स्वीकृति दी है?*
A.01 वर्ष
B.02 वर्ष
C.*03 वर्ष*
D.04 वर्ष

*3.Recently in which state 'Swavalmbini' scheme has been started with the help of NITI Aayog?*
D.*All of the above*

*3.हाल ही में नीति आयोग के सहयोग से किस राज्य में 'स्वावलंबिनी' योजना की शुरूआत की गयी है?*
D.*उपर्युक्त सभी*

*4.In the year 2024, which country has topped the US Green Building Council's annual ranking?*

*4.वर्ष 2024 में, यूएस ग्रीन बिल्डिंग काउंसिल की वार्षिक रैंकिंग में कौन-सा देश शीर्ष स्थान पर है?*

*5.Recently which country has started 'Operation Devil Hunt' to deal with violence?*

*5.हाल ही में किस देश ने हिंसा से निपटने के लिए 'ऑपरेशन डेविल हंट' शुरू किया है?*
A. चीन

*6.On which date has 'National Deworming Day' been celebrated recently?*
A.08 February
B.09 February
C.*10 February*
D.11 February

*6.हाल ही में किस तारीख को ‘राष्ट्रीय कृमि मुक्ति दिवस’ मनाया गया है?*
A.08 फरवरी
B.09 फरवरी
C.*10 फरवरी*
D.11 फरवरी

*7.Who has recently launched rail, road and drinking water projects in the state of Madhya Pradesh?*
A.*Prime Minister Narendra Modi*
B.Home Minister Amit Shah
C.Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Manohar Lal
D.Health and Family Welfare Minister Jagat Prakash Nadda

*7.हाल ही में किसके द्वारा मध्य प्रदेश राज्य में रेल, सड़क और पेयजल परियोजनाओं का शुभारंभ किया गया है?*
A.*प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी*
B.गृहमंत्री अमित शाह
C. आवासन और शहरी कार्य मंत्री मनोहर लाल
D.स्वास्थ्य और परिवार कल्याण मंत्री जगत प्रकाश नड्डा

*8.Where has India Energy Week 2025 started recently?*
B.*New Delhi*

*8.हाल ही में भारत ऊर्जा सप्ताह 2025 कहां शुरू हुआ है?*
A.गुजरात में
B.*नई दिल्ली में*
C.गोवा में
D.छत्तीसगढ़ में

*9.Recently the President of America has announced to impose what percent duty on steel and aluminum imports?*

*9.हाल ही में अमेरिका के राष्ट्रपति ने स्टील और एल्युमीनियम आयात पर कितने प्रतिशत शुल्‍क लगाने की घोषणा की हैं?*
A. 10%

*10.Where among the following will the three-day International Bird Festival be organised?*

*10.निम्नलिखित में से तीन दिवसीय अंतराष्ट्रीय पक्षी महोत्सव का आयोजन कहाँ किया जाएगा?*

*11.On which date is ‘International Women and Girls Science Day’ celebrated every year?*
A.10 February
B.*11 February*
C.12 February
D.13 February

*11.प्रतिवर्ष किस तारीख को ‘अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला और बालिका विज्ञान दिवस’ मनाया जाता है?*
A.10 फरवरी
B.*11 फरवरी*
C.12 फरवरी
D.13 फरवरी

*12.Recently _ India-UK Energy Dialogue has been organized in New Delhi.*

*12.हाल ही में नई दिल्ली में _ भारत-यूके ऊर्जा संवाद आयोजित किया गया है।*

*13.Which company has recently changed the name of HJT-36 jet trainer to 'Yashas'?*
A.Bharat Electronics Limited
B.*Hindustan Aeronautics Limited*
C.Bharat Dynamics Limited
D.Adani Defense and Aerospace

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

12 Feb, 13:23

*13.हाल ही में किस कंपनी ने एचजेटी-36 जेट ट्रेनर का नाम बदलकर 'यशस' कर दिया है?*
A. भारत इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स लिमिटेड
B.*हिंदुस्तान एयरोनॉटिक्स लिमिटेड*
C. भारत डायनामिक्स लिमिटेड
D.अदाणी डिफ़ेंस एंड एयरोस्पेस

*14.Where has the BIMSTEC Youth Summit been held recently?*

*14.हाल ही में कहां बिम्सटेक युवा शिखर सम्मेलन आयोजित किया गया है?*

*15.Recently with which country has India organized the joint military exercise 'Cyclone 2025'?*

*15.हाल ही में भारत ने किस देश के साथ संयुक्त सैन्य अभ्यास 'साइक्लोन 2025' का आयोजन किया है?*

*🎯 Static GK MCQ*

*16. Which article of the Indian constitution deals with the right to freedom of speech and expression?*
A. Article 17
B. Article 18
C. *Article 19*
D. Article 20

*16. भारतीय संविधान का कौन सा अनुच्छेद वाक् और अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता के अधिकार से संबंधित है?*
A. अनुच्छेद 17
B. अनुच्छेद 18
C. *अनुच्छेद 19*
D. अनुच्छेद 20

*17. Gugga dance is a folk dance performed by men in which state of India?*
A. *Haryana*
B. Punjab
C. Jharkhand
D. Assam

*17. गुग्गा नृत्य, भारत के किस राज्य में पुरुषों द्वारा किया जाने वाला एक लोक नृत्य है?*
A. *हरियाणा*
B. पंजाब
C. झारखंड
D. असम

*18. In which month does the Hemant season come?*
A. March and April
B. May and June
C. October and November
D. *November and December*

*18. हेमन्त ऋतु का मौसम किस महीने में आता है?*
A. मार्च और अप्रैल
B. मई और जून
C. अक्टूबर और नवंबर
D. *नवंबर और दिसंबर*

*19. The following are the government initiatives related to educational reforms-*
A. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
B. Pragyata
C. Mid-Day Meal Scheme
D. *All of the above*

*19. शैक्षणिक सुधारों से संबंधित सरकारी पहलें निम्न में हैं-*
A. सर्व शिक्षा अभियान
B. प्रज्ञाता
C. मध्याह्न भोजन योजना
D. *उपर्युक्त सभी*

*20. Who among the following releases the 'Global Gender Gap Index' report for the countries of the world?*
A. *World Economic Forum*
B. United Nations Human Rights Council
C. World Health Organization
D. None

*20. निम्नलिखित में कौन विश्व के देशों के लिये 'वैश्विक लैंगिक अंतराल सूचकांक' रिपोर्ट जारी करता है?*
A. *विश्व आर्थिक मंच*
B. संयुक्त राष्ट्र मानव अधिकार परिषद
C. विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन
D. कोई नहीं

*Answer key:*
1.B 6.C 11.B 16.C
2.C 7.A 12.D 17.A
3.D 8.B 13.B 18.D
4.B 9.D 14.B 19.D
5.D 10.A 15.C 20.A

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

12 Feb, 13:21

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation pinned «Your *CRE* Application Correction window period opened now👇🏻 i.e. from *12.02.2025* to *14.02.2025* up to 05:00 PM To edit you details: Login to your account 👇🏻 For more details:👇🏻»

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

12 Feb, 13:20

Your *CRE* Application Correction window period opened now👇🏻 i.e. from *12.02.2025* to *14.02.2025* up to 05:00 PM

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Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

09 Feb, 03:37


> *Classical triad of accomodation*
👉 Accomodation
👉 Meiosis
👉 Convergence

> *Glaucoma Triad*
👉 High IOP
👉 Visual field defect
👉 Optic nerve damage

> *Vgot's Triad*
👉 Pigment's on endothelium
👉 Iris atrophy
👉 Glaucomflecken

> *Triad in congenital glaucoma*
👉 Blepharospasm
👉 Photophobia
👉 Lacrimation

> *Triad in Retinitis pigmentosa*
👉 Bony spicule(black colored)
👉 Attenuated vessels
👉 Pole disk

> *CPC Triad*
👉 Cynosis
👉 Petechiae
👉 Congetion

> *Marshall Triad* seen in 2° blast injury.

👉 Patterned abrasion
👉 Contusion
👉 Laceration

> *Samter's Triad* Bronchial asthma .
👉 Asthma
👉 Nasal polyp
👉 ASA intolerance

> *Mackler's Triad* Boerhave syndrome.
👉 Vomiting
👉 Chest pain
👉Sub-cutaneous emphysema

> *Saint's Triad*
👉 Gall Stone's
👉 Hiatus hernia
👉 Diverticulosis of colon

> *Riglers Triad* Gallstone ileus
👉 Air in GB (Pneumobilia)
👉 Multiple air flued levels
👉 Stone in intestine

> *Cholangitis charcots Triad*
👉 Pain
👉 Fever
👉 Jaundice

> *Beck's Triad*
👉 Raised jugular venous pressure
👉 Muffled heart sound
👉 Hypotension

> *Virchow's Triad* of thrombosis
👉 Endothelial injury
👉 Stasis / turbulence
👉 Hypercoagulability

> *Potter's Triad* :- seen in severe oligohydramnios.
👉 Pulmonary hyperplasia
👉 Renal anomalies
👉 Contracted & malfigured limbs and Fat / compressed face

> *O'donoghues Triad* :- seen in ACL injury.
👉 ACL ( anterior cruciate ligament )
👉 MCL ( medial collateral ligament )
👉 Medial meniscus

> *Trotter's Triad* :-

seen in nasopharyngeal carcinoma
👉 CHL (conducting hearing loss )
👉 Palatal palsy d/t 10th nerve
👉 Neuralgia in temporoparietal area d/t 5th nerve

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

09 Feb, 03:35

*Medical Terms Associated with "Rose"** 🌹

*1. Rose sign – Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)**
- A clinical sign suggestive of DVT, characterized by pain and swelling in the lower limb.

*2. Rose spots – Typhoid Fever**
- Small, pink maculopapular rashes seen on the abdomen and chest in typhoid fever (caused by *Salmonella typhi*).

*3. Rose-Waaler test – Rheumatoid Arthritis**
- A historical test for rheumatoid factor, used in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.
- It has been largely replaced by more modern tests like RF (Rheumatoid Factor) and Anti-CCP.

*4. Rose-pink rash – Erysipelas**
- Erysipelas is a bacterial skin infection caused by *Streptococcus pyogenes*.
- It presents as a raised, red (rose-pink), sharply demarcated rash with fever.

*5. Rose thorn ulcer – Sporotrichosis (NOT Crohn’s Disease)**
- Sporotrichosis, also called "Rose Gardener’s Disease", is a fungal infection caused by *Sporothrix schenckii*.
- It occurs due to pricks from rose thorns or plant material, leading to painless ulcers on the skin.
- (Incorrect: Crohn’s disease does not cause "rose thorn ulcers.")

*6. Rose Bengal stain – Sjogren’s Syndrome (Dry Eye Test)**
- A diagnostic eye stain used in Sjogren’s syndrome and keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eye syndrome).
- The Rose Bengal dye stains damaged conjunctival and corneal epithelial cells.

*7. Rose Bengal card test – Brucellosis**
- A serological test for brucellosis, an infection caused by *Brucella* species.
*8. Rose gardener’s disease – Sporotrichosis**
- Another name for Sporotrichosis, a fungal infection transmitted through rose thorn pricks.

*9. Rose position – Adenoidectomy/Tonsillectomy**
- A surgical position used during adenoidectomy or tonsillectomy.
- The patient is placed in a supine position with head extended over the table edge, supported by a ring or pillow to prevent aspiration.

*10. Rosewater Syndrome – Not a Recognized Medical Condition**
- There is no well-documented "Rosewater Syndrome" in medical literature.
- The description provided (X-linked hypogonadotropic hypogonadism) resembles Kallmann Syndrome, but "Rosewater Syndrome" is not an established term.

*11. Rose Fever – Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis)**
- Seasonal allergic rhinitis caused by exposure to grass pollen, rose pollen, or other allergens.
- Symptoms include sneezing, nasal congestion, and itchy eyes.

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

07 Feb, 16:18

Formula For Fluid Restitution In Burn Patient

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

07 Feb, 16:18

Shingles (Later complication of ChickenPox)

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

07 Feb, 16:18

Erythema :- Redness of the skin.

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

07 Feb, 16:18


Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

07 Feb, 16:17


Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

07 Feb, 16:17


Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

07 Feb, 16:17

Tinea (Ringworm)

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

07 Feb, 16:17

Psoriasis :- Silver Gray Patches Seen

Eczema :- Itchy & Red Rashes Seen

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

01 Feb, 02:27

ECG variations in electrolyte imbalances, specifically focusing on changes caused by calcium and potassium levels. Here's an interpretation:

1. Potassium (K) imbalances:

Elevated potassium (K↑) can cause changes in the T wave (e.g., peaked T waves).

Low potassium (K↓) might lead to flattened T waves or the appearance of U waves.

2. Calcium (Ca ) imbalances:

Increased calcium (Ca ↑) shortens the QT interval (due to ST segment shortening).

Decreased calcium (Ca ↓) prolongs the QT interval.

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

28 Jan, 13:10


1. Adom test - Scoliosis

2. Allen test - ABG Analysis

3. Aldehyde test - Leprosy

4. Phosphate test - Pasteurization

5. Patch test - Allergic Reaction

6. Tourniquet test - Dengue

7. Urea Breath test - H.Pylori

8. Schick test - Diphtheria

9. Dick test - Scarlet Fever

10. Rothers test - Acetone in Urine

11. Hey test - Bile Salt Urine

12. Smith test - Bile Pigment Urine

13. Benedict test - Urine Glucose

14. Kveim test - Sarcoidosis

15. Rinne & Webber test - Hearing

16. Direct Coomb test - Hemolytic Anemia

17. Ischiara test - Color Vision test

18. Snellen Chart test - Distance Vision

19. Confrontation test - Central and Peripheral Vision

20. Jegar's type Card test - Near Vision

22. Schiling test - Vitamin B12 Absorption

23. Histamine test - Leprosy

24. Roller Over test - Pre-Eclampsia

25. Fern Test or Nitrizine test - leakage of Amniotic fluid

26. VDRL test - Syphilis

27.VMA (Vanellyl Mandelic Acid) - Pheochromocytoma

28. Glucose Tolerance test - Diabetes Mellitus

29. Glycosylated Hemoglobin /Hb1AC test - Diabetes Mellitus

30. Water Deprivation test - Diabetes Insipitus

31. Treadmill / Stress test - Heart Function

32. Triple test - Down Syndrome

33. D-Dimer test - Measuring Clot formation (DVT, PE, DIC)

34. Trendelenburg test - VericoseVein

35. Phallen / Tinnel test -Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

36. Gold QuntiFeron test -Tuberculosis

37. Bangle Test - Protein Energy Malnutrition

38. Tensilon test -Myasthenia Gravis

39. Romberg test -Neurological Function / Balance or Gait

40. Knee Kiss test -Meningitis in Children

41. Tzank test - Herpes Genital or Vericella

42. Frie test -Lymphogranuloma inguinale

43. Widal test - Typhoid (on2ndweek)

44. Weilfelix test - Typhoidfever

45. Bonny test / Marshall test - Stress Incontinence

46. Binnet test - Intelligence Quotient

47. Sweat Chloride test - Cystic fibrosis

48. Hanging Drop test - Cholera

49. Paul Bunnel test - Epstien Barr Virus

50. Shake test / Bubble test - Surfactant and Fetal Lungs Maturity

51. Rubin test - Patency of Fallopian Tube

52. Tape test - Pin Worm

53. Ortho Tolidin test - Check Chlorine in Water

54. Dexa Scan - Bone Metabolic Disease (eg.Osteoporosis)

55. Heel to Shin test - Body Coordination Test

56. *Halo test* - CSF Leakage

57. *Dexamethasone Suppression test* - ACTH or Pituitary / Adrenal Gland Tumor

58. *Arthrocentesis* - Joint Inflammation and Infection

59. *Holter Monitoring - 24 Hours ECG Monitoring in Dysarhythmia*

60. *Pulmonary Function test* - Measure Lung Volume and Capacity (By-Spirometer)

61. *SGOT & SGPT (AST/ALT)*- Liver Function Test

62. *PAP’s Smear* - Cancer of Cervix

63. *Creatinine Clearance test* - Estimation of GFR

64. *Wood's Light Examination* - Superficial Infection of Skin

65. *Burrow Ink test* - Scabies / The Itch

66. *Braden Scale* - To Measure integrity of Bed Sore.

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

27 Jan, 12:21

ECG variations in electrolyte imbalances, specifically focusing on changes caused by calcium and potassium levels. Here's an interpretation:

1. Potassium (K) imbalances:

Elevated potassium (K↑) can cause changes in the T wave (e.g., peaked T waves).

Low potassium (K↓) might lead to flattened T waves or the appearance of U waves.

2. Calcium (Ca ) imbalances:

Increased calcium (Ca ↑) shortens the QT interval (due to ST segment shortening).

Decreased calcium (Ca ↓) prolongs the QT interval.

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

27 Jan, 12:20

*Key Notes for Clinical Interventions**

1. Methylergonovine Maleate:
- Action:
- This medication is used to prevent or treat postpartum hemorrhage by causing uterine contractions.
- Precautions:
- Always check the client's blood pressure before administration.
- Risk: Can cause severe hypertension and is contraindicated in clients with a history of hypertension.
2. Rubella Vaccine:
- Post-Immunization Precautions:
- Avoid pregnancy for 1 to 3 months (or as prescribed by the healthcare provider) after receiving the vaccine.
- Why: The vaccine contains a live attenuated virus, which could harm the fetus.
- Advice: Educate the client to use a reliable contraception method during this period.
3. Rho(D) Immune Globulin:**
- Indication:
- Administered to Rh-negative birthing parents who deliver an Rh-positive infant to prevent sensitization to the Rh antigen.
- Limitation:
- It is ineffective if the client has already developed a positive antibody titer to the Rh antigen, as antibodies are already present.

Key Highlights:
- Methylergonovine: Contraindicated in hypertensive clients due to the risk of severe blood pressure spikes.
- Rubella Vaccine: Pregnancy must be avoided after immunization to protect the fetus.
- Rho(D) Immune Globulin: Administer before sensitization occurs; it has no effect once antibodies are formed.

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

18 Jan, 13:37

Types of Intravenous (I.V.) Solutions and Their Tonicity

1. Normal Saline (0.9% saline): Isotonic. Commonly used for fluid replacement in dehydration, shock, and as a diluent for medications.

2. ½ Normal Saline (0.45% saline): Hypotonic. Used to treat cellular dehydration by providing free water but should not be used in patients with brain injuries due to the risk of increased intracranial pressure.

3. Ringer’s Lactated Solution (RL): Isotonic. Contains electrolytes and is used for fluid resuscitation, especially in cases of burns, trauma, or surgical procedures.

4. ¼ Normal Saline (0.225% saline): Hypotonic. Often used in pediatrics for maintenance fluids, providing a lower sodium concentration.

5. D₅W (5% dextrose in water): Isotonic in the bag but physiologically hypotonic after infusion because the dextrose is rapidly metabolized, leaving free water.

6. D₁₀W (10% dextrose in water): Hypertonic. Used to provide calories for energy and to treat hypoglycemia or as part of total parenteral nutrition.

7. 5% Normal Saline (5% NaCl): Hypertonic. Used in critical situations to correct severe hyponatremia; requires close monitoring due to the risk of fluid shifts.

8. 5% Dextrose in RL: Hypertonic. Combines the benefits of dextrose and Ringer's lactate for energy and electrolyte replacement.

9. 5% Dextrose in 0.9% Normal Saline: Hypertonic. Used to treat hypovolemia and provide calories and electrolytes.

10. 5% Dextrose in 0.45% Normal Saline: Hypertonic. Often used as a maintenance fluid that provides energy and partial sodium and water replacement.

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

18 Jan, 13:36


*Normal Heart Sounds:*

1. *S1 (First Heart Sound)*:
- "Lub" sound
- Occurs at the start of systole (ventricular contraction)
- Caused by closure of mitral and tricuspid valves
2. *S2 (Second Heart Sound)*:
- "Dub" sound
- Occurs at the end of systole
- Caused by closure of aortic and pulmonary valves

*Abnormal Heart Sounds:*

1. *S3 (Third Heart Sound)*:
- "S3" or "ventricular gallop"
- Occurs after S2, during early diastole
- Indicates:
- Ventricular volume overload
- Heart failure
- Mitral regurgitation
2. *S4 (Fourth Heart Sound)*:
- "S4" or "atrial gallop"
- Occurs after S2, during late diastole
- Indicates:
- Atrial contraction into stiff ventricles
- Hypertension
- Cardiac hypertrophy
3. *Murmurs*:
- Abnormal blood flow through valves
- Classified by timing (systolic, diastolic), location, and intensity
- Indicates:
- Valve stenosis or regurgitation
- Septal defects
4. *Clicks*:
- High-pitched sounds
- Indicates:
- Mitral valve prolapse
- Aortic valve issues

*Other Heart Sounds:*

1. *Pericardial Friction Rub*:
- Scratch-like sound
- Indicates pericarditis (inflammation of heart sac)
2. *Ejection Click*:
- Sharp sound
- Indicates aortic or pulmonary valve issues
3. *Opening Snap*:
- Sharp sound
- Indicates mitral valve issues

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

18 Jan, 13:34


1. DOPAMINE ("Reward Hormone")

• Achieving Goals | Listening to Music | Favorite Food.

2. SEROTONIN ("Mood Stabilizer")

• Sun Exposure | Meditation | Exercise | Talk Happy Friends.

3. OXYTOCIN ("Love Hormone")

• Warm Hugs | Time with Loved Ones | Acts of Kindness.

4. ENDORPHINS ("Pain Relievers")

Intense Workout | Fun & Laughter | Creative Activities.

5. ADRENALINE ("Fight or Flight Hormone")

• Adventure Sports | Action Movies | Facing Fears.

6. CORTISOL ("Stress Hormone")

Anxiety | Working Under Pressure | Unexpected bad news.

7. MELATONIN ("Sleep Hormone")

Dark or Dim lit Area | Good Sleep | No Screen before Bed


• Intense Workout | Sexual Activity or Intimacy | Good Diet.

9. GROWTH HORMONE ("Regenerative Hormone")

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

12 Jan, 01:57

🔖Hyperpigmentation is seen in diseases like:📝

• Addison's disease

• Nelson syndrome

• Hyperthyroidism

• Cushing syndrome

• Ectopic ACTH syndrome

• Freckles

🔖 Hypopigmentation is seen in diseases like:📝

• Vitiligo, piebaldism

• Nevus anemicus

• Nevus depigmentosus

• Pityriasis

• Scleroderma

• Sarcoidosis

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

10 Jan, 15:30

*Types of insulin "five" types of Insulin are:*

1 Ultrashort-acting analogues
2 short-acting insulin
3intermediate-acting insulin
4 long-acting analogue insulin
5 mixed insulin.

*1. Ultra short-acting analogue insulin Rapid onset–fast-acting insulin has a clear appearance.*

★ Its onset 5 to 10 minutes.
★Peak effect is 1 to 3 hours
★ duration is 5 hours.
Pt must eat immediately after they inject.

*◆NovoRapid (insulin aspart)*
*◆Humalog (insulin lispro)*
*◆Apidra (insulin glulisine).*

*2. Short-acting insulin , look clear.*

★onset is 30 minutes.
★Peak effect is 2.5 to 5 hours
★duration is 8 hours.

*◇Actrapid* (insulin neutral, regular) from Novo Nordisk
*◇Humulin R* (insulin neutral, regular) from Eli Lilly.

*3. Intermediate-acting insulin*
appear cloudy.

They have either protamine or zinc added to delay their action. These insulins need to be shaken before
every use

♧ onset of work is 1.5 hours.
♧Peak action is 4 to 12 hours
♧ duration is 12 to 16 up to 24 hours.

  *◆Protaphane (isophane)* from Novo Nordisk
*◆ Humulin NPH (isophane NPH)* from Eli Lilly.

*4. Long-acting analogue insulin*
have clear appearance
They have no pronounced peak action, which means the insulin is released into the bloodstream at a relatively constant rate. One injection can last 24 hours.

*★ Levemir* (insulin determir) from Novo Nosdisk
*★ Lanctus* (insulin glargine) from Sanofi-Aventis.

*5. Mixed insulin*, looks cloudy. It contains a pre-mixed combination of either a rapid onset–fast-acting
or a short-acting insulin and intermediate-acting insulin.

■ If the insulin is ‘30/70’, then it contains 30% of quick-acting and 70% of intermediate-acting insulin
*■‘50/50’* means 50% of each.

Before injecting mixed or other cloudy
insulin, the person must gently roll the vial or pen between the palms .

*With ultra-short acting insulin:*

*★ Humalog Mix 25* (25% insulin lispro, 75% lispro protamine suspension)
*★ Humalog Mix 50* (50% insulin lispro, 50% lispro protamine suspension)
*★ NovoMix 30* (30% insulin aspart 70% aspart protamine suspension)

With rapid acting insulin
  *■ Humulin 30/70* (30% insulin neutral regular, 70% isophane)

*Other mixed insulins*

*♧ Mixtard 30/70* (30% insulin neutral regular, 70% isophane)
*♧  Mixtard 50/50* (50% insulin neutral regular, 50% isophane)

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

10 Jan, 15:28

### Staging of Pressure Ulcers

a. Depth of Tissue Damage

1. Stage I:
- Nonblanchable area of erythema (redness that does not fade with pressure).
- Skin is intact.
- Typically occurs over bony prominences (e.g., sacrum, heels).

2. Stage II:
- Partial-thickness ulceration of the epidermis and/or dermis.
- Presents as an abrasion, blister, or shallow crater.
- Red/pink wound bed; no tissue sloughing.
- May appear as an intact or open serum-filled blister.

3. Stage III:
- Full-thickness ulceration involving the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue.
- Sloughing may be present.
- Appears as a deep crater, with or without undermining.
- Bone, tendon, or muscle are not exposed.

4. Stage IV:
- Extensive tissue damage with full-thickness skin loss.
- Damage to muscle, bone, and/or tendon.
- Sloughing or eschar may be present on parts of the wound bed.
- Often includes undermining or tunneling.

This classification helps in determining the severity of the pressure ulcer and guides treatment decisions.

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

09 Jan, 16:56

Rajasthan Staff Nurse Result

BSc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

05 Jan, 07:30

❇️इतिहास से सम्बन्धित महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नोत्तर जो आपके हर परीक्षाओं के लिए महत्वपूर्ण साबित होंगे ❇️

Q. किस राजा को मामल्लन (महान पहलवान) के नाम से भी जाना जाता था?
[Ans.] नरसिंहवर्मन प्रथम

Q. द्वितीय बौद्ध संगीति का आयोजन कहाँ और कब हुआ था?
[Ans.] 383 ईसा पूर्व में वैशाली

Q. कौन गुप्त वंश के अगले शासक के रूप में समुद्रगुप्त का उत्तराधिकारी बना?
[Ans.] चंद्रगुप्त द्वितीय

Q. अशोक के शिलालेख के अनुसार, किस स्थान को कर मुक्त घोषित किया गया था और केवल 1/8 भाग कर योग्य घोषित किया गया था?
[Ans.] लुंबिनी

Q.  23वें जैन तीर्थंकर कौन थे?
[Ans.] पार्श्वनाथ

Q. गुप्त सम्राटों में से कौन अपने को “लिच्छवि-दौहित्र” कहता था?
[Ans.] समुद्रगुप्त

Q. चावल की खेती का सबसे पुराना प्रमाण निम्नलिखित में से किस घाटी से मिलता है?
[Ans.] बेलन घाटी

Q.अशोक के शिलालेख और ब्राह्मी लिपि को ___ द्वारा पढ़ा गया था?
[Ans.] जेम्स प्रिंसेप

Q. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा लेखक समकालीन समाज की बुराइयों को उजागर करने वाले अपने व्यंग्य के लिए जाना जाता है?
[Ans.] क्षेमेंद्र

Q. सिक्कों पर शासक का सिर अंकित करने वाला पहला सातवाहन राजा कौन था?
[Ans.] सातकर्णी प्रथम

BSc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

07 Dec, 12:59

66th Ramon Magsaysay Award 2024

The 2024 recipients includes 4 Individuals and 1 Group:-

1) Hayao Miyazaki (Japan)

2) Karma Phuntsho (Bhutan)

3) Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Phuong (Vietnam)

4) Farwiza Farhan (Indonesia)

5) The Rural Doctors' Movement (Thailand).

BSc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

07 Dec, 11:23


▪️ *Florence Nightingale* Environmental theory

▪️ *Hildegard Peplau* Interpersonal relationship  theory

▪️ *Virginia Henderson*  14 Basic Needs

▪️ *Faye Glenn Abdella*  21 Nursing Problems

▪️ *Ida Jean Orlando*  Nursing Process theory

▪️ *Dorothy Johnson*  Behavioural System model

▪️ *Martha Rogers* Science of Unitary Human Being

▪️ *Dorothea Orem*  Self-care deficit theory

▪️ *Imogene King*  Goal Attainment theory

▪️ *Betty Neuman*  System model

▪️ *Sister Calista Roy* Adaptation theory

▪️ *Jean Watson*  Science and Philosophy of Caring

▪️ *Madeleine Leininger*  Transcultural nursing

▪️ *Patricia Benner*  From Novice to Expert

▪️ *Lydia E. Hall*  3C's: Core, Care and Cure

▪️ *Joyce Travelbee*  Interpersonal Aspect of nursing model

▪️ *Margaret Newman* Health As Expanding


BSc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

08 Nov, 07:04

In Reference to the advt. No. I /48/ 01-18 /Rectt/2023-24, the online recruitment examination was held on 16th July 2024 and raw score was published on Institute website. Online Grievances of the candidates were reviewed by grievance committee

Your Final Response key for Nursing Officer post exam against your Application Seq No. / Roll Number has been made live today.

Kindly login through below given link and check:

Notice for same has been published on SGPGIMS Official website and enclosed here with for your reference.

BSc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

06 Nov, 16:56

LBW baby choice of initial feeding method :-

<28 WK-----I/V
28-32 WK-----NG tube
32-34 WK-----Paladai / Spoon / Cup
>34 WK-----Breastfeeding

Dietary sources of FATTY ACIDS:

- Highest content of MUFA – mustard/rapeseed oil

- Highest content of medium chain fatty acid – coconut oil

- Highest content of Linoleic acid – safflower oil

- Highest content of PUFA – Safflower oil

- 2nd Highest content of PUFA – Sunflower oil

- Least source of PUFA – coconut oil.


➡️ PGE2- Protect the stomach from peptic ulcer disease

✍🏻 For NSAID Induced Peptic Ulcer Disease

✍🏻 Most specific drug is Misoprostol

✍🏻 DOC is proton pump inhibitors

BSc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

06 Nov, 16:56

Donald Trump has won the US presidential election and is the 47th president of the United States





