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Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation


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Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

12 Jan, 01:57

🔖Hyperpigmentation is seen in diseases like:📝

• Addison's disease

• Nelson syndrome

• Hyperthyroidism

• Cushing syndrome

• Ectopic ACTH syndrome

• Freckles

🔖 Hypopigmentation is seen in diseases like:📝

• Vitiligo, piebaldism

• Nevus anemicus

• Nevus depigmentosus

• Pityriasis

• Scleroderma

• Sarcoidosis

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

10 Jan, 15:30

*Types of insulin "five" types of Insulin are:*

1 Ultrashort-acting analogues
2 short-acting insulin
3intermediate-acting insulin
4 long-acting analogue insulin
5 mixed insulin.

*1. Ultra short-acting analogue insulin Rapid onset–fast-acting insulin has a clear appearance.*

★ Its onset 5 to 10 minutes.
★Peak effect is 1 to 3 hours
★ duration is 5 hours.
Pt must eat immediately after they inject.

*◆NovoRapid (insulin aspart)*
*◆Humalog (insulin lispro)*
*◆Apidra (insulin glulisine).*

*2. Short-acting insulin , look clear.*

★onset is 30 minutes.
★Peak effect is 2.5 to 5 hours
★duration is 8 hours.

*◇Actrapid* (insulin neutral, regular) from Novo Nordisk
*◇Humulin R* (insulin neutral, regular) from Eli Lilly.

*3. Intermediate-acting insulin*
appear cloudy.

They have either protamine or zinc added to delay their action. These insulins need to be shaken before
every use

♧ onset of work is 1.5 hours.
♧Peak action is 4 to 12 hours
♧ duration is 12 to 16 up to 24 hours.

  *◆Protaphane (isophane)* from Novo Nordisk
*◆ Humulin NPH (isophane NPH)* from Eli Lilly.

*4. Long-acting analogue insulin*
have clear appearance
They have no pronounced peak action, which means the insulin is released into the bloodstream at a relatively constant rate. One injection can last 24 hours.

*★ Levemir* (insulin determir) from Novo Nosdisk
*★ Lanctus* (insulin glargine) from Sanofi-Aventis.

*5. Mixed insulin*, looks cloudy. It contains a pre-mixed combination of either a rapid onset–fast-acting
or a short-acting insulin and intermediate-acting insulin.

■ If the insulin is ‘30/70’, then it contains 30% of quick-acting and 70% of intermediate-acting insulin
*■‘50/50’* means 50% of each.

Before injecting mixed or other cloudy
insulin, the person must gently roll the vial or pen between the palms .

*With ultra-short acting insulin:*

*★ Humalog Mix 25* (25% insulin lispro, 75% lispro protamine suspension)
*★ Humalog Mix 50* (50% insulin lispro, 50% lispro protamine suspension)
*★ NovoMix 30* (30% insulin aspart 70% aspart protamine suspension)

With rapid acting insulin
  *■ Humulin 30/70* (30% insulin neutral regular, 70% isophane)

*Other mixed insulins*

*♧ Mixtard 30/70* (30% insulin neutral regular, 70% isophane)
*♧  Mixtard 50/50* (50% insulin neutral regular, 50% isophane)

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

10 Jan, 15:28

### Staging of Pressure Ulcers

a. Depth of Tissue Damage

1. Stage I:
- Nonblanchable area of erythema (redness that does not fade with pressure).
- Skin is intact.
- Typically occurs over bony prominences (e.g., sacrum, heels).

2. Stage II:
- Partial-thickness ulceration of the epidermis and/or dermis.
- Presents as an abrasion, blister, or shallow crater.
- Red/pink wound bed; no tissue sloughing.
- May appear as an intact or open serum-filled blister.

3. Stage III:
- Full-thickness ulceration involving the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue.
- Sloughing may be present.
- Appears as a deep crater, with or without undermining.
- Bone, tendon, or muscle are not exposed.

4. Stage IV:
- Extensive tissue damage with full-thickness skin loss.
- Damage to muscle, bone, and/or tendon.
- Sloughing or eschar may be present on parts of the wound bed.
- Often includes undermining or tunneling.

This classification helps in determining the severity of the pressure ulcer and guides treatment decisions.

Bsc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

09 Jan, 16:56

Rajasthan Staff Nurse Result

BSc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

05 Jan, 07:30

❇️इतिहास से सम्बन्धित महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नोत्तर जो आपके हर परीक्षाओं के लिए महत्वपूर्ण साबित होंगे ❇️

Q. किस राजा को मामल्लन (महान पहलवान) के नाम से भी जाना जाता था?
[Ans.] नरसिंहवर्मन प्रथम

Q. द्वितीय बौद्ध संगीति का आयोजन कहाँ और कब हुआ था?
[Ans.] 383 ईसा पूर्व में वैशाली

Q. कौन गुप्त वंश के अगले शासक के रूप में समुद्रगुप्त का उत्तराधिकारी बना?
[Ans.] चंद्रगुप्त द्वितीय

Q. अशोक के शिलालेख के अनुसार, किस स्थान को कर मुक्त घोषित किया गया था और केवल 1/8 भाग कर योग्य घोषित किया गया था?
[Ans.] लुंबिनी

Q.  23वें जैन तीर्थंकर कौन थे?
[Ans.] पार्श्वनाथ

Q. गुप्त सम्राटों में से कौन अपने को “लिच्छवि-दौहित्र” कहता था?
[Ans.] समुद्रगुप्त

Q. चावल की खेती का सबसे पुराना प्रमाण निम्नलिखित में से किस घाटी से मिलता है?
[Ans.] बेलन घाटी

Q.अशोक के शिलालेख और ब्राह्मी लिपि को ___ द्वारा पढ़ा गया था?
[Ans.] जेम्स प्रिंसेप

Q. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा लेखक समकालीन समाज की बुराइयों को उजागर करने वाले अपने व्यंग्य के लिए जाना जाता है?
[Ans.] क्षेमेंद्र

Q. सिक्कों पर शासक का सिर अंकित करने वाला पहला सातवाहन राजा कौन था?
[Ans.] सातकर्णी प्रथम

BSc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

07 Dec, 12:59

66th Ramon Magsaysay Award 2024

The 2024 recipients includes 4 Individuals and 1 Group:-

1) Hayao Miyazaki (Japan)

2) Karma Phuntsho (Bhutan)

3) Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Phuong (Vietnam)

4) Farwiza Farhan (Indonesia)

5) The Rural Doctors' Movement (Thailand).

BSc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

07 Dec, 11:23


▪️ *Florence Nightingale* Environmental theory

▪️ *Hildegard Peplau* Interpersonal relationship  theory

▪️ *Virginia Henderson*  14 Basic Needs

▪️ *Faye Glenn Abdella*  21 Nursing Problems

▪️ *Ida Jean Orlando*  Nursing Process theory

▪️ *Dorothy Johnson*  Behavioural System model

▪️ *Martha Rogers* Science of Unitary Human Being

▪️ *Dorothea Orem*  Self-care deficit theory

▪️ *Imogene King*  Goal Attainment theory

▪️ *Betty Neuman*  System model

▪️ *Sister Calista Roy* Adaptation theory

▪️ *Jean Watson*  Science and Philosophy of Caring

▪️ *Madeleine Leininger*  Transcultural nursing

▪️ *Patricia Benner*  From Novice to Expert

▪️ *Lydia E. Hall*  3C's: Core, Care and Cure

▪️ *Joyce Travelbee*  Interpersonal Aspect of nursing model

▪️ *Margaret Newman* Health As Expanding


BSc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

08 Nov, 07:04

In Reference to the advt. No. I /48/ 01-18 /Rectt/2023-24, the online recruitment examination was held on 16th July 2024 and raw score was published on Institute website. Online Grievances of the candidates were reviewed by grievance committee

Your Final Response key for Nursing Officer post exam against your Application Seq No. / Roll Number has been made live today.

Kindly login through below given link and check:

Notice for same has been published on SGPGIMS Official website and enclosed here with for your reference.

BSc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

06 Nov, 16:56

LBW baby choice of initial feeding method :-

<28 WK-----I/V
28-32 WK-----NG tube
32-34 WK-----Paladai / Spoon / Cup
>34 WK-----Breastfeeding

Dietary sources of FATTY ACIDS:

- Highest content of MUFA – mustard/rapeseed oil

- Highest content of medium chain fatty acid – coconut oil

- Highest content of Linoleic acid – safflower oil

- Highest content of PUFA – Safflower oil

- 2nd Highest content of PUFA – Sunflower oil

- Least source of PUFA – coconut oil.


➡️ PGE2- Protect the stomach from peptic ulcer disease

✍🏻 For NSAID Induced Peptic Ulcer Disease

✍🏻 Most specific drug is Misoprostol

✍🏻 DOC is proton pump inhibitors

BSc Nursing (All year's) AIIMS NORCET RRB ESIC and all nursing related exams Notes Pdf Guide Preparation

06 Nov, 16:56

Donald Trump has won the US presidential election and is the 47th president of the United States





