💝احساسی💝 is a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing emotional content, including texts, photos, videos, music, poetry, and heartfelt writings. The channel username is @brokenhearte13. The channel's description emphasizes the importance of embracing and processing past experiences to shape a better future. The channel offers a space for individuals to express their emotions and connect with others through creative and heartfelt content. Whether you're looking for a touching poem, a beautiful photograph, or a thought-provoking quote, you can find it all on 💝احساسی💝. Join the channel to explore the depths of human emotions and share your own feelings with a supportive community. Don't hesitate to hit the 'mute' button if you need some quiet time for reflection. Let your emotions flow freely in this safe and compassionate space. Come join us on this emotional journey of self-expression and connection.
01 Oct, 12:22
30 Sep, 11:24
28 Sep, 16:05
28 Sep, 16:04
20 Sep, 13:39
17 Sep, 18:39
17 Sep, 08:31
17 Sep, 08:30
17 Sep, 08:30
12 Sep, 18:34
12 Sep, 04:02
11 Sep, 17:08