Breakout Insider @breakoutinsider Channel on Telegram

Breakout Insider


Passionate learner of Share Market, Momentum Trader, Mutual Fund Distributor. Only 5% SL trades. One must read pinned messages. Not a SEBI Regd. Advisor.
For premium services,contact RM @BreakoutInsiderAdmin & social media links:

Breakout Insidr & Swing Trader (English)

Are you someone who is passionate about learning the ins and outs of the Share Market? Do you consider yourself a Momentum Trader, Mutual Fund Distributor or Loan Agent? If so, look no further than the Telegram channel 'Breakout Insidr & Swing Trader' with the username @breakoutinsider.

This channel is dedicated to providing valuable insights and tips for those interested in trading, investing, and navigating the world of finance. The channel owner is known for executing trades with only a 5% stop loss, showcasing their confidence and expertise in the field.

It is important to note that this channel is not a SEBI Registered Advisor, but rather a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences related to the stock market and trading strategies. Interested individuals are encouraged to read the pinned messages for important information and updates.

For those looking to take their trading experience to the next level, premium services are available. To join the premium group, simply contact the channel's relationship manager @BreakoutInsiderAdmin or visit Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your trading skills and gain valuable insights from experienced traders and professionals in the field. Join 'Breakout Insidr & Swing Trader' today!





