Starting from Jul 14th, the Terra Server Refinery's Purified Terra ↔️︎ BVT exchange rates will be changed.
With this change, we will be able to provide a more balanced rate that reflect the supply and demand as well as keeping the value of the Purified Terra better.
Please refer to the details below.
■ Change Period: Jul 14th 2022 Update
■ Exchange Rate Changes
Before: 1000 x (1 + Recently active users' total Purified Terra / 1 Billion) / Refreshed twice a day.
After: 1000 x (1 + Recently active users' total Purified Terra / 1 Billion) x [ 1 - 0.9 x ( *BVT Exchange Rate) / Refreshed once a week,
*Rate of BVT exchanged to Purified Terra
*However, to prevent a sudden change of the rate, there will be a set limit on how much the exchange rate can change at a time.
Thank you.