Welcome to BRAIN SQUEEZE, the Telegram channel where Malek Haddad explains all sorts of interesting stuff! Whether you're a curious mind looking to expand your knowledge or just someone who enjoys learning new things, this channel is perfect for you. Malek Haddad, the host of BRAIN SQUEEZE, is passionate about sharing knowledge and making complex topics easy to understand. From science and technology to history and culture, you can expect a wide range of fascinating topics to be covered. So, if you're ready to have your brain squeezed with interesting facts and insights, be sure to join us on this enlightening journey with Malek Haddad! Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn something new every day. Join BRAIN SQUEEZE now and let your curiosity thrive!
17 Feb, 20:58
07 Jan, 17:24
02 Jan, 19:53
02 Jan, 19:52
27 Sep, 15:41
24 Sep, 20:15
24 Sep, 19:35
13 Sep, 11:08
11 Sep, 17:18