Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE) @bourse_et_opportunites_d_etudes Channel on Telegram

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)


Opportunités d'études, bourses d'études, orientations, etc.. Maths-Info, ...

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE) (French)

Vous êtes passionné par les études et à la recherche d'opportunités pour poursuivre votre formation ? Alors ne cherchez plus, le canal Telegram 'Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)' est fait pour vous !
Ce canal est dédié à toutes les opportunités d'études, que ce soit des bourses, des orientations, des conseils pour les étudiants en Maths-Info, et bien plus encore. Vous y trouverez des informations précieuses pour vous guider dans votre parcours académique et professionnel.

Que vous soyez étudiant, chercheur de bourses d'études, ou simplement curieux des possibilités qui s'offrent à vous, 'Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)' est un canal incontournable. Restez informé des dernières opportunités d'études à l'international, des conseils pour réussir vos examens, et des témoignages d'étudiants qui ont bénéficié de ces opportunités.

Rejoignez dès maintenant notre communauté dynamique et bienveillante pour échanger, partager et vous informer sur tout ce qui concerne le domaine des études et des bourses. 'Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)' est là pour vous aider à réaliser vos ambitions académiques et à atteindre vos objectifs professionnels. Ne manquez pas cette chance unique de faire avancer votre carrière et de découvrir de nouvelles opportunités dans le monde de l'éducation.

Rejoignez-nous dès maintenant sur Telegram et faites partie de notre communauté engagée et passionnée pour les études et les opportunités académiques !

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

15 Feb, 19:47

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

15 Feb, 19:47

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

14 Feb, 11:47

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Feb, 19:37

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Feb, 19:15

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

12 Feb, 17:24

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

12 Feb, 17:23

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

12 Feb, 08:36

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

10 Feb, 19:14

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

10 Feb, 09:23

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

10 Feb, 09:20

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

08 Feb, 08:11

A postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Statistics at the University of Michigan, working with Liza Levina and Ji Zhu. We are looking for an independent, creative candidate with strong programming and communication skills and an interest and experience in statistical network analysis, statistical machine learning, or a related area. The postdoc will have a lot of freedom in setting their research agenda and we are open to a range of options including theory, methodological developments, and applications, especially to neuroimaging and healthcare.

A PhD in statistics or a related discipline is required. The position starts Fall 2025 and is renewable annually for up to three years. To apply, please email a CV, a research statement, a cover letter explaining your interest in the position, and the contact information for at least two references to [email protected] and [email protected]. Review of applications will begin February 15 and continue until the position is filled.

The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. We welcome applications from members of all groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM.

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

07 Feb, 00:22

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

06 Feb, 18:04

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

06 Feb, 18:04

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

06 Feb, 00:35

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

29 Jan, 05:54

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

29 Jan, 05:53

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

29 Jan, 05:48

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

29 Jan, 05:47

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

29 Jan, 05:41

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

27 Jan, 00:47;jsessionid=E639CFEACF8DC24C413540C3B032F9C9;jsessionid=A1AC50BC54F98A140CD1A15B1D11E228;jsessionid=C37DC675DCE399105ED18FCD8B712C08?JOBID=184507

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

27 Jan, 00:46

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

22 Jan, 16:14

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

22 Jan, 16:13

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

22 Jan, 16:13

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

22 Jan, 16:11

Offre postdoc en inférence démo-génétique

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

21 Jan, 15:44

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

21 Jan, 15:44

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

21 Jan, 15:43

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

21 Jan, 15:43

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

21 Jan, 15:36

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

21 Jan, 02:42

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

21 Jan, 02:42

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Jan, 20:00

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Jan, 19:50

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Jan, 19:48

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Jan, 19:47

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Jan, 19:47

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Jan, 19:46

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Jan, 19:46

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Jan, 19:43

A PhD or PostDoc position is available at the University of Passau, Germany,
starting 1 October 2025 (exact starting date negotiable).

The successful candidate will be part of the Discrete Mathematics group led
by Prof. Dr. Stefan Glock.

The position is initially for two years, with the option of renewal, and is
remunerated in accordance with pay grade 13 of the German public-sector
collective agreement TV-L (this amounts to a gross salary of at least
4000euros/month). The position will be part of the Emmy Noether junior
research group "Structure and randomness in extremal combinatorics".

The ideal candidate has a strong background in discrete mathematics, in
particular in extremal and probabilistic combinatorics. Knowledge of the
German language is not required.

If you have any further questions about this position, please contact Stefan
Glock by e-mail ([email protected]).

To apply, please e-mail your full application attached in a single pdf file
to Stefan Glock ([email protected]) by no later than 26 January

Your application should contain:

. cover letter

. CV

. list of publications (not mandatory for PhD applicants)

. research statement

. certificates and transcripts

. name, affiliation and email address of up to three references.

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Jan, 19:42

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Jan, 19:42

A three-year postdoctoral position will be available within the
bilateral DFG+AEI project «SRC-ExCo- Structure, Randomness and
Computational Methods in Extremal Combinatorics» between the
Combinatorics and Graph Theory research group at the Freie Universität
Berlin and the Geometric, Algebraic and Probabilisitc Combinatorics
group at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain). The
project is lead by Tibor Szabó (FU Berlin node) and Juanjo Rué (UPC node).

The successful candidate will undertake the initial 18 months of the
postdoctoral research at UPC. Pending a positive midterm evaluation, the
postdoctoral position will be followed by the subsequent 18 months at FU

The successful candidate should hold a PhD in mathematics or related
field by the start of the appointment and have an interest in extremal
and probabilistic combinatorics or graph theory. The successful
candidate will have the opportunity to interact in Barcelona with
researchers of the project, including Patrick Morris, Simeon Ball,
Guillem Perarnau and Richard Lang.

The position is to be filled by September 2025 the latest, but an
earlier starting date is also possible.

Documentation: Qualified candidates should submit

•a cover letter, including the name of at least two reference letter

•CV, including list of publications,

•research statement.

Please send thesethree documents in a single pdf-file to
[email protected]. Furthermore:

•arrange at least two letters of recommendation to be sent directly by
the reference writers to the same email address ([email protected]).

Deadline for applications: Applications received by *27th of January
*will receive full consideration. For any further inquiry please feel
free to contact the project leaders.

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Jan, 19:41

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Jan, 19:41

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Jan, 19:40

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Jan, 19:38

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Jan, 19:38

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

19 Dec, 23:18

Postdoc position in bioacoustics

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

19 Dec, 15:12

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

19 Dec, 15:12

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

19 Dec, 15:12

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

19 Dec, 15:11

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

19 Dec, 15:11

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

19 Dec, 15:09

Data-driven metamaterial identification

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

19 Dec, 15:09

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

19 Dec, 15:09

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

19 Dec, 15:07

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

19 Dec, 15:07

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

19 Dec, 14:48

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

18 Dec, 15:32

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Dec, 19:38

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Dec, 19:37

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Dec, 19:36

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

13 Dec, 19:36

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 12:39

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:42

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:42

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:41

PhD on Stratospheric dynamics at DAMTP

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:40

Dear all,

We are recruiting a post-doctoral researcher with a PhD in probability and an interest in
evolutionary biology. The postdoc is funded by the ANR JCJC project GARP (Graphes Aléatoires
pour les Réseaux Phylogénétiques -- Random Graphs for Phylogenetic Networks).

* Location: Université de Franche-Comté, Laboratoire de mathématiques de Besançon (France).
See and

* Duration: 24 months, starting in 2025. The starting date is flexible -- applications will
start to be evaluated in February 2025, but later applications will be considered as long as
the position is not filled.

* Salary: will be based on a grid taking into account previous postdoctoral experience, but
should not be less than 2550€ gross per month. Health insurance and other social benefits are
included. The position comes with additional funding for travel.

* Contact: Jean-Jil Duchamps ([email protected]) and François Bienvenu
([email protected]). Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

* Application: should be sent to us by email, and consist of:
- a scientific curriculum vitae including a list of publications;
- a motivation letter including a list of two people who may be contacted for reference letters.

* Potential research directions:
- Phylogenetic networks.
- Branching processes with interaction.
- Random graphs, scaling limits and local limits.

Jean-Jil Duchamps ( and
François Bienvenu (

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:40

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:39

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:38

University of Minnesota's Center of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:37

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:36

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:36

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:35

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:35

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:35

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:33

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:32

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:32

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

02 Dec, 11:31

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

19 Nov, 13:36

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

19 Nov, 13:36

Doctoral Programme in Sensing, Processing, and AI for Defence and Security (SPADS)

Interested in a career developing generation-after-next technology in the defence and security sector?

We are thrilled to announce that recruitment for the second cohort to the Sensing, Processing and AI for Defence and Security (CDT SPADS) is now open! Applications for entry into 2025/26 can be made online, further information on the programme can be found: How to apply | EPSRC and MoD CDT in Sensing, Processing, and AI for Defence and Security (SPADS)

The doctoral training programme with integrated studies focuses on advanced computation and sensing for defense and security applications, which will train the next generation of UK defense scientists in cutting-edge and generation-after-next technologies in the areas of artificial intelligence, sensing and processing, and hardware design.

Through this training, which is co-designed with our industry and government partners, you will over four years become a highly qualified defence scientist, develop the solid technical foundations and skills required to work within multidisciplinary projects, as well as critical regulation and security knowledge to work with national and international companies.

The programme is based in Edinburgh and is delivered jointly by the University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt University. All students graduate with a joint degree awarded from both universities.

We welcome applications from all interested candidates with a Maths and/or Physics background.

Recruitment has begun for September 2025 entry with a deadline of 31st January 2025.

For email enquiries please contact our programme administration: [email protected].

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

19 Nov, 13:35

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

18 Nov, 23:58

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

18 Nov, 19:10

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

18 Nov, 09:16

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

18 Nov, 09:16

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

18 Nov, 09:16

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

18 Nov, 09:15

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

15 Nov, 14:46

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

15 Nov, 14:45

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

15 Nov, 14:45

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

15 Nov, 14:44

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

15 Nov, 14:44

Recrutement FSEP au LBBE d'un IR BAP E - Expert-e en information statistique

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

14 Nov, 11:30

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

14 Nov, 11:29

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

14 Nov, 11:29

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

14 Nov, 11:29

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

14 Nov, 11:28

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

14 Nov, 11:28

POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP IN DISCRETE OPTIMIZATIONApplications are invited for a Post-Doctoral position at the University of Toronto, Canada. The broad area of research is Discrete Optimization. Possible focus areas include Approximation Algorithms, Scheduling, Network Optimization, Computational Discrete Optimization, Facility Location; however, strong applicants in all areas of Discrete Optimization and Networks Algorithms will be considered. The applicants should be within 5 years (or close to completion) of their Ph.D. in Computer Science, Mathematics / Applied Mathematics, Industrial Engineering, Operations Research / Management, or a related field.The successful candidate will work under the supervision of professor Igor Averbakh in the Department of Management, University of Toronto Scarborough. The position carries a salary of $4,200 Canadian dollars per month. The start date is negotiable.The initial contract will be for 6-12 months, with a possibility of extensions for up to 2 years based on mutual interest and availability of funds. To apply, send a C.V. and a sample of recent research (papers, preprints, etc.) electronically to professor Igor Averbakh at [email protected] will be accepted until the position is filled.The normal hours of work are 40 hours per week for a full-time postdoctoral fellow (pro-rated for those holding a partial appointment) recognizing that the needs of the employee’s research and training and the needs of the supervisor’s research program may require flexibility in the performance of the employee’s duties and hours of work. Employment as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto is covered by the terms of the CUPE 3902 Unit 5 Collective Agreement.This job is posted in accordance with the CUPE 3902 Unit 5 Collective Agreement.The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons / persons of colour, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ2S+ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

14 Nov, 11:27

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

14 Nov, 11:26

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

14 Nov, 11:26

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

14 Nov, 11:25

The Clermont Auvergne University (UCA) in Clermont-Ferrand, France,
offers an exciting opportunity to work as a PhD student at the forefront
of algorithmics and graph theory. This also includes a position for a
Master 2 internship before the PhD, starting in February/March 2025.

The successful candidate will design enumeration algorithms dedicated to
combinatorial graph problems. Transversal topics of the position could
also be approximation, parameterized complexity, and online algorithms.
We provide an exclusive (!) supervision. Supervisors are Prof. Vincent
LIMOUZY ( and Dr. Pierre BERGE
( The candidate will join the
laboratory LIMOS and in particular a young and talented team of
researchers in algorithmics :

The position is fully paid (100%) and offered for a period of 3 years.
It will start from September/October 2025. The knowledge of French is
not necessary for the position : daily discussion can be achieved in
English with all colleagues. LIMOS is located on the Cezeaux campus, in
the suburbs of Clermont-Ferrand, with a very nice view on the
neighboring mountains. Clermont-Ferrand is part of the "chaine des
Puys", an impressive mountain range made up of old volcanos.

An excellent Masters degree (either already obtained or to be completed
soon) in (Applied) Mathematics, Computer Science, Operations Research,
Engineering or related field is required. Affinity with discrete
mathematics/graphs/algorithmics/complexity is preferred. Our objective
is to publish in the best (core rank A/A*) international
conferences/journals of theoretical computer science.

Interested individuals should submit their applications by December 18th
to the adress pierre.berge[at], including a short CV and at least
one recommandation letter. Late submissions will also be considered but
will not be priority.

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

14 Nov, 11:25

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

14 Nov, 11:25

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

14 Nov, 08:44

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

14 Nov, 08:44

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

08 Nov, 15:37

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

08 Nov, 13:52

The BWMC research group at the University of Pretoria seeks for a postgraduate student to contribute towards leading-edge research by focusing on Quantum research. This will be a fully funded bursary opportunity in the BWMC Research Group.
Eligibility Criteria:

Completed undergraduate/honours degree in electrical/electronic/computer engineering;

Working knowledge of Python/Matlab programming language (student may be taught the other Quantum computing programming suites.)

Passionate interest in Quantum research, i.e., Quantum Communication and Quantum Sensing;

Good academic record.


The incumbent will be responsible for the following:

Study quantum computing schemes using theory and simulation software;

Develop theory to validate and benchmark operations on logical qubits;

Present research findings in technical talks and conference and journal publications.

Students eligible and passionate about advancing knowledge in Quantum research are encouraged to send their CVs and academic record for consideration to Prof. Sunil Maharaj on the following email: [email protected]

Closing Date: 2 December 2024.

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

08 Nov, 13:17

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

07 Nov, 15:27

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

07 Nov, 13:04

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

07 Nov, 11:42

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

07 Nov, 11:35

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

07 Nov, 09:51

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

07 Nov, 09:49

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

07 Nov, 09:49

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

06 Nov, 10:56

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

06 Nov, 10:56

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

06 Nov, 10:56

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

06 Nov, 10:53

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

05 Nov, 13:23

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

05 Nov, 13:22

Context and Motivation

In Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS), the continuous exchange of large data volumes is critical for the effectiveness of applications, making the security of these messages essential. For instance, to protect the privacy of road users, vehicles are required to frequently change their pseudonyms, along with other network identifiers such as IP addresses, MAC addresses, and so on. This dynamic nature of identifier changes introduces significant challenges for performing efficient intrusion detection, as tracking and identifying malicious behavior becomes more complex.

In this context, there is a growing need for an advanced Intrusion Detection System (IDS) tailored for C-ITS environments. This IDS must ensure a balance between meeting the strict privacy requirements set by standards and enhancing the detection and prevention of intrusions and cyber threats.

Required Profile

The postdoctoral researcher is expected to have a strong background and expertise in machine learning, with proven experience in developing and applying advanced algorithms. Additional skills in cybersecurity and networking are highly valued, as they will be crucial for addressing the complex challenges in the project. The ideal candidate should also demonstrate strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, with a capacity for independent research

How to apply

Send your full resume (including a publication list) and motivation letter to Badis HAMMI ([email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>), and Maryline LAURENT ([email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>).

Application deadline: November 25th, 2024

Research team

Telecom SudParis (<>) is a member of both Institut Polytechnique de Paris (<>) and Institut Mines-Télécom (<>). Located both in Evry and Palaiseau, it offers an excellent environment for research and teaching. The candidate will join the SCN (Security and Confidence oN digital systems) team of the SAMOVAR laboratory (<>) and be associated to the computer science department (IDIA) at IP Paris.

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

05 Nov, 13:21

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

05 Nov, 13:20

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

05 Nov, 13:19

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

04 Nov, 20:08

Dear all,

I have various postdoc positions at OIST in Okinawa, Japan, starting right away.

The successful candidate would work directly with me and the topic can vary

based on common interests.

Actual areas of interest include:

- information measures;

- concentration of measure in non-classical settings (non iid);

- information-theoretic bounds on the generalisation error of learning algorithms;

- estimation theory;

- hypothesis testing in non-classical settings;

- estimation and prediction in biological settings;

- properties (contraction) of Markovian and non-Markovian operators on probability measures;

- variational characterisations of information measures;

Knowledge of measure theory and functional analysis is strongly appreciated.

If you know someone that might be interested please kindly forward them this email.


Amedeo Roberto Esposito

[email protected]

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

04 Nov, 20:06

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

04 Nov, 17:29

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

04 Nov, 17:29

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

04 Nov, 17:28

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

04 Nov, 17:25

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

04 Nov, 17:24

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

04 Nov, 17:23

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

04 Nov, 17:23

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

04 Nov, 17:22

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

04 Nov, 17:20

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

04 Nov, 17:20

Come join us in Boston! We are hiring one PhD in biophysics!
Brand new lab, amazing facilities and friendly team!
If you are interested in exploring how neurons develop through the lens of physical principles. Please email Maijia [email protected] and apply to
PhD Fall 25 deadline: Dec 1st
Lab website:

Your help in spreading this information, including the attached flyer, to promising students seeking their next career step, would be greatly appreciated!

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

24 Oct, 08:25

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

23 Oct, 10:56

In Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS), the continuous exchange of large data volumes is critical for the effectiveness of applications, making the security of these messages essential. For instance, to protect the privacy of road users, vehicles are required to frequently change their pseudonyms, along with other network identifiers such as IP addresses, MAC addresses, and so on. This dynamic nature of identifier changes introduces significant challenges for performing efficient intrusion detection, as tracking and identifying malicious behavior becomes more complex.

In this context, there is a growing need for an advanced Intrusion Detection System (IDS) tailored for C-ITS environments. This IDS must ensure a balance between meeting the strict privacy requirements set by standards and enhancing the detection and prevention of intrusions and cyber threats.

Required Profile

The postdoctoral researcher is expected to have a strong background and expertise in machine learning, with proven experience in developing and applying advanced algorithms. Additional skills in cybersecurity and networking are highly valued, as they will be crucial for addressing the complex challenges in the project. The ideal candidate should also demonstrate strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, with a capacity for independent research

How to apply

Send your full resume (including a publication list) and motivation letter to Badis HAMMI ([email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>), and Maryline LAURENT ([email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>).

Application deadline: November 25th, 2024

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

22 Oct, 22:40

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

22 Oct, 22:39

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

22 Oct, 22:39

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

22 Oct, 22:39

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

22 Oct, 22:34

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

22 Oct, 22:32

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

22 Oct, 10:48

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

22 Oct, 10:47

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

21 Oct, 21:35

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

21 Oct, 21:34

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

18 Oct, 17:33

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

18 Oct, 09:18

Dear All,

Invitation to a public talk on Quantum Science and Technology.

𝗧𝗼𝗽𝗶𝗰: Status of Quantum Algorithm Approaches and their Application

𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗲: 🗓️ Today, Oct. 18th 2024

𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲: 𝟭5:𝟱𝟬 𝗚𝗠𝗧 𝘁𝗼 𝟭8:0𝟬 𝗚𝗠𝗧


Meeting ID: 706 260 8945
Passcode: 283432

𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗲r: Kathrin Spendier - XPRIZE

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

18 Oct, 09:18

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

18 Oct, 09:16

Bourses_et_Opportunités_d_études (BOpE)

18 Oct, 09:16





