پیلههایی در دل هستند که
با امید پروانه ای بال گشوده
و به سوی خدا اوج میگیرند
امیدوارم در این شب زیبا
پروانه آرزوهایتان
بر زیباترین گل های اجابت بنشیند 🙏🏻🧿❤️
Welcome to ⚘کانال بلور رویا⚘, a Telegram channel dedicated to spreading positivity and inspiring acts of kindness. The channel's username is @bolur_roya379. The content shared in this channel focuses on the happiness of others, reminding us that by spreading joy and kindness to those around us, we also enrich our own lives. Through uplifting messages and motivational quotes, ⚘کانال بلور رویا⚘ encourages followers to be compassionate and make wishes for the well-being of others. Remember, happiness is contagious, and by being kind and showing empathy towards others, we not only positively impact their lives but also enhance our own. Join our community of like-minded individuals who believe in the power of positivity and making a difference in the world. Let's spread love, kindness, and joy together! 🍃🕊
02 Jan, 21:50
02 Jan, 20:49
31 Dec, 22:01
31 Dec, 11:51
25 Dec, 09:33
22 Dec, 17:51
20 Dec, 18:23
20 Dec, 18:23
20 Dec, 18:23
18 Dec, 19:15
18 Dec, 18:51
17 Dec, 21:12
17 Dec, 14:41
17 Dec, 11:44
17 Dec, 10:55
17 Dec, 10:55
17 Dec, 10:54
17 Dec, 10:05
17 Dec, 10:04
15 Dec, 18:34
06 Dec, 20:51
06 Dec, 15:28
05 Dec, 16:36
05 Dec, 14:15
05 Dec, 09:14
04 Dec, 17:22
04 Dec, 17:21
03 Dec, 19:18
02 Dec, 18:03
02 Dec, 18:00
02 Dec, 10:48
02 Dec, 10:36
24 Nov, 12:13
19 Nov, 06:04
18 Nov, 21:57
18 Nov, 10:35
18 Nov, 10:33
17 Nov, 08:42
17 Nov, 08:42
12 Nov, 17:05
11 Nov, 12:33
06 Nov, 11:04
04 Nov, 15:49
04 Nov, 15:48
30 Oct, 18:21
30 Oct, 18:19
30 Oct, 18:18
30 Oct, 08:47
30 Oct, 08:12
30 Oct, 08:10
30 Oct, 08:09
30 Oct, 08:07
28 Oct, 08:50
27 Oct, 12:10
27 Oct, 09:00
26 Oct, 12:17
23 Oct, 08:46
22 Oct, 17:47
21 Oct, 20:44
21 Oct, 20:42
21 Oct, 20:42
21 Oct, 20:42
21 Oct, 20:40
21 Oct, 20:38
21 Oct, 20:13
21 Oct, 20:01
21 Oct, 20:01
20 Oct, 12:16
19 Oct, 17:43
19 Oct, 17:04
19 Oct, 17:03